Karl Seweloh

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Karl Seweloh (also: Carl Seweloh and Friedrich Seweloh as well as Friedrich Heinrich Carl Seweloh and Seveloh ; * 1771 , † 1848 ) was a Hanoverian officer , colonel , geodesist , head of the Hanoverian engineering corps and collector of war maps .


In connection with the complete re-construction of the old Heerstraße from Hanover to Hildesheim, the Hildesheimer Straße from the Catholic cemetery to the Döhrener Tower at the end of the 18th century by the military cartographer Georg Sigismund Otto Lasius , one can be found in the road file to this day by the "well-known Ing.-Leutnant Seveloh “made plan of the St. Aegidii field for the purpose of laying out the planned new road from 1792 .

In military terms, Seweloh first appeared in 1793, when he was an ensign in the Hanoverian artillery regiment and was appointed second lieutenant on September 5, 1794 .

Seweloh's son Louis Friedrich Otto Heinrich Rudolph Seweloh was born on September 12, 1816 . In the same year Seweloh was appointed head of the Royal Hanoverian Engineering Corps. The colonel - like his son later - dealt in particular with the procedures of common division and the regulation of the municipal boundaries in the kingdom.

In the years 1825 to 1836 Seweloh made various maps on a scale of 1.2500 over the area of ​​the then Steintor garden community and the Aegidientor garden community , which had merged administratively to form the suburb of Hanover , which was previously formed from 14 localities . Seveloh's maps later, together with plans by August Wilhelm Papen and the maps of the riding forester Johann Philipp Wilhelm Köhler, formed the basis for the “Official Road Map” of 1854, which was probably compiled by the draftsman and later chief draftsman Friedrich Sohnrey .

Until 1824 Seweloh was listed as Friedrich Seweloh in the Hanoverian and Electoral-Braunschweig-Lüneburg state calendar .

In the period from 1835 to 1837, Karl Seveloh also surveyed the entire municipal property, including the municipal church and foundation plots, on behalf of the City of Hanover. He transferred his measurements to three large maps covered with squares on a scale of 1.2500. These later served in turn in part as the basis for the production of cadastral maps for the areas of Große Bult and Kleine Bult and were already considered exemplary in comparison with other linking maps of their time.

Seweloh was considered a passionate military man and among other things collected around 500 war cards about the campaigns of Duke Ferdinand of Braunschweig .

From the correspondence with Carl Friedrich Gauß , a letter from Seweloh dated June 2, 1841 has been preserved in Gauß's estate.

While the Hannoversche address book for the year 1826 recorded the residence of the lieutenant colonel "on the Posthofe except the Steinthor ", the address book for 1848 listed the colonel a. D. Karl Seweloh at 1. Auestrasse 105a , while in the same year the captain was registered with the artillery and teacher at the Military Academy (Karl) Theodor Seweloh at Neuestrasse 24 .

Works (selection)

  • Carl Seweloh: About common divisions in general and with special consideration for the surveyor employed there , 228 pages with 5 copper engravings, Hildesheim: by JD Gerstenberg, 1805; Digitized from ETH Zurich

Archival material

Archival material by and about Karl Seweloh can be found, for example

  • as an estate under the title General-Ordres and military regulations 1797-1842, special ordinances concerning the engineer corps 1816-1831 as 0.01 running meters. Files from 1797 to 1848 on the finding aid of the Lower Saxony State Archives (NLA) - Hannover location
  • in the estate of Carl Friedrich Gauß: A letter from Karl Seweloh as a multi-page manuscript to Carl Friedrich Gauß from Hanover dated June 2, 1841; Lower Saxony State and University Library (Göttingen), archive signature Cod. Ms. Gauß Letters A: Seweloh (old signature: Cod. Ms. Gauß 112 ); Digitized

Individual evidence

  1. a b Compare the information in the catalog of the German National Library
  2. a b c 375. Seweloh, Karl , in: Supplements to the military weekly paper , 1902, p. 305; limited preview in Google Book search
  3. a b c d e f Ingrid Hennings: Louis Friedrich Otto Heinrich Rudolph Seweloh , biography as a PDF document on the East Frisian Landscape page [ undated ], last accessed on December 17, 2018
  4. a b c d Louis Rosenthal: The development of surveying in the city of Hanover , in: Hannoversche Geschichtsblätter , New Series, Vol. 14 (1960), pp. 157-271; here especially pp. 161, 164, 187, 264; limited preview in Google Book search
  5. a b Compare the information in the central database of bequests from the Federal Archives
  6. ^ Karl Fricke: Appendix: Old maps and plans , in which: The urban map system in Hanover. Development and status from 1860 to 1971 , Vol. 1: Text , pp. 155–159; here: p. 158
  7. Compare the information in the database of the Kalliope network
  8. ^ Hannoversches Adressbuch , II: Alphabetical index of the inhabitants of the old and new towns of Hanover, as well as part of the inhabitants of Herrenhausen, Linden and besides the other gates with remark of their business, the streets in which they live and the house number , p. 140 as digitized version of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library (GWLB)
  9. ^ Address book of the royal capital and residence city of Hanover, Alphabetical Directory of Inhabitants , p. 144 of the GWLB