Cat tail

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Cat tail
Cat's Tail (Acalypha hispida)

Cat's Tail ( Acalypha hispida )

Eurosiden I
Order : Malpighiales (Malpighiales)
Family : Spurge Family (Euphorbiaceae)
Subfamily : Acalyphoideae
Genre : Nettle leaf ( acalypha )
Type : Cat tail
Scientific name
Acalypha hispida

The cat's tail ( Acalypha hispida ), also called Raues Nesselblatt , Nesselschön or Paradise nettle, is a species of the milkweed family (Euphorbiaceae). The home is probably New Guinea and today it can be found in all tropical countries as an ornamental plant , is often overgrown and is suitable as a houseplant .


Acalypha hispida is a branched shrub that reaches heights of up to 2 (to 3) meters. The alternate leaves are petiolate. The simple leaf blade is ovate, pointed, dark green, 10 to 20 centimeters long and 7 to 15 centimeters wide. The leaf margin is sawn. The petiole is up to 15 inches long. The stipules are lanceolate, 6 to 7 millimeters long and brown.

Acalypha hispida is dioecious separately sexed ( dioecious ). The mostly red, overhanging kitten-like (cat's tail-like) inflorescence is axillary, has a diameter of 1 to 1.5 centimeters and is 10 to 50 centimeters long. In the female flowers , the three to four sepals are 0.7 millimeters long. The main visual effect of the flowers are the very long, mostly purple-red, 5 to 7 millimeter long stigmas , so only female specimens are cultivated as ornamental plants. The 'Alba' variety blooms creamy white. The flowering period extends from April to October.

Ingredients and Medical Uses

The clear milky sap is poisonous and can irritate the skin and mucous membranes (symptoms of poisoning only appear after ingestion of massive amounts of plants).

Roots, leaves and flowers are used for medicinal purposes.



  • A. Radcliffe-Smith: In: Flora Zambesiaca . Volume 9 Part 4, 1996. Online. (engl.)

Web links

Commons : Cat's Tail ( Acalypha hispida )  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files