Karl Lilia Ritter von Westegg

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Karl Ritter von Lilia Westegg (* 20th June 1804 / 1806 in Vienna , † 12. July 1881 in Baden , Lower Austria , Austria-Hungary ) was an Imperial Field Marshal Lieutenant and kk really Privy Council .

Origin and family

Lilia was the son of Joseph Lilia, born in Mannheim , medical officer in the Imperial and Royal Herzoglichen Schützen Coburg Uhlan Regiment No. 1, and Antonia Schmidinger. After the death of Karl Lilia's mother, his father married Katharina Schöffl in Saaz (Bohemia) in 1819 , and there is a daughter from this marriage.

Karl Lilia is the brother of Maria Antonia Josepha Lilia (Lillia) in Saaz († 1842 Saaz). She married the Saaz merchant and trader Adolph Petzely, a cousin of the Saaz City Councilor Karl Wüstl († 1882 Saaz, husband of Maria Broudre) and brother of Hermine married Freiin Taxis-Bordogna-Valnigra (* 1828 Saaz; † 1901 Wels, Upper Austria) . Hermine is a cousin of Franziska Fiedler geb. Petzeli (also written: Pecelius, Pezeli, Petzely, Pezellen), mother-in-law of Hedwig Fiedler geb. Dorner (* 1838 in Graz; † 1883 Saaz), sister of the kk Feldmarschallleutnant Raimund Dorner (* 1831 Graz; † 1917 Graz), regiment commander of the kuk infantry regiment "Hoch- und Deutschmeister" No. 4 .

In 1852 Lilia Ritter of the Imperial Austrian Leopold Order was raised to the knighthood with the predicate "von Westegg".

Karl Lilia Ritter von Westegg married Louise Monti, who came from Milan , in Mödling in 1861 ; his year of birth is given here in 1806.


Lilia joined the Feldjägerbaon in 1818 as a commoner. 6, where he was promoted to Lt. advanced; 1828 to the IR. 21 transferred, Lilia was with this Rgt. 1829 Oblt., 1844 Mjr. As such he took part in the campaign in Lombardy in 1848 , where he distinguished himself particularly in the fighting in Milan and in the battle of Curtatone. On December 1, 1848, Lilia became a fruit extractor in recognition of his outstanding achievements. and Kmdt. of the IR. 30 appointed. Shortly afterwards he took over command of the IR. 42, which he led until his appointment as major general and brigadier in Milan on June 4, 1850.

Promoted to the FML in 1857 and assigned as a division general in Verona , Lilia took part in the campaign in Italy in 1859 . After graduation he joined the end of August 1859 i. R., however, was reactivated on July 16, 1861 and employed as a fortress commander in Komorn. Lilia Ritter von Westegg remained in this position until his final retirement in 1866. From June 21, 1862 he was the second owner of the IR. 31, from December 10, 1865 Privy Council.


  • Matt Kessler: Broudre genealogy (brother, Broudré, Broudre Edle von Goruszów) . In: Sudetendeutsche Familienforschung . ISSN  0943-8807 , Volume 14, 2018, pp. 255-261.

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