Karl-Martin Hentschel
Karl-Martin Hentschel (born April 16, 1950 in Bad Münder am Deister ) is a German politician ( Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen ).
From 2000 to 2005 and 2006 to 2009 he was chairman of the Alliance 90 / The Greens parliamentary group in Schleswig-Holstein. Since then he has lived as a freelance writer near Kiel. Since 2014 he has been a member of the federal board of the association Mehr Demokratie e. V. He also works on a voluntary basis at the federal level for the non-governmental organization Attac and represents it on the board of the Tax Justice Network .
In October 2018, his main work, Democracy for Tomorrow - Roadmap to Save the World - was published with a specific draft for a just Europe . It drafts a concept for the fundamental redesign of democracy 250 years after Montesquieu in order to cope with the necessary transformation to a post-capitalist equilibrium society. In particular, the book contains a detailed proposal for reshaping the EU. These proposals are reflected in position papers from Mehr Demokratie eV for a new EU constitution and a constitutional convention and the proposal for a pan-European political campaign for a re-establishment of the EU.
Life and work
Karl-Martin Hentschel was born on April 16, 1950 in Bad Münder, Lower Saxony, as the eldest of five children of a future general in the Bundeswehr and a teacher. He grew up in Kiel-Elmschenhagen and passed his Abitur in 1968 in Hermannsburg .
After graduating from high school, Hentschel joined the Bundeswehr as an officer candidate , from which he left in 1971 for political reasons. Later he was demoted from lieutenant to tank grenadier by the troop service court for participating in protests against the Brokdorf nuclear power plant . In 1971 he began studying mathematics at the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel , which he completed in 1978 as a qualified mathematician. From 1973 to 1975 Hentschel was President of the Student Parliament at Kiel University. The focus of his engagement at the time was the Vietnam War, the military dictatorship in Chile, the construction of nuclear power plants and the end of the Cold War.
After graduating, he worked as a system programmer and database manager until 1996, most recently as head of system consulting at the Gruner + Jahr publishing house . From 1980 to 1993 he was a member of the works council at irregular intervals .
Karl-Martin Hentschel is married, has two children and lives in Kiel.
Hentschel was involved in the anti-nuclear power movement as early as the 1970s and was involved in organizing demonstrations against the Brokdorf nuclear power plant . In 1981 he joined the Greens. In Schleswig-Holstein he developed concepts for a green economic and tax policy and for an ecological tax reform. He represented the employees for several years in the collective bargaining commission of the IG Druck und Papier and was involved in the organization of the successful strikes for the 35-hour week. Twice, from 1987 to 1990 and from 1994 to 1996, he was a member of the state board of the Greens Schleswig-Holstein. From 1991 to 1993 he was a councilor in Rellingen . At the beginning of the 1990s he was committed to a property levy modeled on the burden sharing of 1952 to finance the costs of German unity and to reduce the national debt. In 2000, Hentschel joined the NGO network Attac and since 2009 has been working in the Federal Working Group on Financial Markets and Taxes. In 2012 he was co-initiator of the alliance Umfairteile , which campaigned for a property levy in the run-up to the 2013 federal election. Since 2014 he has represented Attac on the board (coordination group) of the Tax Justice Network . On his initiative, position papers on banking regulation and tax issues were created. In 2013 he organized a campaign to introduce the total group tax . In 2014 he was appointed to the national board of the association Mehr Demokratie e. V. elected. He is also a member of the United Services Union Ver.di , the European Union , the Federation for Environment and Nature Conservation Germany , von Provieh (Animal Welfare Alliance) and the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Schleswig-Holstein. Since 2016 he has been involved in the AK Europa von Mehr Demokratie eV and was co-author of the position papers on the reform of the EU and the convening of the EU constitutional convention.
From 1996 to 2009 he was a member of the state parliament of Schleswig-Holstein . From 1996 to 2000 he was parliamentary manager and from 2000 to 2005 chairman of the Green parliamentary group during the red-green government under Prime Minister Heide Simonis . In June 2006 he was re-elected chairman of the group. After there was a stalemate in the third ballot for fourth place in the list of candidates for the Greens in 2009, he decided not to make another nomination. Karl-Martin Hentschel always entered the state parliament via the state list .
Political priorities
Karl-Martin Hentschel was involved in questions of economic, energy and educational policy - most recently especially for the further development of democracy. He is considered a Scandinavian expert and wrote numerous articles on the Scandinavian tax and municipal system. Based on this, his proposals for reforming the tax and welfare system were made. In 2005 he negotiated the concept for the reform of the education system in Schleswig-Holstein for the Greens with the SPD, which led to the introduction of community schools as regular schools in Schleswig-Holstein. As chairman of the parliamentary group, he presented the first calculated concept for a power supply for Schleswig-Holstein made entirely from renewable energies.
Since leaving parliament he has dealt with the financial crisis and the problem of tax avoidance and tax evasion by international corporations and the so-called super-rich. As part of his work for Attac and the Tax Justice Network, he wrote numerous dossiers, position papers and articles - including a study on the corporate conglomerate IKEA. As the federal executive of Mehr Demokratie, he campaigns for the nationwide referendum, for a decentralization of the political system by strengthening the municipalities and for a re-establishment of the EU and initiated the "Strong Commune Initiative", in which a number of academics and mayors from all parties participate participate.
Author activity
In October 2010 he published the book Let there be light. 100% green electricity for Europe without a climate agreement - a travel guide in which he presents all technical, conceptual, structural, political and economic questions related to the switch to renewable energies in Europe. In 2011 he was co-author of the DESERTEC atlas. World Renewable Energy Atlas published by the Club of Rome. In July 2013 Europa-Verlag published the book From because of alternatives! The just society as a goal in which he presents successful examples of good politics from all over the world - quasi a compendium of actually existing positive solutions from all political areas. The concept of decentralization and the strengthening of municipalities received special attention in many forums and events. Further publications were The fight against aggressive tax avoidance has begun (2016) and The total group tax - system change in corporate taxation (2017). The book Democracy for Tomorrow - Roadmap to Save the World was published in October 2018 . It drafts a concept for the fundamental redesign of democracy 250 years after Montesquieu in order to cope with the necessary transformation to a post-capitalist equilibrium society.
- Democracy for tomorrow - Roadmap to save the world - With a concrete draft for a just Europe . UVK Verlagsgesellschaft , Munich 2019, ISBN 978-3-86764-894-3
- The total group tax - system change in corporate taxation , Network Tax Justice , Info Tax Justice No. 14, 2017
- The fight against aggressive tax avoidance has begun - but there is still a long way to go , Network Tax Justice, Info Tax Justice No. 12, 2016
- Europe - with real democracy to paradise , Die Gazette - the political culture magazine, Munich, issue 48/2015
- Departure for a new Europe , spw - magazine for socialist politics and economy, issue 210, Dortmund, issue 5/2015
- IKEA: Are you still paying or are you already evading , sheets for German and international politics , issue 1/15
- Why Swedes like to pay taxes. About the importance of the municipality for the citizen , in "Föderal und Gerecht", published by Heinrich Böll Foundation Bremen, 2014
- The municipalities first. Decentralized democracy and a strong Europe - a contradiction? In: Agora42 , Sindelfingen, edition 02/14.
- No alternative! The just society as a goal . Europa Verlag , Zurich 2013, ISBN 978-3-905811-77-3 .
- Part 6: Security, Peace and Justice - Refugees through Poverty and Water Scarcity; Electricity imports; Safety; Resource curse, monopoly, good governance, in: "The DESERTEC-ATLAS. World Atlas on Renewable Energies", German Society Club of Rome , CEP European Publishing House , Hamburg 2011, ISBN 978-3-86393-012-7 .
- Let there be light. 100% green electricity for Europe without a climate agreement . Deutscher Wissenschafts-Verlag , Baden-Baden 2010 ISBN 978-3-86888-023-6 .
Individual evidence
- ↑ Entry by Karl-Martin Hentschel ( Memento of the original from April 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. on wiwo.de
- ↑ Karl-Martin Hentschel on mehr-demokratie.de/vorstand.html
Web links
- Karl-Martin Hentschel in the state parliament information system Schleswig-Holstein
- selected articles, publications by Karl-Martin Hentschel
- Notes on the history of democracy and proposals for a modern democratic constitution Author's paper, published by Mehr Demokratie e. V., November 2017
- For a European Citizens' Convention in Gegenwind No. 347, Kiel August 2017
- Cornerstones for a fair and sustainable tax and levy system Attac: Federal Working Group on Financial Markets and Taxes 2016
- Lanier, Jaron: Who Owns the Future? Book review, in Datenschutznachrichten issue 4/2016
- Reform of the pension system in Germany Elaboration for the BAG Arbeit, Gesundheit Sozial von Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen, Nov. 2014
- The municipalities first! - More democracy has founded a new working group for decentralized democracy. He should develop a strategy to move the municipalities to the center of democracy. Why is that so important ?, in: md magazin 04/14, p. 8 (PDF, on mehr-demokratie.de).
- A jungle called IKEA, Attac : Federal AG Financial Markets and Taxes, December 10, 2013.
- Position paper on the reform of corporate taxes : Companies must make a fair contribution to the financing of public tasks, Attac: Federal AG Financial Markets and Taxes, July 10, 2013.
- Proposals for re-regulating the financial markets , November 24, 2012 / "The Deutsche Bank must be divided" - Attac presents proposals for re-regulating the financial markets, Attac press release, December 19, 2012.
- Time for more justice - communalization and fair financing, from: Kommune, Forum for Politics, Economy, Culture 01/12 (on oeko-net.de).
- Part 6: Security, Peace and Justice - Refugees through Poverty and Water Scarcity; Electricity imports; Safety; Resource curse, monopoly, good governance, in: The DESERTEC-ATLAS - World Atlas of Renewable Energies, November 2011.
- Let there be light. 100% green electricity for Europe without a climate agreement, Deutscher Wissenschafts-Verlag (DWV), Baden-Baden 2010, ISBN 9783868880236 .
- Ways out of the debt trap - proposal for a debt relief for the republic based on the model of the burden sharing of 1952, in: Kommune, Forum für Politik, Ökonomie, Kultur 06/09 (on oeko-net.de).
- Better daycare centers and hospitals, in: the daily newspaper , March 9, 2007 (abridged and heavily edited from "Kommune" 06/06).
- Citizens, Commune and State - About the communal basis of the Scandinavian welfare state in: Commune, Forum for Politics, Economy, Culture 06/06.
- “Wonderful Danmark?”, In: Kommune, Forum for Politics, Economy, Culture 02/98.
personal data | |
SURNAME | Hentschel, Karl-Martin |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | German politician (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen), MdL |
DATE OF BIRTH | April 16, 1950 |
PLACE OF BIRTH | Bad Münder am Deister |