World Jewry

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The term world Jewry usually denotes an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory , according to which a fictional collective, “the Jews ” or Judaism , strives for or possesses world domination . Related expressions are Jewish world conspiracy or Jewish world domination , Jewish international , golden international , Alljuda , international (financial) Judaism and the international Jew . Expressions such as Zionist Occupied Government , World Zionism , high finance , big business , international genocide headquarters , Israel lobby and (US) east coast are used accordingly today .

Legends of a secret striving for world domination by "the Jews" were already handed down in medieval anti-Judaism and intensified racially in modern anti-Semitism . For National Socialism , “World Jewry” was the “world enemy” that the “ Aryan master race ” had to destroy for its own survival. This is how the National Socialists justified their war of extermination against the Soviet Union and the Holocaust from 1941 onwards .

Medieval forerunners

Around 1150, the English monk Thomas von Monmouth wrote the first medieval ritual murder legend : He claimed that Jews had bought the boy William of Norwich , who was found dead in 1144, from Christians, tortured him on Good Friday , crucified and tried to bury him in secret the crime has been exposed through miracles of the killed victim. He also claimed that a converted Jew had reported to him about an annual secret meeting of rabbis and other leading Spanish Jews in Narbonne : They would select a Christian ritual murder victim for the following year through a lottery procedure , “because without human blood they would neither gain nor freedom one day be able to return to the land of their fathers. ”This conspiracy thesis was also passed on by Thomas von Cantimpré (1201–1270 or 1272) and served to justify earlier pogroms against Jews and to establish a cult of martyrs in Norwich in order to earn income from Christian pilgrims gain.

During the great plague pandemic of 1347–1353, Spanish and southern French pamphlets attributed a secretly arranged well poisoning to the extermination of Christians to the Jewish communities of Europe, which were often concentrated in ghettos . This triggered a severe wave of pogroms across Europe with hundreds of thousands of Jewish victims.

This anti-Judaistic motif of a secret meeting of influential Jews against all Christians is considered to be a historical root of the conspiracy theory of world Jewry.

Modern anti-Semitism


As a result of the French Revolution in 1789, members of the strata that were then disempowered, especially aristocratic supporters of the Bourbons and a restoration of the Catholic corporate state , created a series of conspiracy theses. The Jesuit Augustin Barruel claimed in 1797 a plot of the Freemasons , whom he equated with the Enlightenment philosophers and Jacobins , against Christianity.

In 1791 French Jews received full citizenship rights . Therefore, opponents of the revolution were seen as possible masterminds of the same. This view solidified when Napoléon Bonaparte advocated freedom of religion and organization for Jews in all areas occupied by France and convened a new Jewish High Council ( Sanhedrin ) on 23 August 1806 .

In the same year the so-called Simonini letter appeared , the author of which claimed that, as an Italian officer of Jewish descent, he had learned of the intrigues of greedy Jews against the Christians of Europe. Barruel overlooked a secret alliance of the Jews with Jacobins, Freemasons and Illuminati to wipe out the Christians from France and to build a Jewish world domination. At that time Louis-Gabriel-Ambroise de Bonald also represented similar theses in his article Sur les juifs . They were retained, although most of the Masonic lodges had excluded Jews and the anti-Jewish Order of Illuminati had been banned in 1784 and subsequently dissolved.

In 1846 Alphonse Toussenel published the treatise Les Juifs, rois de l'epoque (“The Jews, Kings of the Age”) in Paris , which was soon translated into many languages. In 1869 the pamphlet Le juif, le judaïsme et la judaisation des peuples chrétiens (“The Jews, Judaism and the Judaization of the Christian Peoples”) by Henri Roger Gougenot des Mousseaux appeared in Paris , which, in view of the Damascus affair of 1840, became the anti-Jewish ritual murder legend propagated. Pope Pius IX awarded the author a high ecclesiastical order for the book. It was reprinted several times, served as a template for other anti-Semitic pamphlets such as August Rohling's bestseller Der Talmudjude (1871) and Albert Monniot's Le crime rituel chez les juifs (Paris 1914) and was translated into German by Alfred Rosenberg in 1921 ( Der Jude, das Judentum und the Judaization of the Christian peoples ).

In 1878 the anti-Semitic magazine Le Contemporain published an alleged letter from Barruel from 1806: An Italian officer had drawn his attention to a conspiracy by the Jews who controlled the Illuminati Order. He then left his completed fifth volume on conspiracies of the Jews unpublished in order not to trigger a pogrom . That should make the absence of the Jews in his conspiracy theories plausible and give the Simonini letter a later reputation.

Édouard Drumont wrote La France juive in 1880 , the often reissued basic work of modern anti-Semitism in France.


In 1775 Pope Pius VI. Issued an edict on the Jews , which collected all anti-Jewish laws of the Middle Ages and affirmed them for the Jews in the ghetto of the Papal States in Rome. In 1797, these Jewish laws were repealed during the military occupation of Rome by French troops. As a result, Vatican theologians increasingly replaced the earlier idea of ​​a papal duty of protection for the Jews with the assumption that Christians must be protected from the alleged increasing and pernicious influence of the Jews and that Jewish emancipation had to be fended off.

In 1814 Pope Pius VII, captured by Napoleon, returned from exile in France to the Papal States. The conservative Catholic and later Cardinal Giuseppe Antonio Sala handed him a reform plan there, which provided for the abolition of the legal equality of the Italian Jews again, and justified this with the alleged striving for power of all Jews: They had exploited the secularization in Europe that was favorable to them in order to Protection of enlightenment ideas and with these “infected” rulers “throwing off their yoke” and “exercising their superstitions”. As "tireless makers of deceit and deception" they sought to restore their kingdom of Judah and rebuild their temple in order to deny Jesus' prophecy of the temple destruction, to disempower Christianity and to appropriate ecclesiastical properties. The Pope must at least put a stop to this in his own domain.

Sala's article initially had no consequences. In September 1825, however, Francesco Ferdinando Jalabot , later Master of the Dominican Order, in the Giornale ecclisiastico di Roma , founded in 1823, again demanded the ghettoization of Italian Jews and strict application of all previous Jewish laws in order to induce them to convert to Christianity. Only then can they be accepted into Christian society as citizens with equal rights. Their poor collective properties would have generated crimes against Christians and riots throughout history. Their suppression is a necessary consequence of the curse they have drawn from the murder of God. Otherwise, because of their depraved folk character, they would inevitably subjugate the Christians. Pope Leo XII. did not contradict this pamphlet; possibly he commissioned it as a cardinal himself.

Since 1890, almost all Catholic newspapers in Italy, including the Vatican Osservatore Romano , propagated the alleged Jewish domination of culture and the world in a campaign-like manner. The Jesuit organization La Civiltà Cattolica began a series of articles on the “Jewish question” in 1890 and declared it to be the “question of survival” of the Christian world. The Jews are closely linked to one another as exploiters of Christians, so there is hardly any antidote to their "cunning and superiority". Their expropriation and banishment are nonetheless wrong: moderate laws should curb their (alleged) unstoppable ascent and protect them from the “vengeance of the peoples”.

In 1894 all the Catholic newspapers in Italy took a stand against the Jewish officer Alfred Dreyfus in the Dreyfus affair and interpreted his alleged high treason as a conspiracy theory: The emancipation had given the Jews power and influence everywhere, which they now exploited in all areas in league with Freemasons and early Socialists . It was only when a process revision became apparent in 1898 that the same papers interpreted the affair as an intra-French legal matter. Pope Leo XIII. 1899 called for an end to the affair.

Germany before 1933

The Dominican Ludwig Greinemann united Jews and Freemasons for the first time by claiming in a sermon in Aachen in 1778 that Pontius Pilate , Herodes Antipas and Judas Iscariot were members of a Masonic lodge that had secretly planned the murder of Jesus .

German nationalists rejected the emancipation of Jews and saw it as a threat to previous privileges. Hartwig von Hundt-Radowsky , Friedrich Rühs and others warned from 1812 of an imminent Jewish world domination of the once oppressed, now allegedly favored minority of Jews over the Christian, especially the "Germanic" world. Wilhelm Marr also took up this motif in 1879 and spoke pessimistically about a victory of Judaism over Germanicism , whereby he already represented the Jews as a separate race .

Politicians like Eduard Hartmann also represented the conviction of a Jewish striving for world domination . In his book Judaism in the Present and Future (1885), like Heinrich von Treitschke , he distinguished himself from anti-Semitism and tried to take a balancing position. Nevertheless, he wrote of " host peoples " who had taken in the Jews and to whom they had granted human rights. In gratitude for this, however, the Jews had not assimilated themselves completely, but held onto their religious-national special existence and thus generated anti-Semitism. In her belief in the Messiah , her international sense of community and her organizations, he saw her striving for power:

"In this way, Judaism forms an international Freemasonry, which has its ideal content in religion, its visible distinguishing mark in the ethnological type, and the crystallization center of an international organization in the Alliance Israélite Universelle and its capital power."

This is "the first embryonic facility for a central government of the future Jewish world domination" and a "regrettable obstacle to the faster de-Jewification of the Jews". If Judaism were to hold on to its identity, it would have “cheated the German people by demanding and accepting Jewish emancipation”.


In 1903 the Protocols of the Elders of Zion appeared for the first time as pamphlets in Russian to incite the population to pogroms against Jews. In 1905, Sergei Alexandrovich Nilus published them as an appendix to his books. The text came from Czarist secret Okhrana and took his anti-Semitic motifs together. Following older Russian and French forerunners and models, the pamphlet established a connection between socialism or Bolshevism , capitalism , Freemasonry and Zionism . It led modern revolutions , wars and other negatively interpreted events back to an alleged secret elite of Judaism, which strives for an alleged Jewish world domination to the detriment of all other peoples. It also established the idea of Jewish Bolshevism .

In 1920 the right-wing extremist journalist Ludwig Müller von Hausen (1851–1926) published a German translation of the protocols. This influenced the NSDAP : Gottfried Feder and Adolf Hitler used the protocols in their writings as evidence of a Jewish world conspiracy, Alfred Rosenberg maintained their authenticity. Since 1933 the National Socialists continued to use the protocols as a “deadly instrument of mobilization and manipulation”.

National Socialism

Hitler described "World Jewry" or "the Jews" in Mein Kampf (1925/26) as a "counter-race" to the "Nordic race", which primarily affects the German nation from within through "blood poisoning" and "racial decomposition" from the outside to destroy with ideological propaganda and economic power in order to acquire world domination by all means. In doing so, Hitler resorted to biological metaphors , according to which Jews, as “ parasites in the body of other peoples”, bacilli and bloodsuckers, would make their “host people die”. These motifs were widespread in early anti-Semitism since the early modern era.

As an external representative of world Jewry, Hitler saw above all Marxism and " Bolshevism ". He united Jews and communists in the universal enemy image of "Jewish Bolshevism", whose striving for international unification of the working class inevitably led to the destruction of all nationalisms and races. He also saw pacifism , freemasonry, “Anglo-American plutocracy ” (his expression for capitalism ) and political Christianity as variants and offshoots of this threat .

After the beginning of the Nazi regime in 1933, this comprehensive image of the enemy was constantly spread and developed by Nazi propaganda ; a pseudoscience was established for this purpose. Numerous publications on this subject appeared, including:

  • Wilhelm Dlugosch: The Jew - from a factual point of view world Jewry, world freemasonry. 1935
  • Walter Wache: Jewish primer. What everyone must know about world Jewry! 1936
  • Dieter Schwarz: World Jewry Organization, power and the like. Politics. 1939; 1944
  • Jens Lornsen: Britain, the hinterland of world Jewry. 1940
  • Hermann Erich Seifert (pseudonym "Heinrich Hest"): Palestine: Jewish state? England as a stooge of world Jewry. 1939; The Jewish struggle for Palestine. England as a stooge of world Jewry. 1943
  • Eugen Fischer: Ancient World Jewry. Fact, texts, pictures. 1943

In the context of war preparations, the Nazi regime intensified its anti-Semitic propaganda. On 11 and 13 January 1939, the German broadcasting beamed a two-part mission of the Nazi historian Walter Frank about German science in the fight against world Jewry from. The author emphasized that research on the “ Jewish question ” can only be carried out in the overall context of national and global history:

“Judaism is one of the great negative principles in world history, so it is only conceivable as the parasite in the positive counter-principle. Just as little as Judas Iscariot with his thirty pieces of silver and the rope on which he finally hanged himself can be understood without the Lord, whose fellowship he betrayed with a sneering smile and whose face pursued him until the last hour - so little can that side of the night story called Judaism, be understood without an assignment to the whole of a historical process in which God and Satan , creation lie in eternal wrestling and decomposition. "

On January 19, 1939, a lecture text by Herbert Hagen from SD appeared for a conference of senior SS leaders in Oldenburg under the title: International Judaism . In it the author stated that the Jewish question was “ the problem of world politics at the moment”. The western democracies had no intention of solving it because the Jews directed the politics of these countries and did not want to leave them, but only wanted to use Palestine as a kind of "Jewish Vatican". Then he listed numerous Jewish organizations through whose connections the Jews supposedly dominated the economy and politics of their “host countries”. He named the World Jewish Congress , the World Zionist Organization and B'nai B'rith as their headquarters . He named Chaim Weizmann as the leader and quoted several times from his essays and speeches, which had been published in Tel Aviv in 1937 . From this he concluded that world Jewry with its offshoots in Europe was the future war opponent to be fought with priority.

The fact that World Jewry caused the First World War , the defeat of Germany and the November Revolution was an integral part of the anti-Semitic stab-in- the-back legend that Hitler and many German nationalists had represented since 1919. On January 30, 1939, he gave a speech in the Reichstag on the anniversary of his coming to power , in which he threatened "the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe" in the event of a new world war. With the attack on Poland in 1939 and the war against the Soviet Union , Hitler himself brought about this world war .

In the years 1941 to 1945 he often came back to the threat he made against the Jews in January 1939 and indicated that they would be executed. Under the euphemistic term “ final solution to the Jewish question ” the Nazi regime tried to exterminate the fictitious “world Jewry” in its own sphere of influence. The Holocaust is considered part of the National Socialist policy of domination, enslavement and extermination in Eastern Europe and thus a strategic war goal.

From September 1944, the Nazi propaganda presented the Morgenthau Plan of spring 1944, a draft for converting Germany into an agrarian state that was rejected by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt , as a plan of world Jewry to "enslave" the Germans and thus justified their slogans for perseverance . In right-wing historical revisionism , the politically insignificant draft continues to be used for anti-Semitic conspiracy theories due to Henry Morgenthau's Jewish origin and government membership ( Morgenthau legend ).

In the last sentence of his Political Testament on April 29, 1945, shortly before his suicide , Hitler once again demanded "merciless resistance against the world poisoner of all peoples, international Jewry."

Projection thesis

On the basis of the interpretation of conspiracy myths, the social scientist Samuel Salzborn states that they “mostly unconscious […] and repressed […], but sometimes also conscious […] desires and longings”, especially after participating in the imagined “power of the völkisch collective ", underlie. The belief in the existence of a Jewish world conspiracy was most clearly shown under National Socialism as a “ projective conspiracy mania of anti-Semitic annihilation”, “which itself wanted to establish precisely that world-ruling and subjugating system as a folk-anti-Semitic 'millennial empire' that he wanted to establish in the conspiracy fantasy had invented and projected anti-Semitic. ”That“ what is accused and held up against the others in the conspiracy myth ”is actually their own.


Precursors and Roots

  • Volker Press: Emperor Rudolf II and the amalgamation of German Jewry. The so-called Frankfurt rabbinical conspiracy of 1603 and its consequences. In: Volker Press: The Old Reich. Selected essays. 2nd Edition. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-428-09138-8 .
  • Johannes Heil : The conspiracy of the wise men of Narbonne. Continuity and change in the construct of the Jewish world conspiracy . In: Wolfgang Benz (Ed.): Anti-Semitism as a Paradigm. Studies on prejudice research. Metropol, Berlin 2002, ISBN 3-936411-09-3 , pp. 40-48.
  • Johannes Heil: "enemies of God" - "enemies of men". The idea of ​​the Jewish world conspiracy (13th-16th centuries). Klartext-Verlag, Essen 2006, ISBN 3-89861-406-9 .


  • Norman Cohn : The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The Myth of the Jewish World Conspiracy. Elster-Verlag, Baden-Baden 1998, ISBN 3-89151-261-9 .
  • Johannes Rogalla von Bieberstein : The Myth of the World Conspiracy. Freemasons, Jews and Jesuits as "enemies of mankind". In: Gerd-Klaus Kaltenbrunner (Ed.): Secret societies and the myth of the world conspiracy. Herder, Freiburg (Breisgau) 1987, ISBN 3-451-09569-6 , pp. 24-62.
  • Léon Poliakov : History of Anti-Semitism. Volume 7: Between Assimilation and “Jewish World Conspiracy”. Athenaeum, Frankfurt am Main 1989, ISBN 3-610-00417-7 .
  • Hellmuth Auerbach: "World Jewry" and "Jewish World Conspiracy". In: Wolfgang Benz (Ed.): Legends, Lies, Prejudices. A dictionary on contemporary history. 7th edition. Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag, Munich 1995, ISBN 3-423-04666-X , pp. 217-220.
  • Wolfgang Benz : Jewish World Conspiracy? From the tough life of a construct. In: Wolfgang Benz: What is anti-Semitism? 2nd Edition. CH Beck, 2005, ISBN 3-406-52212-2 , pp. 174-192.

time of the nationalsocialism

  • Yfaat Weiss : Projections of “World Jewry”. The boycott movement of the 1930s. In: Dan Diner (Ed.): Pictures of Germany . Bleicher, Gerlingen 1997, ISBN 3-88350-488-2 , pp. 151-179.
  • Wolfram Meyer zu Uptrup: Fight against the "Jewish World Conspiracy". Propaganda and anti-Semitism of the National Socialists 1919 to 1945. Metropol Verlag, Berlin 2003, ISBN 3-932482-83-2 .
  • Jeffrey Herf : The Jewish Enemy. Nazi Propaganda During World War II and the Holocaust. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA 2006, ISBN 0-674-02175-4 .
  • Armin Pfahl-Traughber: The anti-Semitic-anti-Masonic conspiracy myth in the Weimar Republic and in the Nazi state. Braumüller, Vienna 1993, ISBN 3-7003-1017-X .

After 1945

  • Abraham H. Foxman: The Deadliest Lies: The Israel Lobby and the Myth of Jewish Control. Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, ISBN 978-1-4039-8492-0 .

Web links

Single receipts

  1. Wolfram Meyer zu Uptrup: Fighting the “Jewish World Conspiracy”: Propaganda and Anti-Semitism of the National Socialists 1919 to 1945. Center for Research on Anti-Semitism, Metropol, Berlin 2003, ISBN 3932482832 , pp. 76, 284, 369 and more; Carmen Matussek: Belief in a "Jewish World Conspiracy". The reception of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” in the Arab world. LIT Verlag, Münster 2012, ISBN 364311687X , pp. 102 and 108.
  2. Wolfgang Benz (Hrsg.): Handbuch des Antisemitismus Volume 3: Terms, Theories, Ideologies. De Gruyter / Saur, Berlin 2010, pp. 164–166 and pp. 111–113
  3. Cornelia Schmitz-Berning: Vocabulary of National Socialism. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-11-016888-X , p. 323.
  4. Uwe Backes (ed.): Right-wing extremist ideologies in the past and present. Böhlau, Cologne 2003, ISBN 3412037036 , p. 231 .
  5. Ronald Posch (2016): The language of anti-Semitism , in: Die Presse
  6. Deutsche Zukunft, (1999) 1, p. 5 and (2000) 8, pp. 7 and 18; German Voice (2004) 5, p. 10., quoted from Prof. Dr. Werner Bergmann (2005): Anti-Semitism in right-wing extremism , in: Federal Center for Political Education
  7. ^ Doron Rabinovici, Ulrich Speck, Natan Sznaider: New anti-Semitism? A global debate. Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 2004, ISBN 3518123866 , p. 143.
  8. ^ Jovan Byford: Conspiracy Theories: A Critical Introduction. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, p. 171
  9. ^ Lars Rensmann : Democracy and the image of the Jews. Anti-Semitism in the political culture of the Federal Republic of Germany. Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2004, ISBN 3-531-14006-X , p. 242 and more often
  10. Example: Julius Streicher: Beat the world enemy! (The Striker, March 30, 1933); quoted by Armin Pfahl-Traughber, Anton Pelinka, Helmut Reinalter: The anti-Semitic-anti-Freemason conspiracy myth in the Weimar Republic and in the Nazi state. Braumüller, 1993, ISBN 3-7003-1017-X , p. 84.
  11. Johannes Heil: Matthaeus Priensis, Henry Morgenthau and the Jewish World Conspiracy. In: Wolfgang Benz, Peter Reif-Spirek (Hrsg.): Geschichtsmythen. Legends about National Socialism. Metropol, Berlin 2003, ISBN 3-936411-28-X , pp. 133f.
  12. Göran Larsson: The Power of a Lie. Facts or forgery: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion , Part II: Roots , p. 20f (pdf; 433 kB)
  13. David I. Kertzer: The Popes and the Jews. The Vatican and the rise of modern anti-Semitism. Propylaea, Munich 2001; lectured at HaGalil (reprint): Fake Talmud quotes: Dr. Kroner, Dr. Bloch and the Rohling / Bloch trial from November 1885
  14. Thomas Brechenmacher: The Vatican and the Jews. Story of an unholy relationship. CH Beck, Munich 2005, p. 72f.
  15. Thomas Brechenmacher: The Vatican and the Jews. Story of an unholy relationship. Munich 2005, p. 76f.
  16. Thomas Brechenmacher: The Vatican and the Jews. Story of an unholy relationship. Munich 2005, p. 132f.
  17. Johannes Rogalla von Bieberstein: The thesis of the Jewish-Masonic world conspiracy 1776-1945. Flensburger Hefte 1977 ( Memento of November 7, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF p. 30; 86 kB)
  18. Alex Bein : The Jewish question. Biography of a world problem. Volume 2: Notes, digressions, registers. Stuttgart 1980, p. 202.
  19. Wolfgang Benz: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The legend of the Jewish world conspiracy. CH Beck, Munich 2011, ISBN 978-3-406-53613-7 , p. 20.
  20. Wolfgang Wippermann: Racism and belief in the devil. Frank & Timme, 2005, ISBN 3-86596-007-3 , p. 138.
  21. Johannes Rogalla von Bieberstein : The thesis of the conspiracy, 1776-1945. Peter Lang, 1976, ISBN 3-261-01906-9 , p. 232.
  22. Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf. Volume 2 (1926), pp. 629.f, 702 and 751; quoted by Doris Lindner: Writing for a better Germany. Königshausen & Neumann, 2002, ISBN 3-8260-2257-2 , p. 50.
  23. Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf. Volume 1, 1925, pp. 254 and 358; quoted by Marcel Atze: "Our Hitler". The Hitler myth as reflected in German-language literature after 1945. Wallstein Verlag, 2003, ISBN 3-89244-644-X , pg = PA152, p. 152.
  24. Nicoline Hortzitz: The language of anti-Semitism in the early modern period (1450-1700): Studies on vocabulary, text and reasoning. Winter, 2005, ISBN 3-8253-1365-4 , p. 476.
  25. Horst Möller, Udo Wengst: Introduction to contemporary history. CH Beck, Munich 2003, p. 106.
  26. quoted from Saul Friedländer: The Third Reich and the Jews. The years of persecution 1933–1939. dtv, Munich 1998/2000, p. 337f.
  27. after Saul Friedländer: The Third Reich and the Jews. Volume 1: The Years of Persecution 1933–1939. Munich 1998, p. 336f.
  28. Wolfgang Benz, Hermann Graml, Hermann Weiß: Encyclopedia of National Socialism. Klett-Cotta, 1998, ISBN 3-608-91805-1 , p. 325.
  29. Johannes Heil: Matthaeus Priensis, Henry Morgenthau and the Jewish World Conspiracy. In: Wolfgang Benz, Peter Reif-Spirek (Hrsg.): Geschichtsmythen. Legends about National Socialism. Metropol, Berlin 2003, ISBN 3-936411-28-X , p. 131 f.
  30. ^ Samuel Salzborn: Attack of the anti-democrats. The Volkish Rebellion of the New Right. Beltz Juventa, Weinheim 2017, p. 126.