Justus Corthum (clergyman, 1653)

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Justus Corthum (born April 2, 1653 in Steinkirchen , † May 6, 1724 in Hamburg ) was a German Evangelical Lutheran clergyman .

Origin and family

Corthum was a son of the pastor and provost in Steinkirchen Jodocus Corthum († 1670) and his wife Barbara Sillem (1611-1680), a daughter of the Hamburg merchant Hinrich Sillem († 1617).

Corthum married on July 31, 1683 in Hamburg with Anna Elisabeth Lütkens († 1700), a daughter of the Hamburg merchant Lucas Lütkens. Of his sons, Justus became the preacher to Sankt Nicolai in Altengamme and Lucas became mayor of Hamburg.


After finishing school, Corthum studied with Christian Donati and Christian Friedrich books at the University of Wittenberg and completed his studies on March 31, 1675 as a master's degree.

After his studies he became a candidate for the Hamburg ministry , in 1680 adjunct to the pastor in Sülfeld and in 1682 his successor. After 15 years in Sülfeld, he was elected preacher at the main church Sankt Nikolai in Hamburg on December 22, 1695 and was introduced to his office on March 13, 1696. He later rose to become archdeacon of this church and administered this office until his death in 1724.

Works (selection)


  • Nicolaus Staphorst : Annual shape of the Hamburg Predig-Ampt . In: Hamburg Church History . Other part, first volume. Theodor Christoph Felginer's widow, Hamburg 1729, p. 90-104 ( digitized from Google Books).
  • "The St. Nicolas main church" . In: Johann Anton Rudolph Janssen (Hrsg.): "Detailed information about all the evangelical-Protestant churches and clergy in the free and Hanseatic city of Hamburg and their area, as well as about their Johanneum, grammar school, library, and the men employed there" . Hamburg 1826, p. 52 ( digitized from Google Books).
  • Otto Frederik Arends: Gejstligheden i Slesvig og Holsten: Fra Reformationen til 1864 . tape 1 . Levin & Munksgaard, Copenhagen 1932, p. 164 (Danish).
  • The Hamburg Church and its clergy since the Reformation . In: Wilhelm Jensen (Ed.): The Hamburg Church and its clergy since the Reformation . tape 1 . JJ Augustin , Hamburg 1958, p. 88 .
  • The candidates of the Hamburg Church from 1654 to 1825 . In: Hans Bruhn (Ed.): The Hamburg Church and its clergy since the Reformation . tape 3 . JJ Augustin, Hamburg 1963, p. 101 .
  • Hildegard von Marchtaler (Hrsg.): German gender book . tape 142 . CA Starke, Limburg an der Lahn 1966, p. 209 (also Hamburg gender book. Volume 11.).
  • Friedrich Hammer, Herwarth von Schade: The Hamburg pastors since the Reformation. A directory . tape 1 . Hamburg 1995, p. 29 .
  • Claudia Tietz: Johann Winckler (1642-1705). Beginnings of a Lutheran Pietist . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2008, ISBN 978-3-525-55836-2 , p. 357 ( digitized from Google Books).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Books, Christian Friedrich. In: Johann Heinrich Zedler : Large complete universal lexicon of all sciences and arts . Volume 04, Leipzig 1733, column 1802 f.