Joseph Wagener

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Luxembourg soldiers read newspapers on the battlefield
Participation of Luxembourg soldiers in the Korean War (1953)

Joseph Wagener (also called "Tun"; * August 28, 1924 in Heinerscheid , Luxembourg ; † November 25, 2019 in Luxembourg ) became known as the commander of the first contingent of volunteers (43 men) of the armed forces of Luxembourg in the Korean War (1950 to 1953).

The first contingent of volunteers under Joseph Wagener was adopted by Prince Félix on October 2, 1950 as part of a solemn ceremony in the barracks courtyard of the Heilig-Geist-Plateau. So far, the Korean War was the only war in which the Luxembourg Army took an active part after the Second World War.

education and profession

After the Second World War , Joseph Wagener joined the Luxembourg army and studied at the French military school Saint-Cyr . In 1950 he went to Korea and became the commander of the first contingent of Luxembourg volunteers in the Korean War. Rodolphe (Rudy) Lutty was the commander of the second Luxembourg contingent (42 men).

After his return to Luxembourg he was company and battalion chief, head of the "Ecole des candidats gradés" and then commanding officer of the grand ducal guard ( Garde grand-ducale ) until its dissolution in 1966. 1979, after he was still a liaison officer at NATO in Brussels he retired with the rank of colonel .


In 1951 he was awarded the US military order Bronze Star Medal with the addition V ( V for valor , "bravery") for his actions and received three commendations.

In Dongducheon there is a war memorial in honor of the Belgian and Luxembourg soldiers in the Korean War. A total of 97 people from this Belgian-Luxembourg contingent died, five were missing and 350 were wounded. In August and September 1952, two members of the second Luxembourg contingent, Caporal Roger Stutz († August 22, 1952) and Sergeant Robert Mores († September 26, 1952), were killed. A total of 17 Luxembourg soldiers were injured in the Korean War.

Historical reappraisal in South Korea

On August 7, 2019, Joseph Wagener was interviewed by Jongwoo Han, President of the Korean War Legacy Foundation ( South Korea ), about his role in the Korean War and its ramifications.


In the film Tour of Duty - Lëtzebuerger am Koreakrich (German about way of duty - Luxembourgers in the Korean War ), director Fränk Grotz traced the personal fate of four Luxembourg war veterans , including Joseph Wageners.


  • Acknowledgment is given to the Luxembourgers serving in the Korean War. Military History Museum from Diekirch supports museum in Seoul. Luxemburger Wort of October 21, 2011, p. 37.
  • Lamberty, John, 2010. In the run-up to the honor of the Luxembourg Korean fighters today in Diekirch - "60 years ago in Korea ..." - Jos Wagener led the first Luxembourg volunteer contingent in the Korean War . Interview in Luxemburger Wort of October 2, 2010 (No. 230), p. 47.

Individual evidence

  1. At that time this contingent consisted of a total of 85 Luxembourg soldiers and belonged to the Belgian United Nations Command (BUNC), which was reinforced with South Korean forces. The Belgian contingent numbered about 1,000 men. This command was subordinated to the 3rd US Infantry Division in Korea , and later for a short time to the 29th British Independent Brigade .
  2. a b c The horrors of the forgotten war , website:
  3. ^ "Do" Wagener is dead , Luxemburger Wort from November 27, 2019.
  4. Michel Thiel: "Do" Wagener is dead , website: of November 27, 2019.
  5. a b c d e Claude Karger: I didn't say anything to the family , website: from June 23, 2015.
  6. a b c MNHM - Musée National d'Histoire Militaire , website:
  7. V for Valor in the sense of bravery .
  8. Musée National d'Histoire Militaire , website:
  9. Lack of recognition , website: