Kate Beahan

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Kate Beahan (born October 12, 1974 in Perth , Western Australia ) is an Australian actress .


Born in Australia, Kate Beahan had her first major role in 2000 as a brothel owner in the film Chopper , a film adaptation of an Australian criminal and psychotic violent criminal Mark Brandon "Chopper" Read , played by Eric Bana . In 2005 she played a stewardess with Sean Bean and Jodie Foster in Robert Schwentke's thriller Flightplan , who made common cause with the kidnapper. She had another role in the horror flick The Wicker Man alongside Nicolas Cage .

Until her supporting role in Flightplan , Kate Beahan played mostly in series and films on Australian television, but moved to the USA around this time . German voice actors for Beahan include Claudia Urbschat-Mingues , Christin Marquitan and Claudia Gáldy .

Filmography (selection)

TV Shows

  • 1993; 1994: Ship to Shore (2 episodes)
  • 1997: The Gift (26 episodes)
  • 1999: Home and Away (3 episodes)
  • 2000: Water Rats - Die Hafencops ( Water Rats , 5 episodes)
  • 2001: Love Is A Four-Letter Word (26 episodes)
  • 2001: Outriders - Adventure Australia ( Outriders , 5 episodes)
  • 2001: Farscape (an episode)
  • 2002: Young Lions (2 episodes)
  • 2008: Boston Legal (an episode)
  • 2012: Kendra (4 episodes)
  • 2015: Navy CIS ( NCIS , episodes 12x23–12x24)
  • 2016: Insecure (episode 1x03)
  • 2017: Law & Order True Crime (2 episodes)
  • 2018: Lucifer (episode 3x12)
  • 2018: Hawaii Five-0 (episode 8x21)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Dubbing actress Christin Marquitan. on Stimmgerechte.de, accessed on February 27, 2013.
  2. Dubbing actress , advertising spokeswoman Claudia Urbschat-Mingues. on Stimmgerechte.de, accessed on February 27, 2013.