Juliana Rotich

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Juliana Rotich (2012)

Juliana Chebet Rotich (* 1977 in Kenya ) is a Kenyan IT expert and manager.


Juliana Rotich comes from Eldoret in western Kenya. She completed a computer science degree at the University of Missouri in Kansas , which she obtained with a B.Sc. completed.

Rotich was co-founder and until September 2015 Managing Director of Ushahidi , an on crowdsourcing -based open source software -Project that by geolocation , mobile phone systems and Internet gained reports data uses to meet to political, economic or environmental crises. Ushahidi combines telecommunications, data management, project management and the strengthening of skills for the control of systems. "Ushahidi" is the Swahili word for "testimony". Ushahidi was first used in the political unrest during the 2007/08 presidential elections in Kenya, and subsequently in Chile , Japan , New Zealand , Australia , Pakistan , Tanzania and Haiti .

Juliana Rotich and others founded BRCK Inc. , an organization that develops hardware, software and communication systems, and ran this non-profit organization until February 2017. As a blogger, Rotich published articles on Afrigadget.com and was the editor for the Responsible for environmental protection for Global Voices Online and participated in the TED global conference in Arusha in 2007. She is a Senior TED Fellow . She was regularly critical of technological developments in Africa and ecological threats such as the loss of forest areas and water resources in Kenya.

In 2014 Rotich presented their projects at the annual Design Indaba Conference in Cape Town . From 2014 to 2015 she worked in the independent expert commission on IT use for sustainable development set up by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon , which was headed by Enrico Giovannini and Robin Li .

She is a consultant at the MIT Media Lab in Cambridge, Massachusetts , the leading university in the field of research into technology-enhanced teaching and new forms of communication. She is the Young Global Leader at the World Economic Forum in Davos with an advisory function for IT-supported development.

She was a board member of the Spanish Bankinter Foundation for Entrepreneurship and Innovation as well as board member of the Standard Media Group and the Kenya Vision 2030 Delivery Board . She was a consultant for Microsoft 4Afrika , the audio platform Waabeh Ltd. as well as for the communication platform Novato Africa and contributed to the staging of the first startup competition for air traffic in East Africa.

In 2017 Rotich was a participant at the W20 summit in Berlin and represented BRCK in a panel discussion with Chancellor Angela Merkel , IMF Director Christine Lagarde , Queen Máxima of the Netherlands , Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland , Ivanka Trump and others.

From May 2018 to December 2018 Rotich was the BASF Group's regional manager for East Africa . She was previously a member of BASF's Global Sustainability Advisory Council .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. TED Speaker: Juliana Rotich
  2. Juliana Rotich, Ushahidi (Ed.), Nairobi, September 11, 2015
  3. Patrick Barkham: Juliana Rotich , The Guardian . March 8, 2011. Retrieved October 14, 2011. 
  4. Ushahidi . Archived from the original on October 7, 2011. Retrieved October 13, 2011.
  5. Juliana Rotich . In: The TED Fellows Directory . Retrieved November 4, 2012.
  6. ^ Design Indaba Conference 2014
  7. Independent expert group at the UN Secretary General on the IT revolution for sustainable development
  8. http://directorsfellows.media.mit.edu/fellow-profiles/juliana-rotich/
  9. https://www.media.mit.edu/people/rotich/overview/
  10. https://www.weforum.org/people/juliana-rotich
  11. https://dld-conference.com/users/juliana-rotich
  12. a b https://www.basf.com/za/en/media/news-releases-south-africa/2018/BASF-Appoints-Kenyan-Juliana-Rotich-as-Country-Cluster-Head-for-East -Africa.html
  13. ^ W20 summit in Germany 2017
  14. Videos with speeches by J. Rotich at the W20 summit
  15. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2011/01/reflections-from-a-tech-pioneer-juliana-rotich/
  16. https://www.schwabfound.org/awardees/juliana-rotich
  17. http://fortune.com/2014/03/20/worlds-50-greatest-leaders/
  18. http://www.deutsche-afrika-stiftung.de/index.php?article_id=1085&clang=0 accessed on October 23, 2019
  19. https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/aktuelles/rede-von-bundeskanzlerin-merkel-zur-verleihung-des-deutschen-afrika-preises-an-juliana-rotich-am-23-oktober-2019 -in-berlin-1684808 accessed on January 15, 2020