Main nutritional element

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The main nutrients , also macronutrients (short also macro elements ) or macronutrients , for the nutrition of the plant are vital nutrients which are necessary in larger quantities for the growth and the biomass formation. In addition to the four "organic" basic elements carbon , hydrogen , oxygen and nitrogen , phosphorus , potassium , sulfur , calcium and magnesium are among the main nutrients in plant nutrition .

Among other things, the part of the fertilizer technology nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are also called Kernnährelemente or core nutrients referred to. They are part of a complete fertilizer because they are usually not naturally available in excess like C, O and H.

In addition, seven essential trace elements - iron , manganese , zinc , copper , chlorine , boron , molybdenum - and other useful elements that may be necessary for some plants complete the nutrition of the higher plants. Possibly other elements - in small traces - are potential nutritional elements.

Many elements are growth-promoting in low concentrations, possibly also as substitutes for vital nutrient elements. Sodium , aluminum , silicon, and cobalt are especially useful for some types of plants.

H   Hey
Li Be   B. C. N O F. No
N / A Mg   Al Si P S. Cl Ar
K Approx Sc   Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y   Zr Nb Mon Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag CD In Sn Sb Te I. Xe
Cs Ba La * Hf Ta W. re Os Ir Pt Au Ed Tl Pb Bi Po At Marg
Fr. Ra Ac ** Rf Db Sg Bra Hs Mt Ds Rg
  * Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho He Tm Yb Lu
  ** Th Pa U Np Pooh At the Cm Bk Cf It Fm Md No Lr
The four basic organic elements Set elements essential trace elements probably essential trace elements

See also
