Karl Friedrich von Dollmann

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Karl Friedrich von Dollmann (born October 20, 1811 in Ansbach ; † January 9, 1867 in Munich ), was a German lawyer , university professor and specialist author .

Family and education

The eldest son of the royal clerk Paul Dollmann (1783-1852) and his wife Margarethe geb. Ebert (1788–1859), first attended the Ansbacher Gymnasium and then studied law at the universities of Berlin (1830–1831), Heidelberg (1832) and Munich (1833) with Friedrich Carl von Savigny , Eduard Gans , Clemens August Carl Klenze , among others , Georg Phillips , Anton Friedrich Justus Thibaut and Georg Friedrich Puchta in Berlin, Karl Salomo Zachariä and Carl Joseph Anton Mittermaier in Heidelberg and with Hieronymus von Bayer in Munich. In 1833 he passed the final exam and was awarded a Dr. jur. PhD. In 1834 he was given a teaching position at the University of Erlangen, but the following year he moved to Munich, where he worked from 1839 as an associate professor and from 1844 as a full professor for, among other things, Roman legal history , German private law , Bavarian land law, French civil law as well as civil and criminal procedural law .


Dollmann published the magazine for legislation and justice in the Kingdom of Baiern and also published numerous scientific essays and articles in magazines and compilations such as Münchener schehrter Anzeiger , in critical year books for German jurisprudence , sheets for the application of law or the German state dictionary published by Johann Caspar Bluntschli .

Among other things, he was called in from 1852–1854 on behalf of the Bavarian State Government to advise and revise the drafts of the Criminal Code and a new Code of Criminal Procedure and to represent the former before the Legislative Committee of the Chamber of Deputies . In 1857 he was appointed a member of the commission for the consultation of a civil code for the Kingdom of Bavaria.

King Maximilian II awarded him the Order of Civil Merit of the Baierische Krone in 1859 , with which the elevation to the personal nobility was linked.

Dollmann died after a short illness at the age of 56. He left two sons from his first marriage to Antonie Höltz (1809–1844), Friedrich (1842–1898) and Paul (1844–1895), both of whom studied law at the Maximiliansgymnasium in Munich after graduating from high school . From Dollmann's second marriage to Pauline von Roth (1818–1870) came the daughters Pauline (1853–1854), Johanna (1854–1941; married to Major General Gottlieb von Thäter ) and Käthe (1856–1919; married Merkel) .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Annual report on the k. Maximilians-Gymnasium in Munich for the school year 1860/61