Kiu Eckstein

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Kiu (Klaus Manfred) Eckstein (born May 13, 1927 in Munich ) is a German television journalist , author and filmmaker .


Kiu Eckstein is the son of Hans Eckstein and Erna Eckstein (* November 15, 1890 in Augsburg; † December 14, 1949 in Munich). The building researcher Friedrich Krauss is a brother of his mother.

Eckstein studied theater studies as well as sociology and psychology as a minor at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and received his doctorate in 1951 with a thesis inspired by Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno on the subject of the sociology of the cultural industry. Prerequisite, appearance, location of the culture industry concept by Adorno and Horkheimer . He initially worked as an assistant director , and then as a film editor , a. a. for Robert Adolf Stemmle , Wolfgang Staudte , Julien Duvivier and the documentary film producer Otto Schulz-Kampfhenkel . From 1960 he worked for Peter von Zahn's Documentary Programs in Washington, DC . After working in Canada, the USA, Africa and Brazil, Eckstein initially worked at the ZDF studio in Washington, DC from 1963 at the invitation of Klaus Harpprecht . From 1965 he worked as a freelancer in the Rio de Janeiro studio . Eckstein was the producer of the award-winning Brazilian feature film Macunaíma and co-producer of several Cinema Novo films . From 1969 to 1980 he was the ZDF foreign correspondent for South America. In the early 1980s he worked for ZDF in Mainz . From 1978 Eckstein made documentaries a. a. about Brazilian spiritism and paranormal phenomena. After filming in the USA about expanded states of consciousness in meditation, near-death experience, biofeedback and Stanislav Grof's holotropic breath , Eckstein completed the training for facilitators and then gave workshops in Brazil. At the end of the nineties he went to Rishikesh (India) to the Kundalini master Chandrasekharand Saraswati , who led him through a Kundalini process. His experiences and insights from these years are the basis of his book Kundalini Experiences , published in 2008 . A master-student encounter . The book has been translated into English (2013) and Portuguese (2017). The autobiography One Life - Two Worlds followed in 2017 . Biographical notes in times of change with reflections inspired by Jean Gebser's main work "Origin and Presence" on the epochal upheaval, the first signs of which Gebser already showed in the middle of the last century. In 2020 Kundalini and the teachings of a master appeared .

Eckstein is married and has lived near Munich since 2009.

Books and essays

  • On the sociology of the culture industry. Requirement, appearance, location. (Inaugural dissertation), 153 pp., Munich 1951
  • Ballet libretto "Revanche", music: Walter Faith, 1956
  • Cinema Novo, About Young Brazilian Films, in: The Month, Issue 197, February 1965 
  • Letter from Peru, The Month, Issue 206, November 1965
  • About basic church communities in Latin America, in: Psychosozial, 1/79, Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH, May 1979
  • Cuba and South America, in: Dieter Kronzucker (Ed.) Kuba in der Klemme. Knowledge current, Droemer 1981
  • Raíces Profundas, in Uno Mismo N ° 73, Santiago de Chile-Enero, 1996
  • Observations on Breathwork and Kundalini. Reflections on my own experience; in: The Inner Door, Volume 13, Issue 3; August 2001, p. 1 u. 4f. ISNN # 1524-623X
  • Kundalini experiences. A master-student encounter. Graefing 2008, ISBN 973-3-89427-3
  • One life - two worlds. Biographical Notes in Times of Change. Hamburg 2017, ISBN 978-3-7439-3297-5
  • Educational processes in Kundalini Yoga, in: AUFGANG Volume 10, Stuttgart 2013, pp. 231–250, ISBN 978-3-17-022974-7
  • What the New World Needs - Via consciousness mutations and personal processes; in: rise. Yearbook for Thinking, Poetry, Music, Volume 15, Augsburg 2018, pp. 133 - 152, ISBN 978-3-945732-25-0
  • Swamiji Chandrasekharanand Saraswati - A Kundalini Master of our time; in: rise. Yearbook for Thinking, Poetry, Music, Volume 15, Augsburg 2018, pp. 199 - 207, ISBN 978-3-945732-25-0
  • Notes on the connections between spiritual and creative processes, in: Aufgang. Yearbook for Thinking, Poetry, Music, Volume 16, Augsburg 2019, pp. 173 - 182, ISBN 978-3-945732-28-1
  • Kundalini and the teachings of a master. Book-on-Demand , Hamburg 2020, ISBN 978-3347012431

Films (selection)

  • Improvised and purposeful. About the young Brazilian film. FRG / Brazil 1967; b / w, 16mm, 30 min
  • Dealing with ghosts. About Brazil's magical dimension. ZDF, November 5, 1978, November 5. 2008, 45 minutes
  • Gotan, Gotan. Report on the Argentine Tango, ZDF 1978, August 4, 2008, 30 minutes
  • Doctors from beyond the grave. ZDF, November 14, 1985, 45 minutes
  • Church of the Poor , ZDF, 1985, 30 minutes
  • Delusion or healing. ZDF, January 10, 1991, 45 minutes
  • The silent revolution. ZDF, February 28, 1993, 45 minutes

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kiu Eckstein: One Life - Two Worlds. Biographical Notes in Times of Change. Hamburg 2017, 292 pages, ISBN 978-3-7439-3297-5
  2. a b c d e f g h Wolfgang Fuhrmann: KM Eckstein: Uma biografia cinéfila entre a televisão alemã eo Cinema Novo , in: Anais do Textos Completos do XXIII Encontro Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos de Cinema e Audiovisual (SOCINE) 2019 , Saõ Paulo : Socine 2020, pp. 1243-1249. (Portuguese)
  3. Kiu Eckstein: One Life - Two Worlds. Biographical Notes in Times of Change. Hamburg 2017, ISBN 978-3-7439-3297-5 ; the following biographical information refers to this source.