Johann von Leers

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Johann von Leers (1933)

Johann von Leers , also Johann-Jakob von Leers (born January 25, 1902 in Vietlübbe , Mecklenburg ; † March 5, 1965 in Cairo ; with numerous pseudonyms after 1945) was a German Nazi publicist and lawyer . During the Nazi era , von Leers was appointed university professor of history. He often worked as a journalist. He was one of the most active anti-Semitic propagandists throughout his life . In 1955 he settled in Egypt , converted to Islam and continued to conduct anti-Semitic propaganda in collaboration with the Egyptian government.


Johann von Leers came from the 1791 in the Empire nobility collected original merchant and later Mecklenburg landowner family Leers (on the estates Schonfeld , mills Eichsen and Vietlübbe in office Gadebusch ). He was the eldest son of Kurt (Alfred August Constantin Leopold Heino) von Leers from the Schönfeld family (born August 12, 1871 in Demmin; † 1917) and his wife Elisabeth Ida Auguste, née. von Buch (born September 3, 1877 in Strehlen (Dresden) ; † 1940). His youngest brother Kurt Mathias von Leers was a Catholic theology student and died in 1945 as a result of months of imprisonment in a concentration camp.

After attending the Neustrelitz grammar school , he studied law and history of Eastern Europe at the universities of Kiel , Berlin and Rostock . From 1923 to 1924 he was in the Wiking Association , then in the Adler und Falken youth association , an ideological-propagandistic association for racial biology and “Nordic culture” including “Germanic religion”. From 1926 to 1928 he worked in the Foreign Office as a cultural attaché for the Far East, where he began to deal intensively with the “ Jewish question ”. Humanity must be saved from " slavery by the Jews". After leaving the service, Leers returned to the heavily indebted Vietlübbe family estate, but could not prevent its bankruptcy and loss, for which he blamed “the Jews”. On August 1, 1929, he joined the NSDAP ( membership number 143,709) and became one of Joseph Goebbels' closest collaborators . From now on he became a meeting speaker for the party and a journalist for the " attack ". At the same time, von Leers became the main editor and co-editor of the Nazi magazine Wille und Weg . In 1932 he published the biography Adolf Hitler , which from then on was considered authoritative by the party.

From 1930 to 1931 von Leers was in the SA . In 1932/33 he was head of federal training at the NSDStB . In April 1933, he led a German delegation that attended a conference of the International Students Service (ISS) at the University of Leiden . The ISS was an association of students and lecturers that was supposed to promote international cooperation. The prerequisite was complete political neutrality on the part of the participants, and an “impartial understanding on an international level” should be achieved. Shortly before the end of the conference, the rector, the historian Johan Huizinga , summoned Leers. The university senate had seen an anti-Semitic pamphlet from Leers and asked Huizinga to confront him. The anti-Semitic work was called the demand of the hour: Jews out ! In it the author demanded that the religious minority of Jews should be expelled from Germany. The brochure alleged that Jews were ritually murdering Christian children and that this posed a danger to Christians in Germany and around the world. Leers professed his support for this work, but made it out that the brochure was a version reissued without his knowledge a work written a long time ago. He then pointed out that his views were shared by "high personalities" in Germany. The rector then asked him not to make further use of the hospitality of the university and to leave. Huizinga ended the conversation without shaking hands with Leers in parting. The German delegation then left before the end of the meeting. The anti-Semitic German Reich government, in office from January 30th, protested in the Netherlands and Huizinga was banned from lecturing in the Reich. The historical magazine in Germany, for which an article on Burgundy by Huizinga was just in print, distanced itself from its author. Huizinga's commitment against German anti-Semitism was not only applauded in Leiden and the Netherlands. Some university curators criticized him, but there was mostly approval for Huizinga's actions, which had created a bad image of the Germans in the Dutch press.

On May 14, 1936, von Leers was accepted into the SS as Untersturmführer (later promoted to Obersturmführer) and was appointed SS leader in the staff of the Race and Settlement Main Office . His enthusiasm for the “peasantry” and its allegedly species-specific ethos led him to work with Walther Darré and his “ Reichsnährstand ”.

Religion, teacher

Leers was friends with the racist Ernst Bergmann , a believer in an "Odins religion", and the racial biologist Hans FK Günther . In 1933/34 he was part of the leadership council of the German Faith Movement founded by Jakob Wilhelm Hauer , in which racism and religion were combined. Each race has its own "religious species image". Christianity, for Leers, was a mixture of “inferiority and Jewish philosophy”. For his anti-Christian activities, Leers received protection from Rudolf Hess and Wilhelm Frick , but met the opposition of his former sponsor Goebbels, who at the time did not want a power struggle with the churches. As a result, Leers found himself in the same ideological camp as Alfred Rosenberg and the peasant minister Walther Darré . In the project " Koranstellen , which should refer to the Führer", as the predicted messiah, located in the RSHA, Research Center Orient in 1943, there were further documented contacts between Leers and Heinrich Himmler .

Leers was a board member of a “Society for Germanic Prehistory ” and therefore published the “Nordic World”. His goal was to propagate the teachings of Herman Wirth ; Leers and Wirth had known each other from the Hauer movement since 1933 ; Leers introduced Wirth to Himmler in 1934. He had a lot to do with Himmler as a cadre at the Ahnenerbe .

Leers was initially allowed (1933) to head the “Department for Foreign Policy and Foreign Studies” at the Berlin Administrative Academy, and then to orient adult education in a National Socialist manner. Since 1933 he was a lecturer at the German University of Politics . In 1936 he received a lectureship at the University of Jena , called "German legal, economic and political history on a racial basis", became an adjunct professor in 1938 and was given a chair in "German history, especially German peasant history" in March 1940 without his being Studied history, let alone completed his habilitation. Jena was considered a Nazi stronghold. In 1942, in Jena, which is far away from the sea, a "Seminar for Maritime History and Sailing" was newly established and he became its director. His assistants in Jena included Ingeborg Meinhof and Renate Riemeck (later the foster mother of the Red Army Faction Terrorist Ulrike Meinhof ), who received their doctorate through him in 1943 . Since 1943, Leers was also controversial within the NSDAP due to allegations of plagiarism.

Editor and Nazi propaganda

After the seizure of power of the Nazis Leers belonged in October 1933 the 88 signatories of the vow faithful allegiance to Adolf Hitler . From 1933 to 1945 von Leers was the author of numerous Nazi propaganda pamphlets , including Jews at You (1933), Blood and Race in Legislation (1936), Races, Peoples and Nationalities (1939) and as a translator of Babylon under Stars of David and prison strips. American Youth of Today by Luigi Olivero (German 1944; from the Italian - Runge, Berlin).

The medium-sized editions of the works attempted to stylize “ World Jewry ” as a hereditary enemy and the Nazi man as Eros . In The Criminal Nature of the Jews he writes: “Judaism is biological hereditary crime, religious syncretism with a strong proportion of belief in demons. Anyone who fights against Judaism is 'doing the Lord's work' and is fighting a battle for God. ”From the beginning of his journalism, Leers referred to the Jews as world rulers in the sense of the“ Protocols of the Elders of Zion ”and accused them of ritual murder .

In 1933 he wrote about Albert Einstein in Jews look at you : “Invented a heavily contested» theory of relativity «. It was highly celebrated by the Jewish press and the unsuspecting German people, and it was thanked by mendacious atrocities against Adolf Hitler abroad. (Unhanged). "

Leers was one of the main authors of the school magazine Help with, which was published by the National Socialist Teachers' Union (NSLB) from 1933 to 1944 month after month in millions of copies. and at times also responsible for the “political editing” as its editor . With his own over 100 articles he exceeded the number of contributions of all other authors and dominated the area of ​​"history" in Help! . He indoctrinated the students with anti-Semitic propaganda and stories that glorified Hitler's leadership qualities. In addition, Leers was temporarily chief editor of the magazine Volksaufklerung und Schule (VS ), which has been published since 1934 and distributed free of charge to all teachers , the "information service for the entire teaching staff". VS was also published by the National Socialist teachers' association . Leers was also responsible for the National Socialist indoctrination of teachers.

post war period

In 1945/46 von Leers was interned in the American zone of occupation , but was able to flee and lived for the next few years under an assumed name in the British zone of occupation near Bonn . In 1950 he fled on via Hamburg to Buenos Aires (where the so-called " Rattenlinie " led), where he then worked for the German Dürer publishing house together with Dieter Vollmer as a publisher's editor ; here he was jointly responsible for the book program and the publication of the magazine Der Weg für die National Socialisten in Argentina, in which he continued to preach hatred against "Jewish tyranny" until 1955. After the fall of Peron , and with it the loss of ideological support for a “third way” between capitalism and communism by the government, this came to an end. In Germany, Leers published tirelessly in several right-wing extremist newspapers under various pseudonyms.

To the American fascist H. Keith Thompson (Harold Keith Thompson, 1922–2002) Leers wrote in 1958:

“There are clearly more and more German patriots who are taking part in the Great Arab Revolution against the hideous imperialism. […] That is great! To the devil with Christianity, because in its name Germany was handed over to our oppressors. Our place, as an oppressed nation under the horrific West-colonized Bonn regime, must be on the side of the Arab nationalist uprising against the West. Let Adenauer rage that decent German patriots are not extradited to him or to his British and American bosses by those freedom-loving Arab countries. May the British pig call us 'interventionists'; in a short time British intervention in the Middle East will be history as it is in Iraq, where the infidel servants of British imperialism have all been killed. Thank God! The backing that the USA gives to the Jewish tyrants in Germany will bring about the uprising of the German nation. Really, there is only one hope for our country: Liberation from Western imperialism by participating in the group of anti-imperialists under Arab leadership! "

- from Leers : to H. Keith Thompson

As a Muslim

In 1955 von Leers settled in al-Maʿādī near Cairo in Egypt . He was personally welcomed by the Mufti Mohammed Amin al-Husseini in Cairo and converted from Christianity to Islam in 1957 , after which he called himself Omar Amin von Leers . For him Islam was "the only savior of mankind" from now until death; he characterized Christianity as "on the way of putrefaction, and the fate of his churches is the moral decomposition so that they become confederates of international Zionism and a means of Israeli propaganda".

Under President Gamal Abdel Nasser von Leers worked in the Egyptian foreign propaganda service known as the Information Department. Coogan also calls him the head of an "Institute for the Study of Zionism" that had existed in Cairo since 1953. During this time his wife Gesine von Leers, b. Schmaltz (1891–1974), unsuccessfully for years in Germany, to obtain a political amnesty for her husband. Through al-Husseini, whom he had met in his exile in Berlin in 1941, he increasingly came to the view that the struggle against the Jews was to be seen as a religious one. "As a religion, Islam has indeed rendered an everlasting service: it prevented the threatening conquest of Arabia by the Jews and defeated the terrible teachings of Jehovah through a pure religion," he wrote. By pure religion he means Islam as the national “species image” of the Arabs, in contrast to “universal religions”, which for him are contaminated by Judaism.

During his time in Egypt he also met Ahmed Huber , a bank manager and journalist from Switzerland who had converted from Protestantism to Islam . He helped Hans Eisele , a concentration camp doctor, escape from an impending trial in 1958. He successfully recommended Ludwig Zind to go to Cairo in order to protect himself from possible access by the German judiciary.

Under the pseudonym Felix Wietholdt , he published an anti-Semitic article in the magazine “Der Quell” in 1959, which led to the ban on the Association for Knowledge of God founded by Mathilde Ludendorff .

In 2013, the Federal Intelligence Service announced that von Leers had worked in Egypt for two periods: 1957 to 1959 under the name Nazi-Emi and from 1961 as Hannes . In the archival records, as far as known, von Leers' role in the BND is described as unproductive.

After his death, von Leers was transferred to Germany at the expense of the Egyptian state and buried on June 19, 1965 in Schutterwald according to the Islamic rite.

See also

Publications (selection)

As an author

  • Demand of the hour: Jews out. 4th edition. Hochmuth, Berlin 1934.
  • 14 years of the Jewish republic. The story of a racial struggle. 2 volumes National Socialist Printing and Publishing House, Berlin-Schöneberg 1932.
  • Chancellor Adolf Hitler. (= Men and powers). Adult edition. Kittler, 1933.
  • On the history of German anti-Semitism, In: Theodor Fritsch : Handbuch der Judenfrage. The most important facts for judging the Jewish people. 32. re-edit Edition. Hammer, Leipzig 1933. (JvL: this edition only in the edition from 1933 with 563 p .; reprint: Faksimile-Verlag, Bremen 1991, ISBN 3-8179-0011-2 , p. 503 ff.)
  • Jews look at you. National Socialist Printing and Publishing House, Berlin-Schöneberg 1933.
  • The cardinal and the Germanic peoples. A dispute with Cardinal Faulhaber . 1934.
  • Spengler's world political system and National Socialism. Junker & Dünnhaupt , Berlin 1934.
  • Racial History. Reclams Universal Library , 7249, Leipzig 1934.
  • The law of odals among the Japanese . In: Odal. Monthly for Blood and Soil , Vol. 2, Issue 12, June 1934, pp. 881-889.
  • The Great German Peasants' War - Who Was Right? In: Odal. Monthly for Blood and Soil , Vol. 3, 1934, Issue 3, pp. 162-171.
  • Michael Geismayr - the farmer prince of Tyrol . In: Odal. Monthly magazine for blood and soil , Vol. 3, 1934, Issue 4, pp. 240–248.
  • Stefan Fadinger, the peasant leader of the "Landl" . In: Odal. Monthly for Blood and Soil , Vol. 3, 1934, Issue 5, pp. 314-319.
  • The Danish Peasant Wars . In: Odal. Monthly for Blood and Soil , Volume 3, 1934, Issue 6, pp. 391–398.
  • The German peasants' 1000 year struggle for German art and German law . Blood & Soil, Goslar 1935.
  • Blood and race in legislation. 1936.
  • German: The colonial pioneers of Europe. Friedrich Bohnenberger, Stuttgart 1937.
  • Specific law and instruction. Edited by the National Administration of the NSLB . (= Bayreuth books for education and instruction). Publishing association Wilhelm Crüwell & Deutscher Volksverlag, Dortmund et al. 1937.
  • The life picture of the German craft. Published by the Deutsches Handwerksinstitut in the Reichsstand der Deutschen Handwerks. Zeleny, Munich 1938.
  • with Heinz Haushofer : Bavaria lead the plow east. How the empire's oldest Ostmark came into being. Blood and soil publishing house, Goslar 1938.
  • Races, peoples and nationalities. 1939.
  • with Heinrich Hansen: The German teacher as a creator of culture. Publishing house Moritz Diesterweg , Frankfurt 1939. (Illustr. Martin Tille )
  • German legal history and German legal thought. (= Administration of justice and administration. Row 2, Volume 6). German legal publisher, Berlin 1939.
  • Cannons over the steppe. Story from the revolutionary breakthrough of the first post-war years. Enßlin & Laiblin, Reutlingen undated (1934). (Reprint: Parkland, Stuttgart approx. 1975)
  • Judaism and rascals. A community of essence and life. 1940.
  • Odal. The law of life of an eternal Germany. 1939 (new edition in 2 volumes in 1991 in a right-wing radical publishing house).
  • Jews behind Stalin German Information Center, Berlin 1941.
  • Forces behind Roosevelt . Theodor Fritsch, Berlin 1941.
  • with Willy Becker : National Socialist Political Studies. Bonneß & Hachfeld, Potsdam 1934 ff. (Ten self-teaching letters, delivered one after the other from 1934 to 1942)
  • Focal points of world politics. Union, 1942.
  • Judaism and Islam as opposites. In: The Jewish question. H. 6., No. 24, December 15, 1942, pp. 275-278. English translation in: Andrew G. Bostom: The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism. Prometheus, NY 2008, pp. 619-625.
  • De poort van Rusland opengebroken. 25 years soviet en Jodenheerschappij . 25 years of sale at the end of the year. Westland, Amsterdam 1942.
  • The criminal nature of the Jews. P. Hochmuth, Berlin 1944.
  • as Fritz Büttner: Our Chancellor Ollenhauer and his paladins. Maison d'Édition Saif al Omar (en fondation), Cairo 1957.
  • Empire and solar order. In: The way. Monthly booklets for culture maintenance and structure . Dürer, Buenos Aires, No. 9, 1955, pp. 555 ff.
  • Reich traitor II, 2nd episode. Special issue on The Way. Dürer, Buenos Aires 1955.

As editor

  • Chief editor “Will and Path. Monthly papers of the Reich Propaganda Management of the NSDAP "

As an employee in magazines and compilations



  • National Socialist Monthly Issues of the NSDAP. In it z. B. von Leers: The end of the Jewish migration. 4, 1933, pp. 229-231.
  • What we expect from our students. in Der Jungarzt, 2, H. 7, 1934/35, pp. 1-4.
  • Deutsche Post from the east. Working group of associations of German colonists from Ukraine and Poland. Edited by Harald Siewert. Publishing house Volk und Reich.
  • With Walter Darré & Günther Pacyna: German peasantry. Three chapters of German history. Series: Die Goslarer Volksbücherei, 1. - Ed. Reichsnährstand 1936.
  • Communications from the Central Research Institute for the National Economic Order and Greater Economy. Edited by Felix Kühl, Ed. Central Research Institute for the National Economic Order and Greater Spatial Economy, Dresden. JvL documented in volume 1, 1943.
  • The training letter. The central monthly newspaper of the NSDAP and DAF . Ed. The Reich Organizational Leader of the NSDAP, Hauptschulungsamt & Das Schulungsamt der DAF. Franz-Eher-Verlag Nachf., Berlin. Evidence: supranational powers in the Second Reich. Preparing for World War. 4th year 1937, 9th episode.
  • The primeval spirit story according to Herman Wirth . Source currently unknown, only proven as a copy, pp. 91–102.
  • Curt Hotzel (ed.): German uprising. The post-war revolution. W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1934, therein JvL: Path and rise of National Socialism .
  • Series: “Reorganization of Law and Economics.” Kohlhammer, Dept. Schaeffer, Leipzig
  • Hildegard von Marchtaler: The Slomans . History of a Hamburg shipowner and merchant family. Edited by Ricardo Sloman. 2nd Edition. Commission publisher Hans Christians, Hamburg 1939. Therein JvL: The Nordic cultural influence in the world.
  • JvL: The importance of the gates of nations in the west. In: Die Westmark, 1940 (2nd half of the year). Westmarkverlag Neustadt an der Weinstrasse .
  • The youth castle. Tales of the homeland. Edited by Heinz Görz Gieseking, Bielefeld, 2nd edition. 1942. Contribution by JvL, Thomas Bruck, Peter Osten, Gert Holgen.
  • Karl Schwarz (ed.): The war, its prehistory and its development up to February 1, 1940. therein JvL: The historical reasons for Poland's downfall and Wilhelm Koppe : The immediate causes of the German-Polish war.
  • Max Hildebert Boehm & Karl Christian von Loesch (ed.): German border region. Yearbook of the Institute for Frontier and Foreign Studies 1936. Jg. 2. German book distribution office, distribution of national writings, Berlin 1936. In it JvL: Germans and Slavs.

As editor

  • Nordic world. Monthly for Nordic lore and historical knowledge on a racial basis. Nordischer Verlag Ernst Precht, Berlin 1933–1937.
  • John Retcliffe : In the Jewish cemetery in Prague. Steegemann, Berlin 1933 (extract from Biarritz ). With an introduction to JvL.
  • Together with Konrad Frenzel: Atlas on German History from 1914 to 1933. Velhagen & Klasing , Bielefeld 1934.


  • Martin Finkenberger: "Throughout my life I have researched the Jews like a bacteriologist studies a dangerous bacillus" - Johann von Leers (1902–1965) as an anti-Semitic propaganda expert until 1945. In: Bulletin of the German Historical Institute Moscow. No. 2, 2008, ISSN  2070-4836 , pp. 88-99, online .
  • Martin Finkenberger: Johann von Leers and the “Fascist International” of the fifties and sixties in Argentina and Egypt. In: Journal of History . Volume 59, No. 6, 2011, pp. 522-543, digitized version (PDF; 163.47 kB) ( Memento from August 31, 2014 in the Internet Archive ).
  • Gerhard Henschel : shouts of envy. Anti-semitism and sexuality. Hoffmann & Campe, Hamburg 2008, ISBN 978-3-455-09497-8 .
  • Marco Sennholz: Johann von Leers. A propagandist of National Socialism (= Biographical Studies on the 20th Century. Volume 3). be.bra Wissenschaft Verlag, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-95410-012-5 (also: Chemnitz, University, dissertation, 2011; technical review ).
  • Kurt Daniel Stahl: Redemption through Destruction. In: The time . May 27, 2010, p. 22.
  • Gregory Paul Wegner: "A Propagandist of Extermination:" Johann von Leers and the Anti-Semitic Formation of Children in Nazi Germany. In: Paedagogica Historica. Volume 43, No. 3, June 2007, pp. 299-325, doi: 10.1080 / 00309230701363625 .
  • Gregory Paul Wegner: Anti-Semitism and Schooling Under the Third Reich. RoutledgeFalmer, New York NY et al. 2002, ISBN 0-8153-3943-7 (readable online; JvL passim).
  • Hermann Weiß (Ed.): Biographical Lexicon for the Third Reich . Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 1998, ISBN 3-10-091052-4 , p. 293 f.
  • Philippe Baillet, “Monothéisme primordial, antijudaïsme, islam: l'itinéraire de Johann von Leers”, in: L'Autre Tiers-mondisme: des origines à l'islamisme radical - Fascistes, nationaux-socialistes, nationalistes-révolutionnaires entre “défense de la race "et" solidarité anti-impérialiste " , Saint-Genis-Laval, Akribeia, 2016, 475 pp. ( ISBN 978-2-913612-61-7 ), pp. 87-133. (French)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Grete Grewolls: Who was who in Mecklenburg and Western Pomerania. The dictionary of persons . Hinstorff Verlag, Rostock 2011, ISBN 978-3-356-01301-6 , p. 5738 . Here it is called: Vietlübbe (Northwest Mecklenburg).
  2. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal .
  3. ^ A b c d Kurt Daniel Stahl: " Redemption through Annihilation ", In: Die Zeit . May 27, 2010.
  4. a b Michael Grüttner : Biographical Lexicon on National Socialist Science Policy (= Studies on Science and University History. Volume 6). Synchron, Heidelberg 2004, ISBN 3-935025-68-8 , pp. 107-108.
  5. ^ Christian Krumm: Johan Huizinga, Germany and the Germans. Encounter and discussion with the neighbor. Waxmann, Münster / New York / Munich / Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-8309-2446-3 , p. 201.
  6. ^ Christian Krumm: Johan Huizinga, Germany and the Germans. Encounter and discussion with the neighbor. Waxmann, Münster / New York / Munich / Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-8309-2446-3 , pp. 201ff.
  7. ^ Johan Huizinga: Burgundy. A crisis in the Romansh-Germanic relationship. In: Historische Zeitschrift , Vol. 148 (1933), pp. 1–28.
  8. ^ Ernst Klee : The dictionary of persons on the Third Reich. Who was what before and after 1945 . Fischer TB, 2nd update Ed. Frankfurt 2005, ISBN 3-596-16048-0 , S. 361st
  9. Jeffrey Herf : Nazi propaganda for the Arab world , Yale UP, New Haven 2009, ISBN 978-0-300-14579-3 , p. 260 and note.
  10. 1932–1937, nothing more was published.
  11. See Michael H. Kater: The “Ahnenerbe” of the SS 1935–1945. A contribution to the cultural policy of the Third Reich. 4th edition. Oldenbourg, Munich 2006, ISBN 3-486-57950-9 . (Studies on Contemporary History, Vol. 6). (Partly also: Heidelberg. Univ., Diss., 1966), online , pp. 16 and 26.
  12. Neirich Harten: Racial hygiene as an educational ideology of the Third Reich. Bio-bibliographical manual. Akademie, Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-05-004094-7 , p. 265.
  13. Joachim Hendel a. a. (Ed.): Ways of Science in National Socialism: Documents on the University of Jena, 1933–1945 , Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 2007, ISBN 978-3-515-09006-3 , on Leers va, pp. 176–179.
  14. Karen Bayer et al. (Hrsg.): Universities and colleges during National Socialism and in the early post-war period. Franz Steiner, Wiesbaden 2004, ISBN 3-515-08175-5 , p. 217.
  15. ^ Joseph Wulf : Literature and Poetry in the Third Reich , Sigbert Mohn, Gütersloh 1963, p. 96 and register p. 467.
  16. Michael Hagner: Einstein on the Beach: The physicist as a phenomenon . Fischer Taschenbuch (May 1, 2005 Frankfurt / M), ISBN 3-596-16515-6 , footnote p. 299.
  17. ^ Sabine Omland: Nazi propaganda in the teaching of German schools 1933–1943. The National Socialist school magazine “Help with!” As a teaching and propaganda tool. Longitudinal undercuts in the publication period 1933–1943, conditions of publication, author biographies and tabular presentation of analysis results. 2 volumes. Lit, Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-643-12823-2 (also dissertation University of Münster 2014), p. 116f.
  18. ^ Sabine Omland: Nazi propaganda in the teaching of German schools 1933–1943. The National Socialist school magazine “Help with!” As a teaching and propaganda tool. 2 volumes. Lit, Berlin 2014, p. 579 and P. 640.
  19. ^ Sabine Omland: Nazi propaganda in class. Berlin 2014, p. 115.
  20. The magazine appeared until 1957. He continued to have close ties to the FRG: a hand-signed copy by Georg Lomer: The number as the root of the world. The magic of numbers and their symbolic meaning , published by Verlag Hans Baumgartner, Warpke-Billerbeck 1954, special edition No. 207, is dedicated to him and his wife. Another dedication by an author Wilhelm Landig indicates “Vienna 1955”. An example for his works in Argentina: Reichsverräter II. 2nd episode. Special issue on The Way .
  21. Kevin Coogan: Dreamer of the Day: Francis Parker Yockey and the Postwar Fascist International. Autonomedia 1999, ISBN 1-57027-039-2 , p. 382 f. - The reference to "extradition" means the numerous Nazi perpetrators living in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, etc.
  22. Omar after a caliph Omar , a violent enemy of Jews; Amin after al-Husseini. I myself have embraced Islam and accepted the new forename Omar Amin, Omar according to the great Caliph Omar who was a grim enemy of the Jews, Amin in honor of my friend Hadj Amin el Husseini, the Grand Mufti. Leer's letter to Keith Thompson.
  23. Jeffrey Herf : Nazi propaganda for the Arab world , 2009, p. 265, sees in Nasser's decided occupation of the emptiness evidence of the continuity of a common Nazi-Islamist tradition beyond 1945, with regard to the Jews. Leer’s position was an important public symbol. Stahl in “Die Zeit”, on the other hand, considers the item unimportant and poorly paid. About the institute: Kevin Coogan: Dreamer of the Day , 1999, ISBN 1-57027-039-2 , p. 588 and in the interview [1] .
  24. Herf translates or paraphrases the whole passage into English as follows: Mohammed's hostility to the Jews had one result: Oriental Jewry was completely paralyzed. Its backbone was broken. Oriental Jewry effectively did not participate in [European] Jewry's tremendous rise to power in the last two centuries. Despised in the filthy lanes of the mellah (the walled Jewish quarter of a Moroccan city, analogous to the European ghetto) the Jews vegetated there. They lived under a special law (that of a protected minority), which in contrast to Europe did not permit usury or even traffic in stolen goods, but kept them in a state of oppression and anxiety. If the rest of the world had adopted a similar policy, we would not have a Jewish Question (Judenfrage)…. As a religion, Islam indeed performed an eternal service to the world: it prevented the threatened conquest of Arabia by the Jews and vanquished the horrible teaching of Jehovah by a pure religion, which at that time opened the way to a higher culture for numerous peoples . From: Judaism and Islam as opposites . In: Die Judenfrage , Vol. 6, No. 24, December 15, 1942, p. 278, cited above. after Herf: The Jewish Enemy , p. 181.
  26. Der Spiegel , No. 21 of May 18, 2013, p. 14, also online.
  27. CV. Copy by wife Gesine von Leers, June 8, 1965; in the estate of Hanspeter Achmed Schmiede .
  28. in a later edition replaced by: … anti-Judaism. Justification in Sennholz, p. 323.
  29. ^ Illustrated book with people of Jewish descent.
  30. There is an English version of this book: History on a racial basis. Publisher: Friends of Europe Publ., Series No. 42, London 1936. Foreword Julian Huxley , in which he sharply criticized the book.
  31. Already at this point, Leers fantasized about Islam in a racist manner: the Islam that founded an empire and was warlike, which still had a clear Nordic racial component. Backward from Engl.
  32. with a listing of all of Leers' books. -Content: 1. What is general about law, what is species-specific? / 2. The ancient Aryan law / 3. The law of the Romans / 4. The Germanic law / 5. The destruction of Germanic law / 6. The German law of the Middle Ages in the struggle for form and self-assertion / 7. The mirror of law and the struggle with Canon law / 8. The adoption of Roman civil law / 9. The law of reason of the Enlightenment period / 10. The law of the liberal period and the legislative work of Bismarck's time / 11. The National Socialist reorganization of law.
  33. The book for young people is set in the Orient and in Palestine. Editions are always undated, the early ones in Gothic script .
  34. Writing against the SPD, determined by National Socialist and anti-Jewish ideas.
  35. for example: Volume 11, Issue 3, March 1942, pp. 113–162, among others: “Ewige Heimat der Deutschen. In memory of the Reich Minister Dr. Fritz Todt ”, by Alwin Seifert; “Service and honor. An attempt on the internal law of German development ”, by AE Johann ; “Peasant dishes”, by Rudolf Harmening; “Teutonicism as an organizing power”, from grief; "The ideal of beauty of the ancient Iranians", by v. Empty; “Overcoming death”, by Clara Teschner .- Harmening, * July 23, 1892 in Bückeburg, year of death unknown, was 1934–1945 Ministerial Director in the Reich Ministry of Food and Agriculture and at the same time “Vice President” of the Reichserbhofgericht ; from 1945 (end of the war) until 1947 then worked in the "Central Administration of Hanover", the forerunner of the state of Lower Saxony .
  36. In it he called the anti-Nazi bishop Joannes Baptista Sproll a “morally very depraved subject”.
  37. Published 1941–1944. Ed. Walther Wüst , orientalist; Paul Ritterbusch ; Wilhelm Ziegler ; - JvL wrote in it a lot.
  38. There is an article in vol. 14, No. 8/9, August / September 1942.
  39. therein JvL: History of German Peasant Law and German Peasantry. 2nd Edition. Book 32, T. 1; 1938.
  40. Real name: Heinrich Görz. As a National Socialist he used numerous pseudonyms after 1945, cf. Emer's pseudonym dictionary, namely Werner Baumann , Percy Flax, Harald Harden, Alex Nagibh-Rat or Alex Nagib-Rath and Peter Osten, also as contributors to this volume.
  41. see previous note.
  42. In it by himself z. B .: 1. The golden cradle; 2. Thoughts on Gustav Frenssen's book 'Der Glaube der Nordmark.' in 4th year issue 1.
  43. This excerpt was published by other editors until 1942. frequently reissued; it was one of the precursors to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion .
  44. First of all, a quote from Hitler , printer's note : “The NSDAP has no reservations about the publication of this document.” Accordingly, the orientation of the book and the vocabulary, “Schmachfriede” and the like, are different. Ä.