Karl Mayerhofer (singer, 1873)

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Karl Mayerhofer , called Hungerl , (* 1873 ; † March 13, 1905 in Vienna ) was an Austrian folk song singer and fiaker .


Johann Schrammel engaged selected nature singers to accompany the Schrammel Quartet , among which the cabaret singers were the majority. Among them, the Fiaker Karl Mayerhofer, known as Hungerl , the bodyfiaker of Crown Prince Rudolf Josef Bratfisch , called Nockerl due to his corpulence , and Franz Reil, called Schuster-Franz , became well known. Mayerhofer's nickname Hungerl referred to his physical appearance and slim stature. In 1905 Mayerhofer was the victim of a traffic accident in which a motor vehicle rammed his fiaker at the Schottentor . He died five weeks later as a result of the accident. Around 20,000 mourners from Germany and abroad are said to have attended his funeral at the Hernalser Friedhof (group N, number 81).

In 1950, in the 17th district of Hernals in Vienna , a memorial plaque was unveiled at 60 Lacknergasse for the three fiaker singers Karl Mayerhofer, Josef Bratfisch and Franz Reil, and the Viennese song singer Maly Nagl performed at the ceremony .

Fiaker Karl Mayerhofer (Hungerl), Josef Bratfisch (Nockerl) and Franz Reil (Schuster Franz)


Web links

Commons : Karl Mayerhofer (Fiaker)  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b nature singers, Fiaker & laundromat . Retrieved August 26, 2018.
  2. ^ A b Gertraud Pressler: Fiaker singer. In: Oesterreichisches Musiklexikon . Online edition, Vienna 2002 ff., ISBN 3-7001-3077-5 ; Print edition: Volume 1, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna 2002, ISBN 3-7001-3043-0 .
  3. Fiaker Hungerl died. In:  Oesterreichische Kronen-Zeitung. Illustrirtes Tagblatt / Illustrierte Kronen-Zeitung / Wiener Kronen-Zeitung , March 15, 1905, p. 9 (online at ANNO ).Template: ANNO / Maintenance / short
  4. Karl Mayerhofer in the search for the deceased at friedhoefewien.at
  5. limited preview in the Google book search