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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the city of Iphofen
Map of Germany, location of the city of Iphofen highlighted

Coordinates: 49 ° 42 '  N , 10 ° 16'  E

Basic data
State : Bavaria
Administrative region : Lower Franconia
County : Kitzingen
Management Community : Iphofen
Height : 250 m above sea level NHN
Area : 78.06 km 2
Residents: 4667 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 60 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 97346
Primaries : 09167, 09323, 09326
License plate : KT
Community key : 09 6 75 139
City structure: 6 districts

City administration address :
Marktplatz 28
97346 Iphofen
Website : www.iphofen.de
Mayor : Dieter Lenzer (Free Voting Association Iphofen)
Location of the city of Iphofen in the Kitzingen district
Landkreis Bamberg Landkreis Schweinfurt Landkreis Würzburg Landkreis Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim Wiesenbronn Segnitz Rüdenhausen Rödelsee Obernbreit Martinsheim Marktsteft Markt Einersheim Marktbreit Mainstockheim Mainbernheim Kleinlangheim Kitzingen Geiselwind Castell (Unterfranken) Buchbrunn Albertshofen Abtswind Willanzheim Wiesentheid Volkach Sulzfeld am Main Sommerach Seinsheim Schwarzach am Main Prichsenstadt Nordheim am Main Iphofen Großlangheim Dettelbach Biebelried Landkreis Haßbergemap
About this picture

Iphofen is a town in the Lower Franconian district of Kitzingen and the seat of the Iphofen administrative association . The city became known nationwide through the cultivation of wine. With its picturesque, completely preserved medieval and baroque old town, Iphofen is a tourist and historical attraction at the same time.

The inhabitants of Iphofens are called Iphöfer . The adjective for the city name is also formed, for example in the Iphöfer city wall or the names of the Iphöfer vineyards.


Iphofen aerial view (2019) with Schwanberg in the background

Geographical location

The community lies at the foot of the Schwanberg , one of the highest mountains in the Steigerwald . The Main runs 10 km northwest of Iphofen . Iphofen is located in the Würzburg region (Bavarian planning region 2) and belongs to the Hellmitzheim Bay . This pushes itself deep into the Steigerwald and opens westwards to the Main valley.

The city area is traversed by the Wehrbach and the Siechhausbach , both of which flow west of the city center into the Sickersbach .

Expansion of the urban area

Iphofen has a star-shaped urban area that extends in the four cardinal directions. It is bounded in the north by the Schwanberg, in the east by the Kalbberg and in the south by the Nuremberg – Würzburg railway line.


Since the incorporation of formerly independent communities in the course of the regional reform of January 1, 1972, the city has been divided into six districts in addition to the city of Iphofen:

The districts of the community of Iphofen

The districts consist of 22 places:

Neighboring communities

Neighboring communities are (starting from the north clockwise): Castell , Oberscheinfeld , Markt Bibart , Markt Einersheim , Sugenheim , Willanzheim , Mainbernheim , Rödelsee and Wiesenbronn .

Natural location

In terms of nature, Iphofen and its districts are located in three different areas. The city itself has a share of the Schwanberg foreland with its flat hills. Further to the east, the Northern Steigerwald joins with much higher altitudes, a sub-unit was named after the Schwanberg. Most of the districts are in the Hellmitzheim Bay in the south of the municipality.


Iphofen is located on the edge of the Maingau climate zone in what is perhaps the driest part of Lower Franconia and Bavaria . The average annual temperature is around 8 ° C.


Market square with parish church St. Veit, town hall and Marienbrunnen

Jewish community

During the Middle Ages and the early modern period, there was an Israelite religious community in Iphofen . During the Middle Ages, the community was subject to frequent persecution, so in 1298 a total of 25 people of Jewish faith were killed in the course of the so-called Rintfleisch pogroms . Probably to justify the atrocities, a legend established itself according to which the Jews are said to have desecrated consecrated hosts.

While the Jews and their Christian neighbors had done the reconstruction after the Thirty Years' War , the city council planned to expel the Jews again in 1683. This time, however, there was resistance from the townspeople. A letter to the Würzburg bishop underlined the good cooperation between the religions. Nevertheless, the city council prevailed and the Jews were banished from Iphofen. Now no church of its own was established in the city.

Until the 19th century

The first documentary mention of Iphofens comes from the year 741 and is "Ippihaoba", which means Hube am Iffbach . The Iphöfer Church of John the Baptist can be found in a document that documented the transfer of 25 churches from Karlmann to the Bishop of Würzburg . In 1293 Iphofen received city ​​rights from Manegold von Neuenburg , Bishop of Würzburg. The city ​​fortifications that have been preserved were also built during this time . Around 1421 the Gräbenviertel was included in the city fortifications. Construction of the parish church of St. Veit began in 1414. The plague hit Iphofen four times in 1524, 1582–1586, 1611 and 1632. Iphofen was the seat of the Iphofen office .

The city was almost entirely Protestant in the second half of the 16th century. The rigorous confessional policy of the Würzburg prince-bishop Julius Echter, with the threat of expulsion from the country, brought about a turning point in 1586 through numerous forced conversions. From this point on, the proportion of Catholics rose steadily, and many wealthy and influential Protestants had already died during the plague epidemic from 1582 to 1586. Around 1650, Iphofen was finally a purely Catholic place.

As early as 1620, the plagues of the Thirty Years' War began for the city when mercenaries invaded the Iphöfer Flur . For the following years these are documented in the city archives in abundant documents and council minutes. Construction of the baroque town hall began in 1716.

In 1803 the congregation was transferred from the Würzburg monastery , which belonged to the Franconian Empire , to the Electorate of Bavaria as part of the Reichsdeputationshauptschluss .

20th century

By phylloxera - epidemic of the vineyard went down 1905th

In the course of the 20th century there was an economic upswing, especially in 1932 through the founding and subsequent growth of the Knauf Gips company. In addition, the graft vine was introduced. In the first Reichstag election campaign in 1932 , the Neustadt merchant Richard Schwab , who came from Lauf, led a propaganda march from Hellmitzheim to Iphofen on behalf of the Scheinfeld district of the NSDAP with the Nuremberg city council and later SS-Sturmbannführer Hans Bäselsöder. During the Second World War , the city was largely spared from destruction. Iphofen was declared a hospital town on the initiative of Ruppert Schneider and Karlheinz Spielmann .

Historical criminal case

On February 27, 1753, the pastor of Possenheim, Georg Friedrich Esper, was killed in a night attack on the rectory. This brutal break-in and murder was a spectacular criminal case at the time it took place and became known far beyond the town. A gang of up to 25 robbers, disguised with false beards and armed with rifles, crowbars and ropes, forced their way into the building at around 10:00 p.m. on the night of the crime. Part of the gang overpowered and tied the two maids in their room and wrapped them in blankets. The younger of the two was raped by the perpetrators. More robbers broke into the chamber of the pastor's family on the upper floor and handcuffed him after they had brutally overcome him. His wife and children were also handcuffed and handcuffed. The thieves then searched all the furniture and carried everything of value out of the house. No sooner was the stolen goods, the value was estimated at 800 guilders, carried by the court, the brazen robbers carefully locked the doors of the rectory again and fled into the dark night. The pastor's wife was finally able to break free. With loud screams, she managed to alert the night watchman. The arriving helpers were only able to determine the pastor's death. The hastily gathered citizens were unable to pursue the perpetrators immediately due to the lack of recognizable traces. Despite extensive investigations by various authorities in the near and distant area, numerous house searches and the arrest of suspicious people, the crime could not be solved.

Incorporation, devastation and administrative affiliation

The settlement of Bulach , which was abandoned in the 13th century, was to be found in the area of ​​Mönchsondheim . The so-called Poppenhof , which had been east of the city since the 17th century, was burned down in 1847 and has been desolate ever since. The Osthofen desert can also be found in the east . The Kirchheim desert can be found in the area of ​​the Possenheim district ; the village was abandoned in the 13th century.

A similar situation is assumed for the Eckelsheim desert . The Mönchshütte was also to be found near Possenheim . In the 14th century, however, Kleindornheim was abandoned near the Dornheim district. The desolations of Kellerhaus and Sulzbach can also be found near Dornheim . The former infirmary was outside the city on the road to Markt Einersheim.

On January 1, 1972, the previously independent communities of Birklingen, Dornheim, Hellmitzheim, Mönchsondheim, Nenzenheim and Possenheim were incorporated as part of the municipal reform . Until the district reform , which came into force on July 1, 1972, Iphofen was part of the Scheinfeld district .


Local election 2014
Turnout: 66.8%


The first mayor has been Dieter Lenzer (Free Voting Association Iphofen) since May 1, 2020, who was elected on March 15, 2020 with 70.8% of the vote. His predecessor was Josef Mend of the Free Voters from May 1, 1990 to April 30, 2020 ; he was last confirmed in office in the 2014 local elections with 95.5% of the valid votes. The mayor is an additional member of the city council.

City council

The city council has 16 members (excluding the mayor). Since the municipal council election on March 16, 2014, nine of them have been from the Free Voting Community , five from the CSU and two from the SPD . Compared to the previous election in 2008, the FWG gained one seat, the CSU lost one seat.

coat of arms

DEU Iphofen COA.svg
Blazon : "In blue on three green hills, a black iron hat, the edge of which is decorated on both sides with a flag embroidered with silver and red."
Justification of the coat of arms: The iron hat refers to the defensive strength of the city and its citizens. The flags, on the other hand, are an indication of the lordship of the city in the Middle Ages and early modern times. They are to be interpreted as racing flags of the bishops of Würzburg. Three hills could indicate the viticulture that is practiced in the area. The coat of arms has been handed down in different variants, the iron hat and the flags appear for the first time in 1430. Before that, the bust of a bishop with a staff and miter was shown.

Town twinning

Iphofen has no town twinning.

Culture and sights



There are several choirs and brass bands in Iphofen (fire brigade band, Knauf miners' band, etc.). There is a branch of the Kitzingen Music School in the primary school.



St. Vitus

A church of St. Vitus is mentioned in the sources for the first time in 1297. The oldest parts of today's church date from around 1360. The parish church of St. Vitus contains many art treasures, such as a Gothic Madonna and a statue of John the Evangelist by Tilman Riemenschneider .

St. Michael

The Michaelskapelle (around 1381) serves as an ossuary . The bones are still there today and can be seen through glass windows.

Church of the Holy Blood

The chapel is said to have been built at the site of the desecration of the host in 1294. It developed into a pilgrimage church. This received its own pastoral position in 1329 by the Würzburg bishop Wolfram. The former pilgrimage church now serves as a side church of St. Vitus.

Hospital Church

The St. Johann Baptist Hospital Church (1338) was formerly a Catholic church. Today it is used as a Protestant church.

City fortifications

Historic city buildings

  • Knauf Museum (1688). Old Schenkstatt , then Rentamt . Today used as a museum.
  • Market square with Marienbrunnen and a charming ensemble of old half-timbered houses
  • Town hall (1716-1718)
  • Vinothek, originally a sacristan's house of the parish church of St. Veit, today the town's cultural and viticulture presentation house
  • Spitalmühle , former grain and wage mill in front of the old town

Architectural monuments

Surrounding area

Höttehött monument

A shepherd once grazed his sheep on a controversial strip of land between Iphofen and Rödelsee and was summoned by the court as an arbitrator to the contested parcel to testify under oath. The citizens of Iphofen bribed the shepherd who swore the following perjury: "As true as the Creator is over my head and Iphofen earth is under my feet, this corridor belongs to the citizens of Iphofen!". The shepherd wore a soup ladle under his hat when he swore and filled his shoes with Iphöfer earth beforehand. The controversial strip of land was awarded to Iphofen. The shepherd, however, was cut a head shorter after this perjury. According to legend, he was often seen haunted outside the city gates of Iphofen with his head under his arm at night, screaming his name Höttehött eerily.

A stone monument to Höttehött with his head under his arm in the vineyards of Iphofen reminds of this incident. It is the starting point of a hiking trail up to Schwanberg Castle. This type of mental reservation in the oath, also referred to in jurisprudence as the Reservatio Mentalis , can be found in some places in historical stories or legends.


Iphofen has sports, soccer and tennis courts. There is also an indoor pool in Iphofen itself, and an outdoor pool in the neighboring Markt Einersheim . Associations are z. B. 1. FC Iphofen (with tennis and judo department), TSV Iphofen (with handball, badminton and volleyball, among others), the Iphofen hiking club and the winegrowers dance group. The shooters of the Kgl-priv. Schützengesellschaft 1420 maintain the traditions and are in possession of the most modern shooting ranges. The “Karl-Knauf-Halle” sports and event hall was built in the 1990s.

Regular events

Visitors are particularly drawn to the Iphöfer Stüchtballs during Carnival , the various markets (Martini and Christmas markets) and the Franconian gourmet fair .

Economy and Infrastructure


Iphofen is located directly on Bundesstraße 8 and has a good connection via Kitzingen - Biebelried to the Biebelrieder Kreuz and thus to the A 3 and A 7 motorways . The train station is 1 km south of the city center on the Nuremberg – Würzburg railway line . This has been integrated into the transport network for the greater Nuremberg area since December 2006 .

The Franconian Marienweg runs through Iphofen .


The Kalbberg vineyard near the city

Today Iphofen is an important wine-growing area in the Franconian wine-growing region , and with its vineyards it occupies third place after Volkach and Nordheim am Main . A total of four vineyards exist around the place, the wine has been marketed under the names Iphöfer Domherr, Iphöfer Julius-Echter-Berg, Iphöfer Kalb and Iphöfer Kronsberg since the 1970s. In addition, the city is the eponymous lead community of the large Iphöfer Burgweg. Iphofen is part of the Schwanberger Land area, until 2017 the winemakers were grouped together in the Steigerwald area. The Keuper soils with a high proportion of gypsum around Iphofen are also suitable for growing wine, as is the location in the Maingau climate zone, which is one of the warmest in Germany.

The people around Iphofen have been growing wine since the early Middle Ages . The Franconian settlers probably brought the vine to the Main in the 7th century. As early as 1158, "vineas in Ypphofen" appeared in a document that belonged to the Münchaurach monastery. In the Middle Ages, the region was part of the largest contiguous wine-growing region in the Holy Roman Empire. The people mostly operated part-time viticulture for self-sufficiency , at the same time export centers were already emerging, especially along the Main.

Vinotheque in Iphofen

In the 15th century the vineyards reached as far as the city, but the higher mountain slopes of the Schwanberg, which today form the main growing area for wine around Iphofen, were hardly planted. The current locations were not created until the 18th century. In 1582 there were still 320 hectares of vineyards around the city. Iphofen was an important wine trading center in the Steigerwald foreland, so that the city leaders deployed several people to monitor the quality and quantity of wine. Stealing grapes in the vineyard was punished for repetition with reprimand from the urban community.

Viticulture experienced a major decline after secularization at the beginning of the 19th century. Above all, locations with less favorable climatic conditions were completely abandoned. In addition, the emergence of pests such as phylloxera made cultivation difficult . From August 30, 1905, the Iphöfer district was considered contaminated by phylloxera. The Franconian wine-growing region was not able to consolidate again until the second half of the 20th century. The use of fertilizers and improved cultivation methods had contributed to this, as had the organization in cooperatives and the land consolidation of the 1970s.

Today more than 20 winemakers determine the character as a wine town. Well-known wineries are the Hans Wirsching winery , which was awarded the State Prize of Honor in 2016 by Agriculture Minister Helmut Brunner , the highest award for wine in Bavaria., And the winemaker Johann Ruck . He also supplied Pope Benedict. In addition to the two aforementioned, the Johann Arnold winery also belongs to the Association of German Predicate and Quality Wineries (VDP). The Würzburg Juliusspital also has larger areas in Iphofen. The actor Günter Strack from nearby Münchsteinach also once marketed his own wines here.

Two locations, the Julius-Echter-Berg and the Kronsberg, are classified by the VDP and deliver first-class wines. Both locations have very steep sections and face south and south-west. Since the 2000s, the city has tried to strengthen its profile as the center of Franconian wine tourism. To this end, new festivals were established and an educational wine trail was set up on the Schwanberg. A vinotheque was also built in the city center. The center of the wine culture is the wine festival on the market square in mid-July.

Vineyard Size 1993 Size 2019 Compass direction Slope Main grape varieties Great location
canon 21 ha not clear south 25-35% Müller-Thurgau , Bacchus large-scale free
Julius-Echter-Berg 40 ha 163 hectares south 35% Silvaner Iphöfer Burgweg , Rödelseer Schloßberg
calf 90 ha 68 ha south 35% Silvaner Iphöfer Burgweg
Kronsberg 160 ha 198 ha south 30% Müller-Thurgau Iphöfer Burgweg

Established businesses

In addition to viticulture, the gypsum and building materials company Knauf Gips KG is the determining economic factor. In addition to the trade tax , it supports clubs and community organizations with grants. The Knauf Hall, the Knauf Museum, the preservation of the medieval town center, the indoor swimming pool, the building for the winegrowers: all of this would be without the trade tax, the company's grants and the income of the Knauf employees for a community with less than 5,000 Residents not affordable.

The managing partners Nikolaus and Baldwin Knauf are also politically active in the community and in the region.

There are also several large shopping centers and many medium-sized businesses.

Public facilities

Iphofen has the normal organs of an administrative community . The authorities are housed in the old school building. The mayor's office is located in the town hall.


In Iphofen are the Dr. Karlheinz Spielmann elementary school, elementary and middle school and an education center of the Federal Employment Agency .


  • Veit Vendt († 1503), Cistercian Abbot of Ebrach
  • Leonhard Gnetzamer (around 1516–1566), Benedictine abbot of Aura and Münsterschwarzach
  • Leonhard Krenzheim (1532–1598), Protestant theologian
  • Johann Papius (1558–1622), logician and physician
  • Georg Ludwig Frobenius (1566–1645), mathematician and bookseller
  • Johannes Crellius (born Hellmitzheim 1590–1633)
  • Peter Bertsch (born as Johann Jakob, 1671–1741), provost of the Augustinian monastery in Triefenstein
  • Melchior Philipp Rothmund (1723–1778), seminar rain in Ellwangen, capitular of Haug Abbey in Würzburg
  • Gabriel Klinger (born as Johann Andreas Franz, 1742–1826), Provincial of the Franconian Capuchin Province
  • Franz Reichert (1750–1793), member of the Munich Preacher Institute
  • Valentin Arnold (1798–1860), writer
  • Joseph Winzheimer (1807–1897), doctor and member of the state parliament
  • Franz Brosch (* 1949), politician (CSU) and association official


  • Hans Ambrosi, Bernhard Breuer: German Vinothek: Franconia. Guide to the vineyards, winegrowers and their kitchens . Herford 2 1993.
  • Hans Bauer: Old and new coats of arms in the Kitzingen district . In: Yearbook of the district of Kitzingen 1980. In the spell of the Schwanberg . Kitzingen 1980. pp. 53-70.
  • Josef Endres: On the history and importance of viticulture in Iphofen . In: Under the spell of the Schwanberg. Yearbook for the district of Kitzingen 2010 . Dettelbach 2010. pp. 13-43.
  • Johann Ludwig Klarmann: The Steigerwald in the past. A contribution to Franconian cultural studies . Gerolzhofen 2 1909.

Web links

Commons : Iphofen  - collection of images, videos and audio files
Wikivoyage: Iphofen  - travel guide

Individual evidence

  1. "Data 2" sheet, Statistical Report A1200C 202041 Population of the municipalities, districts and administrative districts 1st quarter 2020 (population based on the 2011 census) ( help ).
  2. Mayor & City Council. Iphofen municipality, accessed on August 26, 2020 .
  3. ^ Fritz Ortner: Illustrated guide through market Einersheim and its history . Ed .: Markt Markt Einersheim. Hügelschäffer printing works, Mainbernheim 1986.
  4. Holidays in the Franconian wine country - Holidays in Iphofen. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on September 24, 2015 ; accessed on March 9, 2018 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.iphofen.de
  5. Bavarian State Library Online. Retrieved March 9, 2018 .
  6. ^ Manfred Niemeyer (ed.): German book of place names . De Gruyter, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-11-018908-7 , pp. 291 .
  7. ^ Wolfgang Mück: Nazi stronghold in Middle Franconia: The völkisch awakening in Neustadt an der Aisch 1922–1933. Verlag Philipp Schmidt, 2016 (= Streiflichter from home history. Special volume 4); ISBN 978-3-87707-990-4 , p. 240.
  8. ^ Wilhelm Volkert (ed.): Handbook of Bavarian offices, communities and courts 1799–1980 . CH Beck, Munich 1983, ISBN 3-406-09669-7 , p. 565 .
  9. ^ Bavarian State Office for Statistics
  10. ^ Bauer, Hans: Old and new coats of arms in the district of Kitzingen . P. 59.
  11. Endres, Josef: On the history and importance of viticulture in Iphofen . P. 25.
  12. ^ Ambrosi, Hans (among others): German Vinothek: Franconia . Pp. 50-52.
  13. ^ Bavarian State Awards for the Franconian Wine Awards 2016. Accessed on November 23, 2016 .
  14. Endres, Josef: On the history and importance of viticulture in Iphofen . P. 31.
  15. Government of Lower Franconia: Vineyards in Bavaria broken down by area ( Memento of the original from July 28, 2018 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , PDF file, accessed May 16, 2019. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.regierung.unterfranken.bayern.de
  16. ^ Ambrosi, Hans (among others): German Vinothek: Franconia . P. 237.
  17. Klarmann, Johann Ludwig: The Steigerwald in the past . P. 199.