Joseph Ngogi Nkongolo

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Joseph Ngogi Nkongolo (born June 17, 1916 in Hemptinne Saint Benoît , Belgian Congo ; † October 12, 1999 ) was Bishop of Mbujimayi .


Joseph Ngogi Nkongolo received on 5 May 1946, the sacrament of Holy Orders .

On April 25, 1959, Pope John XXIII appointed him . the titular bishop of Lebedus and ordered him for the first Apostolic Vicar of Luebo . The Vicar Apostolic of Luluabourg , Bernard Mels CICM , donated him episcopal ordination on July 1st of the same year ; Co-consecrators were the Vicar Apostolic of Kabinda , Georges Kettel CICM, and the Apostolic Vicar Emeritus of Kasaï Superiore, Louis-Georges-Firmin Demol CICM. Joseph Ngogi Nkongolo was on November 10, 1959 as a result of the elevation of the Apostolic Vicariate Luebo to the diocese of Pope John XXIII. appointed first bishop of Luebo. On May 3, 1966, Pope Paul VI appointed him . to the first bishop of Mbujimayi.

On November 26, 1991, Pope John Paul II accepted Joseph Ngogi Nkongolo's resignation due to reasons of age.

Joseph Ngogi Nkongolo attended all four sessions of the Second Vatican Council .

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predecessor Office successor
... Apostolic Vicar / Bishop of Luebo
François Kabangu wa Mutela
... Bishop of Mbujimayi
Tharcisse Tshibangu Tshishiku