Kido Witbooi

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Kido Moses David Witbooi , actually ǂA-ǁêib (* 1780 or 1781 in Pella , today South Africa ; † December 31, 1875 in or near Gibeon ), was the first captain of the Witbooi - Orlam .

He was born to parents of different ethnic groups and was chosen as the first leader of a united clan from these two. He became a captain in 1805 or 1815 .

Under the leadership of Kibo, the Witboois first moved to Griqualand and from 1810 via the Oranje to the south of what is now Namibia . Around 1850 they traveled to Windhoek at the invitation of Jonker Afrikaner . This possible merger fueled fears among other Nama clans , which led to the appeal of the captain of the Veldschoendrager Hendrik Henricks to the captain of the Red Nation , Oasib Cornelis ǃNa-khomab , to stop Kibo Witbooi. This did not happen due to communication problems , and in 1863 Kido moved to Khaxa-tsûs , which he called Gibeon . Later, in 1865, among others, Henricks and Hans Jager attacked the Groot Doden Kido and his allies, the Bethanien-Nama under David Christian Frederiks and the Berseba-Nama under Paul Goliath . This time the battle was lost for the Witboois. For a year these emerged victorious, with Gibeon largely destroyed.

In 1867, Kido Witbooi received his Christian baptismal name Moses David from Rhenish missionary Johannes Olpp . In the same year the Nama clans make peace.

Witbooi was married to ǀGâbes and ǀU-khoms and had at least two children: Johanna (* 1868) and Moses (* 1808), who followed Kibo as captain.


  1. Note: This article contains characters from the alphabet of the Khoisan languages spoken in southern Africa . The display contains characters of the click letters ǀ , ǁ , ǂ and ǃ . For more information on the pronunciation of long or nasal vowels or certain clicks , see e.g. B. under Khoekhoegowab .


  • Victor Tonchi, William Lindeke, John Grotpeter: Historical Dictionary of Namibia. Historical Dictionaries of Africa. In: African Historical Dictionaries, Scarecrow Press, 2012, ISBN 9780810879904 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Namibia Traditional Polities. Retrieved May 5, 2020.
  2. Securing the right to the land 1806–1873 , in: Annals of the South African Museum , edition 109–110, 2003, p. 23.
  3. a b c d e Klaus Dierks : Biographies of Namibian Personalities, W . Retrieved May 5, 2020.
  4. ^ Klaus Dierks : Chronology 1865 . Retrieved May 5, 2020.
  5. ^ Klaus Dierks : Chronology 1864 . Retrieved May 5, 2020.
  6. ^ Klaus Dierks : Chronology 1867 . Retrieved May 5, 2020.
predecessor Office successor
Kaptein der Witbooi ( Kapsteine der Nama )
Moses Witbooi