Kazys Almenas

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Kazys Almenas (2007)

Kazys Almenas (born April 11, 1935 in Gruzdžiai , Šiauliai district ; † October 7, 2017 ) was a Lithuanian author, engineer and physicist .


Kazys Almenas grew up in a village near Šiauliai . In 1944 his family was forced to emigrate to the west after the Soviet occupation . He came to Germany and in 1949 to the USA. He graduated from Northwestern University with a degree in nuclear engineering. In 1957 he graduated from the University of Nebraska . In 1968 he received his PhD in physics in Warsaw , Poland. From 1969 he taught as a professor at the University of Maryland .

Kazys Almenas was a member of the Lithuanian cultural association Santara-Šviesa . From 1966 he kept visiting his homeland, Lithuania. After Lithuania's declaration of independence in 1989, he worked as a researcher at the Lithuanian Energy Institute in Kaunas . In 1992 he founded a research group for the analysis of safety in the Ignalina nuclear power plant and the publishing house Literrae universitatis , where he organized the publication of textbooks for the Lithuanian universities at the Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas (VDU). He was also the author and co-author of adventure novels and short stories about the Middle Ages in Lithuania and the author of the book series Skomantas . In 2005 he established a foundation for the Grand Prince's Palace in Vilnius . From 2008 to 2010 he was a member of the VDU Council and also a member of the Restituting Senate of the VDU.

Almenas was awarded a national science award for its activities in the energy sector in Lithuania .

Honor and distinction

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