Klaus Faißner

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Klaus Faißner (* 1970 ; † December 29, 2018 ) was an Austrian journalist and editor-in-chief of the monthly magazine Alles Roger? .


He studied environmental systems science at the University of Graz . After working for the pressetext.austria news agency in Vienna, he started his own business and specialized in environmental and agricultural issues. Since 2003, genetic engineering has been one of his main topics. In 2005 he was editor and main author of the book Hazard Genetic Engineering , in 2008 he co-authored the work Future Without Oil together with August Raggam .

His articles were u. a. in top agrar , Wiener Zeitung , Die Presse , Standard , The Whole Week, Die Furche , Rheinischer Merkur , trend , Blick ins Land, Kurier and energie: bau published.

He is the founder of the "Genetic Engineering Ban Initiative", which advocates a ban on all genetic engineering in agriculture and food. In 2010 he was awarded both the Austrian Solar Prize (for renewable energies) and the international "Salus Journalists Special Prize" for reporting critical of genetic engineering.

His motto was: It is the job of journalists to be the watchdog of the citizens and not the lapdog of the powerful .

He died in 2018 after a serious illness.

Books (in selection)

  • Co-editor with Manfred Grössler, Danger of genetic engineering: wrong way and way out [experts enlighten !] (Mariahof 2005).
  • Future without oil: solutions for traffic, heating and electricity (Graz 2008).
  • The energy rebel: heat, electricity and fuel from regional sources for everyone! (Graz 2013).
  • ... plus several self-published books.


  • [Without statement of responsibility], obituary, in: info-DIREKT 25 (April 2019), p. 46.