Canton of Villa Vitalina

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Canton of Villa Vitalina
The village of Villa Vitalina
The village of Villa Vitalina
Basic data

Population (state)
- population density
319 population (2001)
1 population / km²
Telephone code (+591)
surface 360 km²
height 3900  m
Coordinates 19 ° 13 ′  S , 68 ° 23 ′  W Coordinates: 19 ° 13 ′  S , 68 ° 23 ′  W
Canton of Villa Vitalina (Bolivia)
Canton of Villa Vitalina
Canton of Villa Vitalina

Department Oruro
province Sabaya Province
Municipio Municipio Sabaya
Central place Villa Vitalina
Climate diagram Sabaya
Climate diagram Sabaya

The canton of Villa Vitalina is a municipality in the Oruro department in the South American Andean state of Bolivia .

Location in the vicinity

The canton ( Bolivian : Cantón) Villa Vitalina is one of seventeen cantons in the district ( Bolivian : Municipio ) Sabaya in the province of Sabaya . It borders in the east and northeast on the canton of Villa Rosario , in the north on the canton of Cahuana , in the west on the canton Pagador and on the canton Pisiga Bolívar Sucre , in the south-west on the Republic of Chile , and in the south on the municipality Coipasa .

The canton extends between about 19 ° 06 'and 19 ° 20' south latitude and 68 ° 13 'and 68 ° 33' west longitude, it measures from north to south up to 20 km, from west to east up to 30 km. In the eastern part of the canton is the central place of the canton, Villa Vitalina , with 250 inhabitants ( 2001 census ). The mean altitude of the canton is 3900  m .


The Canton Villa Vitalina is located on the western edge of the Bolivian Altiplano and west through the foothills of the Cordillera Occidental limited to the south by the salt lake Salar de Coipasa . In the north-west corner of the canton lies the extinct stratovolcano Tata Sabaya (5430 m), at the summit of which a small fumarole could be seen in 1995 .

The climate of the region is semi-arid , the annual precipitation is only 200 mm (see climate diagram Sabaya). From April to November there is a dry season with monthly values ​​of less than 10 mm of precipitation, the wet season in summer is short and the rain is not very productive. The annual average temperature is almost 7 ° C without significant fluctuations in the course of the year, but with strong daily fluctuations in temperature and frequent changes in frost .

The vegetation in the region corresponds to the semi-arid puna . It is treeless and mainly consists of thorn bushes , grasses , succulents and cushion plants . It is used economically as a llama , alpaca and sheep pasture .


The population in the canton has increased significantly in the last decade of the last century:

  • 1992 : 217 inhabitants ( 1992 census )
  • 2001 : 319 inhabitants (census)
  • 2010 : More recent data are not yet available

The population density of the municipality Sabaya at the 2001 census was 1.3 inhabitants / km², in the canton of Villa Vitalina 0.9 inhabitants / km². The life expectancy of newborns in 2001 was 54.9 years.

The literacy rate among those over 19 is 94 percent, 98 percent for men and 89 percent for women (2001).

Due to the historically grown population distribution, the region has a high proportion of Aymara population, in the Municipio Sabaya 62.9% of the population speak the Aymara language .


The Cantón Villa Vitalina has an area of ​​about 360 km² and is divided into the following sub-cantons ( vicecantones )

  • Vicecantón Concepción Comujo - 31 inhabitants ( 2001 )
  • Vicecantón Villa Vitalina - 257 inhabitants
  • Vicecantón Pisiga - 31 inhabitants

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) 2001
  2. Carola Dörrie, Soil and Vegetation in the Huachacalla Area (PDF; 22.9 MB)
  3. Instituto Nacional de Estadística Bolivia (INE 1992)
  4. Instituto Nacional de Estadística Bolivia (INE 2001)
  5. INE social data (PDF; 12.2 MB)

Web links