Karl Georg Friedrich Schmitt

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Karl Georg Friedrich Schmitt (born January 25, 1804 in Nieder-Ofleiden , Alsfeld district , † February 26, 1890 in Mainz ) was a German Protestant clergyman and an honorary citizen of the city of Mainz .


Karl Georg Friedrich Schmitt studied at the University of Giessen . During his studies he became a member of the Old Giessener Burschenschaft Germania in the winter semester of 1821/22 and in Halle a member of the Quellengesellschaft as well as the general public . In 1827 he became vicar in Ober-Widdersheim , later in Schotten , then in Niederweidbach . In 1832 he became a pastor in Heidelbach . In 1835 he became a co-preacher and pastor in Mainz. After the death of Pastor O. Nonnweiler in 1851 he became the first Protestant pastor in Mainz and superintendent of the province of Rheinhessen . Schmitt was appointed senior consistorial councilor and, in 1874, prelate of the Evangelical Church in Hesse . On January 12, 1878, on the occasion of his 50th anniversary in the service, he was made an honorary citizen of Mainz. In 1882 he retired. He is buried in the main cemetery in Mainz (field 31).


  • with Otto Friedrich Vonweiler and Julius Göring: commemorative celebration of the religious peace concluded three hundred years ago in Augsburg in the Evangelical Community of Mainz . Seifert, Mainz 1855.
  • with Karl Zimmermann and Friedrich Karl Simon : Response of the three Protestant superintendents of the Grand Duchy of Hesse, Dr. Zimmermann, Dr. Simon and Dr. Schmitt, on the writing of the bishop of Mainz: "The true foundations of religious peace" . Zernim, Darmstadt 1868.


  • Alfred Börckel : Mainz historical images . Sketches of memorable people and events from 1816 to the present. Philipp von Zabern, Mainz 1890, p. 159.
  • Wolfgang Balzer: Mainz. Personalities of the city's history . Volume 1: Honorary citizens of Mainz, princes of Mainz, military personalities, Mainz mayors. Kügler, Ingelheim 1985, ISBN 3-924124-01-9 , pp. 14-15 (with picture).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Paul Wentzcke : Fraternity lists. Second volume: Hans Schneider and Georg Lehnert: Gießen - The Gießener Burschenschaft 1814 to 1936. Görlitz 1942, F. Germania. No. 80.

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