Kalanchoe crundallii

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Kalanchoe crundallii
Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Saxifragales (Saxifragales)
Family : Thick-leaf family (Crassulaceae)
Subfamily : Kalanchoideae
Genre : Kalanchoe
Type : Kalanchoe crundallii
Scientific name
Kalanchoe crundallii

Kalanchoe crundallii is a species of the genus Kalanchoe in the thick-leaf family(Crassulaceae).


Vegetative characteristics

Kalanchoe crundallii is a somewhat fleshy, glabrous, frosted, perennial plant . The simple, stem-round shoot is upright or prostrate-upright and reaches a height of up to 90 centimeters. Near the base, the shoot has a diameter of 1.4 centimeters. The somewhat fleshy leaves are petiolate. The 5 to 20 millimeter long petiole is flattened and about 5 millimeters wide. The waxy green to yellowish green, often red-edged, circular, rarely broadly elongated or obovate leaf blade is 3 to 7 centimeters long and 2 to 5.5 centimeters wide. Its tip is broadly rounded, the base wedge-shaped. The leaf margin is entire or notched.

Generative characteristics

The short, more or less elongated inflorescence is a zymous panicle . The upright to pendulous flowers are on slender, 1 to 1.5 millimeter long flower stalks . The fleshy, triangular calyx lobes are 2 to 5 millimeters long and about 2 millimeters wide. The red spotted petals are greenish yellow to deep yellow. The cylindrical square corolla tube is slightly contracted at the throat and 14 to 15 millimeters long. Their egg-shaped corolla lobes, broadly rounded at the tip, have an attached tip. They are slightly bent back and have a length of 3 to 4 millimeters and are about 3 millimeters wide. The stamens are attached above the center of the corolla tube and do not protrude from the flower. The anthers are 1.2 to 1.5 millimeters long. The oblong and at the tip rounded, light green nectar flakes have a length of 2 to 2.5 millimeters and are about 1.5 millimeters. The elongated carpel has a length of about 8 millimeters. The stylus is about 2.5 millimeters long.

The seeds reach a length of about 1.5 millimeters.

Systematics and distribution

Kalanchoe crundallii is common in the South African province of Limpopo between stone blocks in wooded areas.

The first description by Inez Clare Verdoorn was published in 1946.



  • Bernard Descoings: Kalanchoe crundallii . In: Urs Eggli (Hrsg.): Succulent lexicon. Crassulaceae (thick leaf family) . Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 3-8001-3998-7 , pp. 157 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Flowering Plants of Africa . Volume 25, 1946, plate 967.