Hanns Jungnik Freiherr von Wittken

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EGF Hanns Jungnik Freiherr von Wittken (born December 31, 1888 in Brätz , Meseritz district ; died after 1943) was a German anti-Semite and National Socialist who contributed to the development of National Socialist criminal law through his writings on "Urarian criminal law".


Three years after the birth of Hanns Jungnik Freiherr von Wittken, his family moved to Neutomischel in 1891 . At the Auguste-Viktoria Gymnasium in Poznan , he passed the Abitur. He studied classical philology and theology for seven semesters in Breslau , Greifswald and Königsberg . After a voluntary year in the 5th foot artillery regiment in Poznan, he spent the preparation time for the state examination and the planned doctorate partly as a teacher at the private school “Pädagogium Dr. Bark ”to Berlin-Lankwitz. During the First World War he was called up as a non-commissioned officer . On July 29, 1915, he passed his philosophical doctoral examination at the University of Giessen with the grade “good” on the basis of his work “The problem of moral and religious education according to Kant and AH Niemeyer”. On June 24, 1916, he passed the exams pro facultate docendi in the Scientific Examination Office in Königsberg and expanded it on July 25, 1919 in Breslau to include the Latin upper faculties.

After the exam in June 1916, he lost his left hearing as a soldier and was dismissed as unfit for military service. On December 1, 1916, he was appointed to the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Gymnasium in Poznan to do his traineeship year . From Easter 1917 he took the position of senior teacher at the Royal Wilhelmsgymnasium in Krotoschin .

In 1918 Hanns Jungnik Freiherr von Wittken moved to Berlin with his wife Martha Maria, née Becher. On July 30, 1921, he was "elected" to be a teacher at the grammar school in Berlin-Tempelhof.

1927, at the age of 39 years, he began his career alongside Jura study. After eight semesters, on July 7, 1931, he received his doctorate degree from the University of Erlangen with his thesis on “The legal situation of the Prussian primary school types”. jur. PhD.

As a result of his knowledge of the Pandects , on April 25, 1933, he was given a teaching position at the law faculty of the University of Berlin and held lectures on Roman law for three years .

On July 28, 1933 he got his second marriage; he had several children with Helene, née Wermuth.

Nervous problems and the loss of his remaining right hearing forced him to give up his professional activities as a teacher and lecturer in 1936.

On May 29, 1936, in the name of the Führer Adolf Hitler, he received the Cross of Honor for Frontline Fighters and on September 26, 1938 the Loyalty Service Medal.

Underpinning the racist criminal law of National Socialism

In 1943 the self-written curriculum vitae of Hanns Jungnik Freiherr von Wittkens with the title My curriculum vitae and evidence of Aryan descent was published as part of a family history . According to his own account, Adolf Hitler asked him in 1936 " to appear in public with scientific writings for the purpose of underpinning the National Socialist worldview ". Of his already completed "Nazi writings", only two could have been printed in 1943 due to the Second World War : "The National Socialist Blood Protection Laws as Reflected in the Urarian Criminal Law" and "The Urarian Source of the Ideal Laws of Plato as the Basis for a Draft of the New Folkish Criminal Law" .

In the foreword of the monograph Hanns Jungnik Freiherr von Wittkens on the so-called “National Socialist Blood Protection Laws , to which u. a. the law for the prevention of hereditary offspring of 1933 and the Nuremberg Laws of 1935 can be read:

"[...] I - I believe - succeeded in working out a core with the help of the oldest Indian, Hellenic, Italian and Germanic sources and the urarian feeling that still sprinkles here and there from the Icelander sagas, which - because it revolves around the most sacred thing is common to all Altaric peoples - is undoubtedly not only Urarian , but - as the comparatively contrasted Semitic world of ideas shows - even typically Urarian.
I then contrasted these principles of the Urarian worldview that were obtained in this way with the principles of the National Socialist worldview. "

In the bibliography of this document a. Johann von Leers , Herbert Meyer , Alfred Rosenberg and Carl Schmitt mentioned in 1934 with “State, Movement, People”.

In the foreword to the text on Plato's laws as the basis of national criminal law, on which Roland Freisler has been authoritative since 1933, can be read:

“I am of course aware that the crude Urarian criminal law no longer corresponds to cultural progress, but I consider it an inexhaustible source of purely Aryan ideas which the coming national criminal law has to evaluate accordingly if it is not firmly established and as a result of the racial rearing of our people should be in need of overhaul too soon. "

Hans FK Günther , known as “Rasse-Günther” by the National Socialists , who had already praised “Plato as the guardian of life” in 1928 , is now also mentioned in the bibliography of this document .


  • The problem of moral and religious education according to Kant and AH Niemeyer , Berlin: Trenkel 1915 (51 pages)
  • The legal situation of the Prussian primary school types , (Jur. Diss. Erlangen) 1931 (58 pages)
  • The National Socialist blood protection laws as reflected in the Urarian criminal law , Berlin: Verlag von ES Mittler & Sohn 1938 (214 pages)
  • The Urarian source of the ideal laws of Plato as the basis of a draft of the new national criminal law , Berlin: Verlag von ES Mittler & Sohn 1938 (95 pages)
  • My curriculum vitae and evidence of Aryan descent in the context of a family history , Berlin 1943 (11 pages) Cf. in SWB online catalog 109641086

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k Hanns Jungnik Freiherr von Wittken: My curriculum vitae and evidence of Aryan descent in the context of a family history . Berlin 1943 (11 pages)
  2. Hanns Jungnik Freiherr von Wittken: The Nazi blood protection laws in the mirror of urarischen criminal law , Berlin: Verlag ES Mittler & Son 1938, p.6
  3. Hanns Jungnik Freiherr von Wittken: The urarische source of ideal laws of Plato as a basis of a draft of the new ethnic criminal f Verlag ES Mittler & Son 1938, p 5, Berlin.