Karl Albin Becker

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Karl Albin Becker (born November 19, 1894 in Hanover ; † December 1, 1942 in Berlin-Plötzensee ) was a German KPD functionary. After an eventful career in the party, he went into exile in 1934 and was executed in 1942 after being extradited to Nazi Germany .


Becker's family came from the socialist milieu. His siblings Ernst and Lina Becker were later active in the communist movement. He learned the profession of typesetter. In 1909 he became a member of the socialist youth organization and in 1912 he joined the SPD .

During the First World War , Becker was one of the leading figures of Bremen's left-wing radicals, first in Dresden and later in Bremen . In 1917 he was jailed for distributing anti-militarist writings among the youth and was not released until the November Revolution .

In Dresden he became a member of the Workers 'and Soldiers' Council . As a representative of the International Communists of Germany , Becker was a delegate of the founding congress of the KPD . In 1919 he was a leading KPD functionary. In the Bremen Council Republic he was a member of the executive committee ("Bremen 21 Committee").

In the internal party disputes in 1919, he initially belonged to the left opposition and supported the syndicalist General Workers' Union . Becker returned to the KPD just a year later and in 1921 became the party's leading functionary in Hamburg . There he was among other things editor-in-chief of the Hamburger Volkszeitung .

In 1923 Becker was elected as one of the youngest members of the Central Committee and appointed to the Politburo . After the party was banned as a result of the Hamburg uprising and the German October in the same year, he had to go into hiding and was wanted on a wanted list. He then returned to the Hamburger Volkszeitung for a short time .

In the disputes within the party, he was one of the supporters of the “right wing” around Heinrich Brandler , August Thalheimer and Jacob Walcher . After a stay in Moscow , Becker joined Ernst Meyer in 1925 . As a result, he again took on important functions in the party. He worked in the trade union department of the Central Committee and was editor-in-chief of the communist trade union newspaper “Kampf”.

In 1928 he was elected to the Prussian state parliament. In the internal party disputes, he was a spokesman among the “ compromisers ”. With their defeat in 1928/29 he was ousted from all influential party offices and no longer elected to the Central Committee.

As a result, Becker was mainly active in communist subsidiary organizations such as the Rote Hilfe and the Kampfbund against fascism . Between 1931 and 1933 he was State Secretary of the League of Friends of the Soviet Union .

From February 1933 Becker lived illegally and in 1934 went into exile to Prague , later to Amsterdam and finally to Paris . There he worked for the exiled KPD. In the Friends World Committee of the Soviet Union , he played a leading role from the 1937th In June 1941 he and his partner Elsa Arnold were arrested by the Gestapo in Paris .

On September 4, 1942, Becker was sentenced to death by the People's Court for preparing for high treason . and executed on December 1, 1942 in Plötzensee prison.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Heinz Schumann and Gerda Werner: Fight the human right. Life pictures and last letters from anti-fascist resistance fighters . Dietz Verlag, 1958, ISBN 3-88021-180-9 , p. 47 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  2. According to Schumann / Werner Erkendet the human right .. as early as 1927