Karl Joseph Beck

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Karl Joseph Beck

Karl Joseph Beck (born June 27, 1794 in Gengenbach , † June 15, 1838 in Freiburg im Breisgau ) was a German doctor and university professor.

Origin and family

Beck was born in Gengenbach in 1794 as the son of an imperial city physicist . His father died of typhus just before he was born . Together with his older brother Bernhard, he grew up in the house of his mother's brother, the Reich Prelate Bernhard Schwörer. In 1799 Beck's mother married Joseph Schwörer, a distant relative, and moved with her family to him in Freiburg.

Beck married Philippine Wirth in 1819, and their children Joseph, Bernhard , Anna, Georg and Friedrich were born between 1820 and 1831 .


Beck attended the Freiburg grammar school , which he left in the autumn of 1808, at the age of 14, to enroll at the university for philosophy. From 1810 Beck, like his father, studied medicine at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg . In 1812 he founded the Corps Rhenania Freiburg . In 1813 he was one of the founders of the Corps Suevia Tübingen . In 1813 he passed his medical exam. In 1814 he became a regimental doctor and took part in the campaign against France . He was promoted to Dr. med. doctorate and leaving his remuneration for a year and a half to devote himself to his scientific studies at the universities of Vienna, Berlin, Göttingen, Würzburg and Paris. Already appointed associate professor in 1818 , he worked as an assistant in surgery and obstetrics in Freiburg. In 1819 he became a district senior physician. Since 1821 full professor , Beck was appointed prorector of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität in 1828 . In 1829 he succeeded Johann Ecker as director of the surgical and ophthalmological clinic after his death. From 1830 he was medical assistant at the court. Based on his reports, new operating methods in the fields of surgery and ophthalmology were introduced. A station is named after him in the Freiburg University Eye Clinic. His portrait hangs on the Rhenania corp house . Beck and his wife are buried in the old cemetery in Freiburg. The sculptor Josef Alois Knittel from Freiburg created his still-preserved tomb .

See also


  • The diseases of the auditory organ. A handbook for the use of his lectures , Heidelberg 1827
  • Illustrations of forms of disease from the field of ophthalmology and some ophthalmic tools with explanatory texts , Heidelberg 1835


Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 47/1; 197/52
  2. ^ Michael Klant: The artist family Knittel . In: Freiburg Biographies , Promo, Freiburg im Breisgau 2002, ISBN 978-3-923288-33-5 , p. 175