Karl Raue

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Karl Raue (born November 18, 1863 in Heringen / Helme , † March 5, 1924 in Hamburg ) was a German educator and trade unionist .

Live and act

Karl Raue completed the teachers' seminar in Eisleben from 1881 to 1884 . Then he worked for five and a half years as a second elementary teacher and gymnastics teacher in Stolberg . On October 1, 1889, he went to Hamburg, where he belonged to the college of the newly founded elementary school for boys Moorkamp in Eimsbüttel . He mainly taught natural history, geography and history. In history lessons, he also dealt with events outside of Germany and events that occurred recently. It was important to him not to emphasize or even glorify significant personalities.

Raue set up a salary committee for four different Hamburg teachers' organizations, to which he was elected on May 23, 1906. He was a member of the Society of Friends of the Patriotic Schooling and Education System, of which he was a member from 1912 onwards. In 1917 he took over the chairmanship of the organization. Raue was of the opinion that the teachers' incomes and living conditions could only be improved if they worked in solidarity with other groups of officials. Therefore, he gave the impetus for the establishment of the Association of Hamburg Civil Service Associations , in which all Hamburg civil service organizations came together. As chairman elected on October 19, 1917, he was sent on November 13, 1918 to the newly founded civil servants' council, which he headed as chairman from November 22, 1918 until the end of his life. It was an interest group that was newly constituted in the course of the November Revolution and initially also performed trade union tasks. From 1923 onwards, as a kind of civil service chamber, it only advised on general issues in the public service. Raue particularly advocated raising starting salaries in the lower and middle groups of public sector employees. The increased cost of living in the big cities should be offset by a socially graded allowance.

In addition, Raue belonged to the civil servants' committee of the high school authority and the civil servants' commission of the workers' council. As a member of the DDP teachers' group , he took a lower position in the elections for the Hamburg citizenship in 1919 and 1921. Like almost all elementary school teachers, he took part in a general strike against the Kapp Putsch on March 15, 1920 . He spoke at a general teachers' meeting of the Society of Friends of the Patriotic School and Education System, which took place in the Curiohaus . He called on the educators to work for the continuation of the free constitution of the republic and to prevent dictatorships of any kind. On August 2, 1921, there was a mass demonstration by civil servants on the Moorweide . Raue spoke here as one of six speakers and warned of the looming economic collapse.

Since he feared that the cohesion of the various professional organizations could weaken, Raue applied at a meeting on January 31, 1922 to reorganize the Association of Hamburg Civil Service Associations and make it a regional association of the DBB . This change was completed in June 1922. The regional association merged with the civil servants' associations from railways, post offices, customs and taxation to form the DBB regional cartel for Greater Hamburg . Karl Raue took over its chairmanship on November 2, 1922. Thus, he had achieved his life goal of representing the interests of various professional associations. However, he did not succeed in preventing a minority from joining the competing Allgemeine Deutsche Beamtenbund on June 18 .

Karl Raue died of severe diabetes , which at the time could not be adequately treated medically.
