Kim Guadagno

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Kim Guadagno (2011)

Kimberly Ann "Kim" Guadagno (born April 13, 1959 in Waterloo , Iowa ) is an American politician . She was from January 2010 to January 2018 Deputy Governor of the State of New Jersey .


Kimberly Ann McFadden, her maiden name, attended Ursinus College in Pennsylvania . She then studied law at the American University in Washington, DC . She has lived in New Jersey since she married Judge Michael Guadagno in 1991. She worked for the US Department of Justice , where she served as Assistant United States Attorney for eastern New York and New Jersey. In doing so, she was charged with a number of corruption cases. As deputy head of the Division of Criminal Justice , she brought a $ 40 million fraud case to court between 1998 and 2001. She also indicted David Smith, the creator of the Melissa computer worm . From 2003 to 2009 she taught at the Rutgers School of Law in Newark . Politically, she became a member of the Republican Party .

From 2008 to 2010 she was sheriff in Monmouth County . After a constitutional amendment, the office of lieutenant governor of New Jersey was newly introduced for the 2009 elections. This office had previously only existed in British colonial times. In the elections, Guadagno was elected the first female lieutenant governor of New Jersey alongside Chris Christie . She held this office from January 19, 2010. In 2013 she was confirmed in office. She is the governor's deputy . She is also the Secretary of State of New Jersey. In the state government of New Jersey, she is also responsible for economic development and the adjustment of state law. On January 16, 2018, Guadagno was replaced by Sheila Oliver .

Web links

Commons : Kim Guadagno  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Unprecedented role for Lt. Gov. candidate Kim Guadagno (August 9, 2009)