Klaus Ullmann

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Klaus Ullmann

Klaus Ullmann (born April 7, 1925 in Gleiwitz , Upper Silesia Province ; † October 12, 1997 in Jelenia Góra ) was a German ministerial official, bank director and cultural historian.


The son of a judge grew up in Breslau and passed the Abitur there in 1943 at the Elisabet Gymnasium . Immediately drafted into the army , he was last deployed in a drawn artillery department as a lieutenant on the Balkan Peninsula . During the unconditional surrender of the Wehrmacht , he was taken prisoner by the Soviets , but was able to escape to the West at the end of 1945.

From 1946 he studied law at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen and made his way as a working student . It was 1949, the first state examination and acquired in 1951 with a then-controversial thesis on Hans Helfritz the Dr. iur. During his studies and doctoral studies, he was active as consenior in Corps Misnia IV and then twice as senior in Corps Lusatia Leipzig zu Erlangen . After completing his legal traineeship in Erlangen and Nuremberg , he passed the second state examination in Munich in 1952.

He worked for customs for two years, at times in the uniformed border service. From 1954 to 1969 he was in the Federal Ministry of Finance , most recently as Ministerialrat . As a consultant for debt and credit issues, he designed new financing options for the federal government ; he stood out for his “imagination and ingenuity”. He is considered to be the "inventor" of the federal treasury note . He prepared the issue of the Olympic coins, which contributed significantly to the financing of the 1972 Summer Olympics . In the meantime he switched to banking, from 1969 to 1973 he sat on the board of directors of DSL Bank and from 1973 to 1987 on the board of directors of Hypothekenbank Frankfurt . He published articles on finance and also took a critical stance on the federal government's debt policy.


As a sideline, he devoted himself to the history and culture of Silesia . His Schlesien-Lexikon appeared in six editions. From 1983 to 1993, as president of the Silesian House Association, he played a major role in the development of this cultural and educational center in Heisterbacherrott . The Federal Agency for Civic Education recognized his commitment to the preservation of Silesian culture and characterized him as "Rübezahl's acting manager in the Federal Republic". Since 1993 he has devoted himself in Silesia to the newly founded association for the maintenance of Silesian art and culture with the German-Polish meeting center in Lomnitz Castle . In nearby Jelenia Góra, the former Hirschberg, he died of a heart attack. He was buried in Bonn. His portrait hangs in Lomnitz Castle.


  • Silesia Lexicon - for everyone who loves Silesia . Adam Kraft Verlag, Mannheim 1979, ISBN 3-8083-1161-4 .
  • Riesengebirge in color - hiking in Rübezahls Reich , illustrated book with 72 graphics, Adam Kraft Verlag, Mannheim 1982, ISBN 3-8083-1077-4 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dissertation: The international legal situation of the Soviet occupation area .
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 100/81; 87/1102.
  3. Handwritten curriculum vitae in the archive of the Corps Lusatia.
  4. ^ Funding incursions are his strength , Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of June 4, 1987.
  5. General-Anzeiger , Bonn, from 20./21. April 1985, p. 5, for his 60th birthday.
  6. Klaus Ullmann, Debt and Atonement - What became of a well-intentioned approach, in: "Wertpapier" 17/80 of September 1, 1980 p. 769 ff.
  7. ^ "PZ" - Politische Zeitung - Federal Agency for Civic Education, Bonn, No. 67, December 1991, p. 7.
  8. ^ Obituary in the "General-Anzeiger", Bonn, from 25./26. October 1997, p. 7.