Karl Schwetz

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Karl Schwetz (born July 4, 1888 in Kanitz , South Moravia, † March 21, 1965 in Vienna ) was an Austrian painter and graphic artist .


Karl Schwetz studied from 1904 to 1907 at the Vienna School of Applied Arts with Willibald Schulmeister, Erich Malina and Anton von Kenner . 1907–1912 he was with Bertold Löffler . Schwetz was a founding member of the Meidlinger Heimatmuseum in 1923 , of which Karl Hilscher was director.

In 1994 the Schwetzweg in Vienna- Meidling (12th district) was named after Karl Schwetz.


After his marriage to the ceramist Ida Schwetz-Lehmann , who was a member of the Wiener Werkstätte from 1912 to 1923 , he worked for the Wiener Werkstätte from 1909 to 1913 (designing postcard series). Karl Schwetz was not only known for his vedute and watercolors, but also made a name for himself very early on as a book illustrator who preferred etching and woodcuts as artistic techniques. He supplied models for centerpieces, vases, bowls and figurines for the Viennese porcelain manufactory in Augarten Castle. For the Künstlerhaus exhibition in November 1920 and April 1921 he modeled the wax sculptures "Spring", "Indian Woman", "Europe" and "The beautiful Lau ". In addition, he was interested in gem cutting and the production of double-choir lutes. His etchings, executed in perfect technique, not only wanted to be a picture book with Austrian views, but they also dealt with the problems of the time.

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