Julius Friedrich Koeler

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Major Julius Friedrich Koeler

Julius Friedrich Koeler (born June 16, 1804 in Mainz , † 1847 in Petrópolis ) was a German engineer officer and architect .


Julius Friedrich was the son of the botanist and doctor Georg Ludwig Koeler and Elise Amelung. With the approval of his church, the Lutheran married Maria do Carmo Rebelo de Lamare on February 24, 1830, with whom he had a son, Rodrigo.

Koeler was born in the fortress of Mainz , in Mayence in France at the time . He received training in fortification in the Prussian army and served there as a genius officer until 1825. In 1828 he took on recruitment by the agent Georg Anton Schäffer a job as an officer with the rank of lieutenant in the Brazilian army , which the detachment of Brazil should strengthen by the Portuguese colonial power. After his naturalization, Koeler entered the service of the province of Rio de Janeiro as a civil engineer .

In 1833 he was re-enlisted in the army. Participation in several large infrastructure projects, such as the road that connected the then capital Niterói with Paraíba do Sul in the north of the state. There he rose to the rank of major in 1842.

After entering the service of the Brazilian Emperor Dom Pedro I , he was commissioned in 1843 by his son Dom Pedro II, together with the majordomo of the imperial household, to build a summer residence, which greatly enhanced the city of Petrópolis. A historical city map from September 1846 shows the regional German origin of the colonists through the naming of the twelve colony quarters.

Koeler died in a gunshot accident in 1847.

Web links

Commons : Júlio Frederico Koeler  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich Sommer: Julius Friedrich Koeler: Major in the Brazilian Geniekorps, 1804-1847 Staatsverlag, 1927
  2. ^ Local family books , Lower Saxony Regional Association for Family Studies
  3. A Igreja Luterana eo Colégio Koeler ( Memento from December 27, 2012 in the web archive archive.today ) Text on the 200th birthday of Júlio Frederico Koeler
  4. ^ Benjamin Franklin Schappelle: The German Element in Brazil - Colonies and Dialect December 20, 2005
  5. Petrópolis ( Memento of December 15, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) - A Brazilian "Versailles"