Karl Klien

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Karl Klien (born December 18, 1776 in Königstein , † May 10, 1839 in Leipzig ) was a German legal scholar.


Born the son of a theologian, Klien was orphaned at an early age. Well-educated, he enrolled on June 2, 1795 at the University of Wittenberg , where he passed his pro praxi exam as a notary on May 14, 1798. He then received his doctorate on November 26, 1798 as a licentiate and doctor of law, was accepted as an assessor at the law faculty of Wittenberg University on July 30, 1801 and received an extraordinary professorship for Saxon law on June 2, 1803 . After Karl Salomo Zachariae went to Heidelberg in 1807, he became a full professor of Roman law, with which he was given a seat at the Wittenberg Schöppenstuhl and at the Wittenberg Court Court.

In Wittenberg he experienced the last days of the declining university , last relocated to Schmiedeberg (1813–15) and was its last rector in the summer semester of 1809 and 1815 . Together with his colleague Christoph Karl Stübel, he quit his service in the summer of 1815 and went to the University of Leipzig, where new chairs had been set up for both of them. From this newly created professorship, Klien moved up over the years to higher and higher professorships and took on the associated tasks in the cathedral monasteries.

Klien worked on the new Saxon constitution, was a member of various commissions that examined, among other things, the events of the small-state revolution in Saxony in 1830. He became a senior in the law faculty of the Leipzig University, represented it at state parliaments and meetings of the estates, and was awarded the Knight's Cross and the Royal Saxon Order of Merit for his achievements .

In his first marriage, Klien was born with Christiane Luise Konradine. Nitzsche, who died in Schmiedeberg in 1815. He later married again. Of several born children, only three daughters survived.

Fonts (selection)

  • Revision of the principles on the crime of theft ... , Nordhausen 1806
  • De lege Saxonica contra tumultum et seditionem dd XVIII Jan. MDCCLXXXXI denouo confirmata per legem recentissimam dd VI. Oct. MDCCCXXX


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