Canton of Eitorf

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The canton of Eitorf had its headquarters in Eitorf . It was formed from 1808 under Napoleonic administration and at the same time formed the jurisdiction of Eitorf. The new administrative district was based on an order from Joachim Murat on October 13, 1807 to renew the municipal administration in the Grand Duchy of Berg . The parishes of Eitorf, Herchen , Leuscheid , Much , Ruppichteroth and Winterscheid , i.e. areas of the offices of Blankenberg and Windeck, belonged to the canton of Eitorf.


Population 1808 Eitorf Herchen Leuscheid Much Ruppichteroth Winterscheid
Catholics 3194 531 165 3326 1330 1198
Lutheran 14th 568 1444 40 456 4th
Reformed no no 14th 180 101 2
Jews no no 6th no 15th no
total 3208 1099 1629 3546 1902 1204
Nobles no no no no 2 no
Merchants 5 no 5 no 3 2
Craftsman 86 13 16 56 15th 24
farmers 642 248 316 803 514 240
Churches and chapels 5 2 3 2 5 1
Knight seats 2 no no 4th 2 1
Mills 10 2 5 11 3 3
Seal of the mayor's office in Herchen

Administrative history

After the jurisdiction had been determined, the parishes were formed into municipalities , later called Mairie . These had to be created in a fixed size (walkable in two hours) and population (2,500 to 5,000) and should not be divided by inaccessible mountains or rivers. Various proposals were discussed.

The parishes of Herchen and Leuscheid were merged to form the municipality of Herchen, as not enough staff could be found for two administrations. At the request of the 440 residents, the honors Halscheid and Geilhausen were not assigned to the municipality of Herchen with the parish of Leuscheid, but to the municipality of Dattenfeld . Reasons were the distance of three hours, the impassability of the Sieg and belonging to the parish Rosbach .

The parish of Winterscheid was also merged with Ruppichteroth due to a lack of administrative staff , although the longest route took two and a half hours.

Despite the high population, Much was preserved as a grown parish just like Eitorf , which was divided by the often impassable victory.

First the canton Eitorf belonged to the arrondissement Siegen , which after a decree of November 14th 1808 with the arrondissement Dillenburg formed the department Sieg .

On January 16, 1814, the canton of Eitorf was added to the Wipperfürth district under the provisional Prussian administration and the administration was reorganized. At that time the canton had 11,789 inhabitants.

In 1816 the canton of Eitorf was allocated to the new district of Uckerath .


  • Karl Schröder: Between the French Revolution and Prussia's Gloria . Heimatverein Eitorf, Eitorf 1989.