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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the Rüdenhausen market
Map of Germany, position of the Rüdenhausen market highlighted

Coordinates: 49 ° 46 '  N , 10 ° 21'  E

Basic data
State : Bavaria
Administrative region : Lower Franconia
County : Kitzingen
Management Community : Wiesentheid
Height : 264 m above sea level NHN
Area : 6.88 km 2
Residents: 886 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 129 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 97355
Area code : 09383
License plate : KT
Community key : 09 6 75 162
Market structure: 7 districts
Association administration address: Balthasar-Neumann-Str. 14
97353 Wiesentheid
Website : www.ruedenhausen.de
Mayor : Gerhard Ackermann ( FUW / Free Independent Voters )
Location of the Rüdenhausen market in the Kitzingen district
Landkreis Bamberg Landkreis Schweinfurt Landkreis Würzburg Landkreis Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim Wiesenbronn Segnitz Rüdenhausen Rödelsee Obernbreit Martinsheim Marktsteft Markt Einersheim Marktbreit Mainstockheim Mainbernheim Kleinlangheim Kitzingen Geiselwind Castell (Unterfranken) Buchbrunn Albertshofen Abtswind Willanzheim Wiesentheid Volkach Sulzfeld am Main Sommerach Seinsheim Schwarzach am Main Prichsenstadt Nordheim am Main Iphofen Großlangheim Dettelbach Biebelried Landkreis Haßbergemap
About this picture
Template: Infobox municipality in Germany / maintenance / market

Rüdenhausen is a market in the Lower Franconian district of Kitzingen and a member of the Wiesentheid administrative community .


Rüdenhausen is located in the Würzburg region (Bavarian planning region 2). The Schirnbach flows through the village .

Community structure

The seven districts of Rüdenhausen:

There is only the Rüdenhausen district .

Neighboring communities

Neighboring communities are (starting from the north clockwise): Wiesentheid , Abtswind , Castell , Wiesenbronn and Kleinlangheim .


Until the church is planted

Rüdenhausen on a lithographed drawing by M. Otto, around 1830

The etymological origin of the place name Rüdenhausen cannot be fully explained. The popular reference to old male servants (hunter boys who looked after the hunting dogs) is rather unlikely. Official registers refer to an ancestor Ruodo , but his existence cannot be proven. A reference to a reed or clearing would also be possible . Reference is also made to the old word Rota , which denotes a pre-Christian place of worship on a hill. This could mean the current location of the Protestant church with the oak fountain nearby.

In 1266 Rüdenhausen was first mentioned in a document as "villa Rudenhusen". Although the place had belonged to Castell since ancient times , Rüdenhausen was lent to vassals for centuries, including Seckendorff , Fuchs von Dornheim and the noble family von Gnodstadt . When this family died out in 1533, Count Wolfgang I. zu Castell decided not to grant the fief again. In 1543 he decreed in his will that the county should be divided between two of his sons and that Count Georg II should get the part of Rüdenhausen. When Count Wolfgang died on July 5, 1546, the country was divided. His son Georg II moved to Rüdenhausen Castle in 1556. Since then, the line to Castell-Rüdenhausen has existed with Rüdenhausen as the residence. In 1597, the sons of George again divided the county into the lines of Castell-Remlingen and Castell-Rüdenhausen.

From the time of the Thirty Years' War it was reported that in December 1632 farmers from Ebrach and Oberschwarzach invaded Rüdenhausen together with imperial troops. The chronicle also reports that the castle gate was broken, all the remaining cattle were rounded up, windows, doors and stoves in the castle were destroyed and the library and archive were devastated. The font and pulpit in the church were destroyed. The clothes of all women and children were torn off to search for booty.

Under the rule of Count Johann Friedrich , the place took off. He had the church rebuilt from 1709 to 1712, granted the town market rights in 1747 and is the first lord of the hunting lodge, visible far into the Steigerwald foreland, from 1735 on a hill on the Steigerwald steep step, the Friedrichsberg named after him. When the last Count Castell-Rüdenhausen died in 1803 without heirs, the county was divided again. Two brothers on the Castell-Remlingen line founded the new Castell-Castell (Albrecht-Friedrich Carl) and Castell-Rüdenhausen (Christian-Friedrich) lines. Through the mediatization of the Grafschaft Castell in 1806, the then office of Rüdenhausen became part of Bavaria. When the borders were adjusted, it came to the Grand Duchy of Würzburg in 1810 and with this it fell back to the Kingdom of Bavaria in 1814 . In the course of the administrative reforms in Bavaria, today's municipality was created with the municipal edict of 1818 .

District affiliation

Until the district reform in 1972 Rüdenhausen belonged to the Gerolzhofen district .

Population development

  • 1871: 921 inhabitants
  • 1900: 706 inhabitants
  • 1939: 542 inhabitants
  • 1950: 962 inhabitants
  • 1961: 748 inhabitants
  • 1970: 676 inhabitants
  • 1987: 688 inhabitants
  • 1991: 723 inhabitants
  • 1995: 791 inhabitants
  • 2000: 804 inhabitants
  • 2005: 835 inhabitants
  • 2010: 809 inhabitants
  • 2015: 876 inhabitants



Gerhard Ackermann (Rüdenhauser list) has been mayor since May 1, 2008. He was re-elected on March 15, 2020 with 87.4% of the vote.

coat of arms

DEU Rüdenhausen COA.svg
Blazon : "In gold, a floating red male body with a gold collar."
Foundation of the coat of arms: The municipality was owned by the Counts of Castell from the 13th century until 1533. The oldest known seal dates from the early 16th century. It already shows a sign with a pawless male growing out of the lower edge of the sign. The male is also included in the coat of arms of the Lords of Gnottstadt, who received the place from the Counts of Castell as a fief. They died out in 1533. They were followed in 1546 by the Counts of Castell-Rüdenhausen. In 1747 Rüdenhausen received market rights. In the seals of the early 19th century the male is shown with front paws, as in the current coat of arms. The coat of arms has not changed since then.

Culture and sights

Rüdenhausen Castle, seat of the princes of Castell-Rüdenhausen

Architectural monuments

In the place of residence is the old castle , which is inhabited by the descendants of the Castell-Rüdenhausen line and is therefore not open to the public.

The former representative domain office is the town hall, in the Evangelical Church of St. Peter and Paul , built between 1708 and 1712, there are some important works of art, in particular epitaphs of the count's family, as well as a floating baptismal angel, which is very rare in southern Germany.

Natural monuments


The cellar master

When the village of Rüdenhausen was still surrounded by many vineyards , a cellar master lived in the castle, who was highly valued by the Counts of Castell. He was very experienced and had to bring a jug of the best wine to the table for the rulers every day . Every day before he went to the table he tasted a little of the wine. In a particularly good wine year, this behavior made the cellar master envious.

Now he took larger and larger gulps of the wine himself and instead diluted the count's pitcher with water. This panhandle was discovered one day by the attentive cooper boy . The count was disappointed and had his cellar master put in a heavy iron. Day and night he was now in the deepest dungeon , until one evening he swore to dedicate his soul to the devil in order to finally be free again.

The Satan also appeared and wanted to free when the winemaker only write his name with its own blood him. When he did this, the iron ring broke instantly and the devil disappeared. The cellar master, who had regained his freedom, was turned into a big black dog. So he has to wander around the castle park all the time, with an iron chain around his neck. Only when not a single vineyard can be seen from the castle should the curse be broken.

The apple tree

An old farmer had his fields on the old dirt road between Rüdenhausen and Kleinlangheim . He was hard-hearted and enlarged his fields at the expense of one of his debtors and let his son toil like a servant on the farm. One day in late autumn the farmer started digging up his field. He had bought a new, heavy wooden plow and was plowing far too deep in the ground with it, so that he also cut the roots of an old black apple tree.

The farmer paused when he saw the severed root . Suddenly a little man dug his way out of the ground next to the torn wood. The little man began to stroke the roots with his hand. The farmer left the field guilty. During the night he dreamed of his wrongdoings and the next day began to give up all his hard-heartedness. His field neighbor was even forgiven his debts. After his father's death, the son planted a black apple tree in the churchyard , which is still in bloom today.

The white woman

A shepherd once lived in a small hut on the outskirts of the village . Long ago he had discovered a woman by the side of the road who had apparently been beaten half to death. The shepherd tended them and eventually the two married. The woman was a healing practitioner and was therefore rejected in the village because people feared her power. Only in the dark did they ask the villagers for advice and have potions brewed against all diseases.

The couple had a girl who soon grew into a beautiful young woman. The boys in the village adored her, but she only had eyes for the son of the richest farmer in town. The love between the two was doomed to failure because the parents rejected the relationship . The lovers found a secret retreat in the area of ​​the so-called Häichallern or Hochellern in the north of the village. It was swampy and deserted here.

One evening in midsummer they sat on the edge of the moor and talked about love and the hopelessness of ever finding each other . Suddenly they saw a white figure hovering over the moor. The apparition raised a hand and waved to them. The couple walked towards her when a staircase appeared out of nowhere. The two stepped up and then stepped through a wide gate. The next day, the villagers found the boy's hat and the girl's scarf in the bog. The boy's father had a cross erected here.

The gold fountain

The so-called Goldbrünnlein can be found on the road between Rüdenhausen and Greuth at the foot of the so-called Lerchenberg. In earlier times there was a forest here that fed the poor day laborers in the area. One of these day laborers was collecting forest fruits with his wife while the two children, a girl and a boy, played at the spring . But once they didn't get to the forest in time to eat and their mother wanted to look after them.

In the distance she heard the children's voices, but when she could see the spring there was a second girl with them. The children played with strange golden balls that lay all around in the grass. The source had also changed and now a lot more water oozed out of the rock. The mother was afraid for her children and called out their names to them. When the second girl heard this, she quickly jumped into the spring and was gone.

The surprised children told their mother that the spring child had played with them for several days. They had to promise not to tell anyone about their existence, otherwise it would disappear. However, during his escape, the spring child had forgotten the golden balls, which turned out to be pure gold pieces. The family was now rich and often returned to the source. The source child never reappeared.

The revenge of the Schirnbach spring

The Schirnbachquelle on the outskirts

On the outskirts of Rüdenhausen there was once a mill that was run by a hard-hearted miller . He had made all his wealth on the backs of the poor and was always seeking more. One day his children gathered the little blackberries along the Schirnbach and came to the Schirnbach spring. Here they suddenly saw a blond boy sitting at the spring, looking at the berries in their basket.

The miller's children handed the boy the fruit. He ate them all immediately and the children gathered more berries for him . In the evening, when the little one was full, he handed the miller's children a gold piece. When the children had told their father about the incident, he ordered more blackberries to be found for the spring boy. The next day the children again put their full basket at the spring and called for the boy.

The spring boy appeared silently from the waters of the spring. He didn't look friendly, though, he seemed angry. He grabbed the children by the spring and pulled them down. Then more and more water gushed from the spring and washed away the whole mill and the miller. This flood lasted a whole day, then the Schirnbach had calmed down again. The spring boy was never seen again.


The sports club is TSV Rüdenhausen 1862 e. V., which offers table tennis, netball, shooting, women and men gymnastics, badminton, inline hockey and other activities. The club has around 350 members, has a multi-purpose hall and a sports field.

Economy and Infrastructure

In 1998, according to official statistics, there were no employees at the place of work in the manufacturing industry32 and in the trade and transport sector. In other economic areas, 66 people were employed at the place of work subject to social security contributions. A total of 277 employees at the place of residence were counted. There were 2 companies in the manufacturing sector. In 1999 there were 12 farms with an agricultural area of ​​599 hectares, of which 567 hectares were arable land and 31 hectares were permanent green space. There is also a branch of the Raiffeisenbank Volkacher Mainschleife - Wiesentheid in the village.


Rüdenhausen has a share in the wine area of ​​the Casteller Trautberg site in the new Schwanberger Land area and is therefore a wine location in the Franconian wine-growing region . There are no wineries in the village and no wine festival is celebrated.


Rüdenhausen is located at the exit Wiesentheid-Rüdenhausen of A 3 . The federal highway 286 crosses Rüdenhausen (a bypass is being planned). The Rüdenhausen-Feuerbach station is on the Kitzingen – Schweinfurt railway line . However, this is very rarely used.

The Franconian Marienweg runs through the village .


There is a kindergarten for 25 children (as of 1999).


Honorary citizen

Born in Rüdenhausen

  • Johann Wilhelm Marckart (* 1699 in Rüdenhausen; † September 19, 1757 in Harderwijk) lawyer and university professor
  • Friedrich Abraham Marckart (* 1703 in Rüdenhausen; † ????), lawyer in Harderwijk
  • Karl Ludwig Friedrich Viehbeck (* 1769 in Rüdenhausen, † 1827 in Vienna), landscape painter in Austria
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Viehbeck (* 1770 in Rüdenhausen; † 1828), count archivist, office director in Castell, historian
  • Karl Pöhlmann (* 1827 in Rüdenhausen; † ????), journalist, writer
  • Ferdinand Wüst (* 1845 in Rüdenhausen; † 1908), painter, pen draftsman, entrepreneur
  • Ludwig Hacker (* 1847 in Rüdenhausen; † ????), professor of German language, history, geography, writer
  • Wilhelm Walter (born June 16, 1850 in Rüdenhausen; † February 8, 1914 in Berlin), architect, secret building officer and lecturer at the Reich Post Office in Berlin

Since Rüdenhausen was a residence of the Grafschaft Castell for a long time, several later ruling counts were born in the castle.


  • Hans Bauer: Old and new coats of arms in the Kitzingen district . In: Yearbook of the district of Kitzingen 1980. In the spell of the Schwanberg . Kitzingen 1980. pp. 53-70.
  • Johann Ludwig Klarmann: The Steigerwald in the past. A contribution to Franconian cultural studies . Gerolzhofen 2 1909.
  • Theophil Steinbrenner, Gerhard Wahler, Auguste Steinberger, Felix von Fokczynski (eds.): Intermediate lights. Traditional stories from the old county of Castell . Albertshofen² 1979.

Web links

Commons : Rüdenhausen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. "Data 2" sheet, Statistical Report A1200C 202041 Population of the municipalities, districts and administrative districts 1st quarter 2020 (population based on the 2011 census) ( help ).
  2. http://www.bayerische-landesbibliothek-online.de/orte/ortssuche_action.html ? Anzeige=voll&modus=automat&tempus=+20111114/172705&attr=OBJ&val= 1669
  3. Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm: 'German Dictionary'. Leipzig 1854–1961. (Vol. 14, Col. 1386 to 1388)
  4. Auguste Steinberger: 'Rüdenhausen in the course of history' in: Karl Graf zu Rüdenhausen-Castell: Rüdenhausen - place and princely house in old views. Rüdenhausen 1996
  5. ^ Karl Treutwein : From Abtswind to Zeilitzheim . Karl Hart Verlag, Volkach 1987. (p. 202)
  6. Municipal statistics
  7. ^ Bauer, Hans: Old and new coats of arms in the district of Kitzingen . P. 65.
  8. Steinbrenner, Theophil (ed., Among others): Zwischerlichten . P. 23 f.
  9. Steinbrenner, Theophil (ed., Among others): Zwischerlichten . P. 37 f.
  10. Steinbrenner, Theophil (ed., Among others): Zwischerlichten . P. 63 f.
  11. Steinbrenner, Theophil (ed., Among others): Zwischerlichten . P. 66 ff.
  12. Steinbrenner, Theophil (ed., Among others): Zwischerlichten . P. 72.
  13. Klarmann, Johann Ludwig: The Steigerwald in the past . P. 207.