Klaus Zielke

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Klaus Zielke (2013)

Klaus Zielke (born February 20, 1931 in Berlin ; † May 17, 2016 in Bad Wildungen ) was a German orthopedist. In Germany he is the pioneer in the surgical treatment of deformations of the spine.


As the son of the chief surgeon Johannes Zielke , Zielke attended high schools in Bromberg and Ahrensburg . At the request of his father, he initially trained as a construction joiner and cabinet maker . He graduated from Bad Oldesloe in 1953 . He then studied medicine at the Medical Academy in Düsseldorf . He passed the state examination in 1959 ( "very good") and his doctorate to Dr. med.

On January 1, 1960, he began training at the Lübeck Medical Academy . He spent a year in pathology with Friedrich Wegener and Ernst Jeckeln and in internal medicine with Rudolf Mancke . After half a year in the gynecology department in Bocholt , he worked for a time in rural practices in Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia and Baden-Württemberg. After three and a half years with Julius Hackethal , he was absent for six months due to an accident at work . After six months with Wolfgang Heipertz in the Tübingen trauma surgery department, he turned to orthopedics. In 1969 he became a specialist with Hans Mau . In 1970/71 he was senior physician with Günter Jentschura for 15 months in the orthopedic clinic of the Mannheim faculty for clinical medicine . He familiarized himself with scoliosis and its treatment in Zurich and Lyon, with Paul Randall Harrington in Houston, John Moe in Minneapolis and Walter Putnam Blount in Milwaukee .


In 1971 he founded Germany's first scoliosis center in Tübingen , the German-French department for scoliosis treatment at the French military hospital "Emile Roux" (Dr. Ronflet, Prof. Myervueis). There he developed the (anterior) transthoracic scoliosis correction . He visited AF Dwyer (Sidney), Norton Leatherman (Louisville), Ralph Bingham Cloward (Honolulu), Yves Cotrel (Berck-Plage), Alf Nachemson (Gothenburg), Edward H. Simmons (Toronto), Arthur Yau (Hong Kong) and John P. O'Brien (Oswestry) and the Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center . In 1976 he organized an international symposium on the surgical treatment of scoliosis and kyphosis from the ventral access route.

Bad Wildungen

From 1978 he headed the clinic of the Wicker Group in Bad Wildungen, which he set up . It is still the reference center for scoliosis surgery. Like Friedrich Magerl , Zielke worked more than he wrote. His aversion to prolific writers was notorious. For health reasons, he gave up clinical work in 1989 at the age of 58. He organized 64 conferences and training seminars in 36 countries, including India, South Africa and Brazil after his retirement. For many years he operated for Terre des Hommes in Syria. Honored all over the world, he was last honored by the German specialist societies.

He was married to the Syrian doctor Haifaa Zielke geb. Hayek . He died at the age of 85.


  • Pocket book for physiotherapy prescriptions . Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart 1969.
  • Scoliosis and kyphosis - surgical treatment from the anterior approach . The spine in research and practice 72 (conference proceedings, 1978).
  • Technique et indications de l'opération VDS Encyclopédie chirurgicale, Masson, Paris 1977.
  • Structural scolioses , in: Lange / Hipp: Textbook of Orthopedics , Vol. II / 2. Enke, Stuttgart 1981.
  • with P. Griss and Jürgen Harms : Ventral derotation spondylodesis (VDS) , in: Dickson / Bradford: Management of Spinal Deformities . Butterworths International Medical Reviews, London 1984.
  • with P. Hack: Zielke Technik , in: Bradford / Hensinger: The Pediatric Spine . Thieme Stratton Group , New York 1984.
  • Posterolateral distraction spondylodesis using the divided sacral bar for low back pain , in: Internal Fixation of the Lumbar Spine . Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research (1985).
  • with Hans-Joachim Hehne: The kyphotic deformity in ankylosing spondylitis , 2nd edition. Hippokrates, Stuttgart 1997, ISBN 978-3-7773-0965-1 .


  • Corresponding member of the French Groupe d'étude de la scoliose (1974)
  • Honorary member of the Syrian Medical Association (1978)
  • Honorary member of the Turkish Orthopedic Society (1980)
  • Appreciation Plaque from the Minister of Health of the Philippines (1980)
  • Corresponding Member of the American Scoliosis Research Society (1981)
  • Corresponding member of the British Scoliosis Research Society (1984)
  • Honorary member of the Federal Scoliosis Association (1992)
  • Honorary member of the German Society for Orthopedics and Traumatology (Berlin, 2005)
  • Honorary member of the German Spine Society (Suhl, 2012)


  • Henry Halm: Obituary for the death of Dr. Klaus Zielke . Orthopedics and trauma surgery Mitteilungen und Nachrichten, December 2016, pp. 610–611.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e message Haifaa Zielke
  2. Dissertation: A case of a retrosternal goiter with destruction of the sternum .
  3. Archibald von Strempel: The anterior spinal column straightening with the ventral derotation spondylodesis (VDS) according to Zielke . (OOT 1995)
  4. Compare the information in the catalog of the German National Library
  5. Werner Wicker Clinic
  6. Zielke, in Spinal Deformities (2007)
  7. ↑ Obituary notice (Waldecksche Landeszeitung)