Karlheinz Spielmann

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Karlheinz Spielmann (born April 17, 1908 in Schweinsberg , Marburg district , † May 19, 1980 in Dortmund ) was a German lawyer, lieutenant in the Air Force, business leader and honorary representative of citizen interests.


After graduating from high school, Spielmann studied law and political science at the University of Marburg from 1927 to 1931 . Here he joined the Corps Irminsul Marburg , of which he remained a member throughout his life. For his work on the history of the witch trials in Hessen-Kassel he received the first prize of his faculty in 1930. The first state examination he was in 1931 and in the same year before the law faculty of the University of Marburg with the work legal nature and treatment of the bearer security bond for Dr. jur. utr. (Doctor of Both Rights) PhD . During the training period at courts of 1932/1933, he resigned from the civil service after differences with his training judge. He then began a career in the Reichsnährstand Kurmark and advanced to become chairman of the board of the largest German sugar refinery in Szczecin .

In World War II 's husband was a lieutenant of the Air Force badly wounded. As a wounded soldier, at the end of March / beginning of April 1945, he prevented the historic wine town of Iphofen in Lower Franconia from being declared a fortress ready for defense , thus enabling the town to be saved from destruction by setting up hospitals as an “open hospital town”. After returning from captivity in 1946, he founded a manufacturing company in addition to a food wholesaler with branches in the Ruhr area . In 1949 he moved his business activities to Dortmund . In addition to his economic activity, he took on a number of honorary tasks until he retired from business life in 1958 for health reasons. On October 10, 1961, the city of Iphofen granted him honorary citizenship by a council resolution in recognition of his courageous and determined commitment to protect its historic buildings from destruction at the end of the war in 1945. He continued to take part in local politics in the city. The elementary school in Iphofen was named "Dr.-Karlheinz-Spielmann-Volksschule" in his honor. In addition, a street bears his name.

In 1963 Spielmann was a co-founder of the Association for the Promotion of Student Dormitories and from 1966 to 1968 the 1st chairman. In 1965 his extensive documentation " Ehrenbürger und Ehrungen" appeared in the 3rd edition with the addition of previously unknown facts about contemporary history. In 1968 he founded the association against parliamentary and bureaucratic abuse based in Dortmund, which was recognized as a non-profit organization. From 1969 he was a board member of the World Association for the Protection of Life (WSL) , but resigned his offices there in 1972 to devote himself only to the further development of the association against parliamentary and bureaucratic abuse . On behalf of the association, he published the newspaper "Heiße Eisen" at regular intervals. He chaired the Association against Parliamentary and Bureaucratic Abuse from 1968 to 1978. He saw himself as an “Ombudsman” and represented the interests of numerous citizens who felt their rights had been violated. For the chairmanship of the association, the district court president in Dortmund had given him permission to handle foreign legal matters, including legal advice in accordance with the Legal Advice Act . During his 10 years as chairman of the association against parliamentary and bureaucratic abuse, which he founded and recognized as a non-profit, Spielmann endeavored to protect citizens from what he saw as excessive bureaucracy and excessive public action. He saw himself as a committed advocate of democratic principles and dedicated himself to his tasks unselfishly. He did his time-consuming work without financial compensation. His efforts to protect citizens from possible governmental and bureaucratic arbitrariness found recognition not only in the population but also in public institutions.

Already on July 3, 1973 Spielmann received the Federal Cross of Merit 1st Class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in recognition of his commitment to the social and economic integration of commercial refugees and displaced persons as well as in recognition of the documentation he wrote "Honorary Citizens and Honors in Past and Present". For his work in the association against parliamentary and bureaucratic abuse , in addition to the above-mentioned awards, the Federal President awarded him the Great Cross of Merit of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Lord Mayor of Dortmund presented him with the medal on May 18, 1979.

The club's founder, Karlheinz Spielmann, who was seriously ill, liquidated the club on December 31, 1978, after his designated successor Otto Schubert from Gießen had died and no other suitable successor was available. The archive of the city of Dortmund took over the files of the association against parliamentary and bureaucratic abuse after the association was dissolved.

On February 9, 1979, Karlheinz Spielmann pinned the mayor of Dortmund - Günter Samtlebe - the cross of honor of his now-dissolved association against parliamentary and bureaucratic abuse on the skirt. He accepted the award with the words: "If I did not have this office, I would do something similar to what you have practiced for ten years."

Karlheinz Spielmann died on May 19, 1980 in Dortmund. His urn burial took place later in a grave of honor in Iphofen.

supporting documents

  1. ^ Obituary in the Westfälische Rundschau on May 24, 1980.
  2. This and the following data and information are documented by the files 452 of the archive of the city of Dortmund and the archive of the city of Iphofen.
  3. Dr. Karlheinz Spielmann GS / MS Iphofen
  4. ^ Press service of the city of Dortmund from May 18, 1979, sheet 442.
  5. Takeover contract of the city of Dortmund from December 1978 with the file number 15.01.01.
  6. Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung No. 34 of February 9, 1979 with photo