Karsten Dümmel

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Karsten Dümmel (2012)

Karsten Dümmel (* 1960 in Zwickau ) is a German writer and civil rights activist in the GDR . He was a founding member of several church opposition working groups that advocated human rights issues and freedom of speech. Due to his critical stance towards the SED regime, the Ministry for State Security (MfS) began to take disruptive measures against him at an early stage. In spring 1988 he was ransomed by the Federal Republic of Germany.


Karsten Dümmel (1976)

In 1976, Dümmel and nine other young people founded the “Art and Church” working group in Schlema , which the MfS dissolved after a few months. In the same year he began his training as an electrician . In 1980 he graduated from secondary school . From 1983 he was head of the “Literature” working groups and the “Peace Workshop ” in the Protestant community center Gera- Lusan. These working groups were based on the “open work” model. During this time I worked with Roland Geipel , Mathias Fischer-Herbst , Martin Morgner , Günter Ullmann , Stephan Krawczyk , Freya Klier and Lutz Rathenow . Between 1980 and 1984, Dümmel was rejected eight times for political reasons. Then in May 1984 he submitted the first of a total of 56 exit applications . The consequence was a prescribed job commitment as window cleaners, building cleaners and unskilled workers in the night cleaning of trains. In addition, the MfS imposed a number of other measures against him, such as a ban on establishing contacts, a Berlin ban, post control, travel ban and city arrest (sometimes with house arrest). The decomposition measures the Stasi culminated in a "disciplinary measure" Dümmel was on July 18, 1985 to 24 hours in Gera in custody arrested and returned conditionally released. During the visit of State Council Chairman Erich Honecker to the Federal Republic of Germany in September 1987, Dümmel's case was placed on a list of petitions by the International Society for Human Rights , which was handed over to Honecker. In 1988 Dümmel was released from prison by the Federal Republic of Germany . He then started studying rhetoric and German at the University of Tübingen . His doctorate followed in 1996. Dümmel is a member of the PEN Center of German-Language Authors Abroad, the Authors' Circle of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Writers-in-Prison Committee. From 2014 to 2018 he received several visiting professorships at the Universities of Mostar, Sarajevo Ost / Pale, Bihac and Dzemal Bijedic Mostar.

Since 1997 Dümmel has been working in adult political education and in development aid for the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Leipzig , Stuttgart , Dakar , Hamburg , Nairobi and Sarajevo . Since 2019 he has been the state representative and head of the Saarland Political Education Forum in Saarbrücken .


  • September 2015 "Ambassador for Peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina"
  • March 2016 "Honorary Plaque of the Philosophical Faculty of Mostar University"


  • Identity Problems in the GDR - Literature of the Seventies and Eighties. Frankfurt am Main 1997.
  • What was the Stasi? Insights into the Ministry for State Security of the GDR (MfS). Sankt Augustin 2002.
  • La Tolerérance religieuse. Reflet de l'aspiration d'une nation à la democratie. Dakar 2006.
  • Emigration clandestine. L'aventure mortelle. Scenario de BD Afrique Citoyenne. No 13, Dakar 2006.
  • Night Dust and Knock Signs or The Robert Files. Berlin 2007.
  • L`emigration clandestine. Le profile des candidats. 2nd Edition. Dakar 2008.
  • What was the Stasi? Insights into the Ministry of State Security. 3rd, exp. u. revised Edition. Sankt Augustin 2009.
  • Le dossier Robert. Paris / Meudon 2009.
  • Öötolm ja koputus ehk Roberti toimik. Faatum 2011.
  • Boundary violation. A Novella & The Quake of Berlin. Pictures of an exhibition. Hamburg 2011.
  • Straw flower season. Berlin 2014.
  • Le Temps des immortelles. Paris / Meudon 2017.


  • Anna Arnim-Rosenthal: The application and its consequences. In: Flight and departure from the GDR. Edited by the State Center for Political Education Thuringia. Erfurt 2016, p. 78ff.
  • Thomas Bille and Angelika Zapf: Strawflower time. broadcast on mdr-figaro on February 19, 2014.
  • Stéphanie Blanchoud: Night dust and knocking or the Robert files. Literary criticism in the mdr-Figaro transcription (PDF; 35 kB) , broadcast on February 18, 2008.
  • Andrea Chartier-Bunzel: Mémoire et subversion: Night dust and knocking or The Robert de Karsten Dümmel files. In: A. Geisenhanslüke, Y. Iehl, N. Lapchine, F. Lartillot (eds.): Contre-cultures et littératures de langue allemande depuis 1960. Entre utopies et subversion. Peter Lang, Bern 2017, pp. 559–573. (peterlang.com)
  • Fréderique Fanchette: Dans les filets de la stasi. Une descente lucide aux enfers by Karsten Dümmel. In: Liberation. May 12, 2017.
  • Alice Farbe, Anne-Sophie Marcenac, Pascal Germain: Writing is survival. 2011. (Video dans le cadre de la Comedie du livre Montpellier)
  • Siegmar Faust : Robert K. and the summons. In: Germany Archive. Journal for the United Germany. 6/2008, p. 1133. (PDF; 30 kB) .
  • Michael-G. Fritz: The walls stand speechless and cold. In: Dresdner Latest News. August 20, 2014, p. 10. (karstenduemmel.de)
  • William Irigoyen: Le temps des Immortelles. In: touch me. Arte TV. June 14, 2017. (arte.tv)
  • Kristina Regentrop: I had finished with my life. In: Hangover Demos. Monitoring. H. 4. Berlin 2017, pp. 36-40.
  • Udo Scheer: Irritation as a stylistic device. In: Thüringische Landeszeitung. October 12, 2007 (PDF; 27 kB)
  • Udo Scheer: The present of the past. In: Free Press. 4th March 2014.
  • Udo Scheer: Arno burns his diaries. In: Thuringian regional newspaper. March 8, 2014.
  • Udo Scheer: I would not have survived without Roland. In: Principle of Hope. Roland Geipel. Pastor and civil rights activist. Edited by the Amthordübergang Memorial. Gera 2013, pp. 69-76.
  • Udo Scheer: Strawflower time. In: MDR-Figaro. Book review. Aired February 19, 2014.
  • Bozena Pandza: Vrijeme suhog cvijeca. In: Njemacka Rijec. 8th ed. German community. National Association of Danube Swabians in Croatia. Zagreb 2018, pp. 86–87.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Writers in Prison website , accessed on February 22, 2018.
  2. My books. Retrieved July 8, 2015 .