Garlic (noble family)

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Coat of arms of those of garlic

Garlic (also Knobelisk, Knoblok, Clebeloke, Clebeloc, Cnobeloc or Knobloch ) is the name of an old medium Brandenburg noble family that the Havelland belongs nobility and probably after the village garlic (1197-1969) at Ketzin called Havel.


With the widow Margarete dicta de Clebeloke , the family was first mentioned on December 24, 1316. The direct line of trunks begins with Fritze von Knobelauch ( Fricze von Knoblok , according to the Lehnsbrief from 1416), which was first mentioned in 1375 in Pessin . His son Sigismund von Knoblauch ( Sigmunden von Knoblok ) received according to the feudal letter of 1416 the village Possin (Pessin) from Margrave Friedrich I as a fiefdom . He became the progenitor of the von Knoblauch zu Pessin family, whose era in Pessin only ended in 1932 with a foreclosure auction. Before that, Arnold von Knoblauch, the last of his family from the Pessin family, had died without a male heir and what was left was Fritze von Knoblauch , who could no longer hold the estate.

The place Paulinenaue owes its place name to the royal Prussian cavalry master and landowner Friedrich Wilhelm von Knoblauch (1798–1852) and especially his wife Pauline von Bardeleben (1811–1884) . Both daughter Pauline von Knoblauch married Wolf von Bredow . >> “If you say of the Bredows that there was a Bredow behind every bush in Havelland, you can confidently say that there was still a garlic behind every Bredow. The ownership structure of the manors in Havelland shows that the same goods belonged to the Knoblauchs in addition to the Bredows at other times. ” >> - ( Source: Ketziner Heimatverein about the place Knoblauch)

Coat of arms of those of garlic

coat of arms

Three (2, 1) silver garlic bulbs in black . On the helmet with its black and silver blankets an upright silver garlic bulb, previously also three side by side.


See also

The von Knoblauch family described here must not be confused with the other two German noble families

and the Frankfurt patrician Knoblauch family or the Austrian Knobloch von Südfeld family , Austrian knighthood 1883.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Original in the parish church office of St. Petrikirche in Berlin ; Adolph Friedrich Riedel : Codex diplomaticus Brandenburgensis : Collection of documents, chronicles and other source documents . Main part 1st volume 11 . Berlin 1856, p. 230 ( digitized version ).
  2. Ketziner Heimatverein about the place Knoblauch