Karl Andrassy de Szent Király

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Karl Andrassy de Szent Király (* 1723 in Rosenau , Görmör county ; † 1782 ) was an imperial major general .


Karl Andrassy de Szent Király came from the part of Slovakia that was then part of Hungary , the so-called Upper Hungary . From 1743 he was first lieutenant of the hussar regiment "Count Nádasdy" , in which he was promoted to captain in 1749 and in 1754 to lieutenant colonel. He fought with his regiment in the Seven Years' War and stood out in the battles near Kolin , Leuthen and Breslau . For this he was promoted to colonel in 1758 and was given command of his regiment . He led this successfully in the battle near Liebau and the Kunersdorf on May 21, 1759. He was also in the front of his troops in the Landeshut in June of the next year . The victory of the Austrians succeeded in capturing the Prussian general Heinrich August de la Motte Fouqué . Andrassy, ​​at the head of his regiment, blew up an enemy square , captured a standard and two cannons and took about 500 prisoners.

Andrassy also led the regiment in the Battle of Burkersdorf in 1761, which suffered heavy losses here. In 1762 he was made a real colonel and distinguished himself again on August 16, 1763 in the battle of Reichenbach . In 1766 he was promoted to major general. Because of his services he was raised to the rank of count in 1780 .
