Karl Adrian

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Karl Adrian (born February 17, 1861 in Salzburg ; † October 14, 1949 there ) was an Austrian homeland researcher and volunteer in cultural history and cultural policy.


Adrian was a founding member of the Association for Heritage Protection and Preservation of Monuments in Salzburg (1908) and headed its “Customs, Costumes and Customs” department. In 1904 he compiled a first folklore collection from the holdings of the Salzburg Museum Carolinum Augustinum and set it up in 1924 as the Altesalzburger Bauernmuseum (now the Volkskundemuseum Salzburg ) in the monthly palace in Hellbrunn .

Karl Adrian brought folklore ideas to Salzburg. Karl Weinhold's writing in words and pictures became the starting point for future homeland maintenance . As an advisor to local associations, Karl Adrian suggested many new ideas.

In September 1938 he was accepted into the NSDAP and was also a member of the SS-Ahnenerbe . However, he does not seem to have exercised an active role.


He was an honorary member of the traditional costume association Alpina, the association for homeland maintenance and the regional association of traditional costumes and shooting clubs. He was also an honorary member of the Society for Regional Studies in Salzburg .

In 1944 the Vienna Anthropological Society appointed him a corresponding member.

A street in Maxglan is named after him in his honor.


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Individual evidence

  1. Helga Embacher & Barbara Huber, 2018, p. 79.
  2. Helga Embacher, Barbara Huber: Continuities and Networks: The Museum under National Socialist Administration. In: Anschluss, War & Rubble. Salzburg and its museum under National Socialism. Salzburg Museum, Salzburg 2018 (= annual publication of the Salzburg Museum, vol. 60), p. 79.