Konrad Frielinghaus

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Konrad Frielinghaus , actually Konrad Gustav Karl Otto Frielinghaus (born October 15, 1907 in Opole , † December 19, 1968 in Blida (Algeria) ) was a qualified mining engineer and resistance fighter against the Nazi regime. In the second half of the 1950s he appeared as the author of publications on workforce cooperation and trade union company policy before he went to Algeria in 1959 to actively participate in the Algerian War of Independence . After its end he worked as a scientist and politician in Algeria under the name Dejoul .


Origin and studies

Konrad Frielinghaus is the son of Otto Frielinghaus (1877–1956). This was Ministerialrat in the Prussian Ministry of Trade and Industry and later until 1943 in the Reich Ministry of Economics . After 1945 he acted as a bank trustee in North Rhine-Westphalia. He made it possible for his two children, daughter Ilse and son Konrad, to attend the school by the sea , where Konrad graduated from high school in 1928. He had already joined the Socialist Workers' Youth as a high school student .

From 1928 to 1935 Frielinghaus studied mining , business administration and economics at the Technical University of Berlin , interrupted by a year in Spanish mining and eight months as a climber in Upper Silesian coal mining. In 1933 he passed the exam as a graduate engineer in the field of mining and was also assistant to an auditor from 1931 to 1935 in order to prepare for the auditing exam. For Einemann, Frielinghaus was "what is now called" industrial engineer ".

Resistance fighters

Leggewie also mentions Frielinghaus training, but at the same time speaks of a job that continued after 1933 in a statistics office in which he was involved in drawing up the National Socialist economic plan. At the same time, however, all sources agree that he was active in the resistance against the Nazi regime from 1933 onwards. Frielinghaus was a member of the New Beginning group and was one of the victims of the Gestapo's first strike against this organization in 1935 . He, who had married Ursula Lübke for the first time in 1935, was arrested and sentenced in 1936 “for preparation for high treason. He received two and a half years and six months in prison, three years 'loss of honor', a professional ban and his diploma title was revoked. "

In 1938 Frielinghaus was released and got a job at the United Steel Works , first in Dortmund , then from 1940 in Siegen . In both places, Leggewie said, he was still illegally active in politics and was therefore assigned to a punitive battalion outside Leningrad after being arrested again in 1942 . In January 1943 Frielinghaus was seriously wounded. After his recovery he was transferred to Italy, where he defected to the partisans towards the end of the war.

The years 1945 to 1959

From September 1945 on, Frielinghaus worked as a mining engineer at Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-AG . Shortly afterwards he joined the trade union IG Bergbau und Energie and began his political activities as a member of the KPD . As of October 30, 1946, he represented the KPD in the Bochum Housing Committee as a city councilor and was then also their representative on the city council. In 1947 he married the teacher Käthe Großmann for the second time.

In the years 1948/1949 Frielinghaus worked as an employee at the headquarters of the IG Bergbau und Energie in Bochum. Why he left there is not clearly described in the biographies. Leggewie speaks of the disadvantages that he had suffered from membership of the KPD and of one of the first professional bans that was imposed on him after the war. He was "awarded a 50 percent reduction in earning capacity in a year-long compensation process" and received a pension as a Nazi persecuted. Since that was not enough for life, he had to make ends meet as a welder, most recently at the DKW works in Düsseldorf .

Frielinghaus became involved early on against rearmament in the Federal Republic of Germany and in 1949, together with Adolf von Hatzfeld, was one of the initiators of the Provisional Committee of the Peace Movement in West Germany. Lothar Rolke writes about these early precursors of the German peace movement , referring to Ernst Richert : “In 1949 the Communist Party-oriented“ Provisional Committees of the Peace Movement ”were formed, into which the committees of the People's Congress movement were 'incorporated'. The “provisional committees ...” then evidently became the committees for the referendum after the Essen Congress. “Frielinghaus and von Hatzfeld are in the call of the committee from the turn of the year 1949/1950, which turned against the remilitarization of Germany and understood as an appeal to secure world peace, named as its responsible. The threat to world peace is described from a purely pro-Soviet perspective.

“Because we want peace, we seek friendship with all peoples.
Because we want peace, we fight "anti-Sovietism, the basic folly of our epoch" - as Thomas Mann called it - anti-Sovietism, which plunged our German people into the second world war, which was so disastrous for us.
The Soviet Union and the peoples advancing towards socialism have long recognized - which our people have not yet fully recognized - that progress towards a happy future can only be achieved through tough struggle for the realization of a lasting peace.
While atomic bombs are being piled up in the USA, atomic energy is used in the Soviet Union to make the steppes and wasteland fertile and thus the nation's source of life and happiness. We recognize that the peoples in the East are building a promising future with lively and ever stronger strength, while in the capitalist countries the fear of new wars and of unemployment is growing because the enormous industrial forces and the abilities of the people are constantly increasing for a brilliant luxury production on the one hand and armaments production on the other.
In order to justify their war preparations, by means of which they want to avoid the crisis and the collapse of their economic system, and to justify their war preparations in front of the peoples, the statesmen of the Atlantic Pact powers impose warlike intentions on the Soviet Union. The truth is, however, that the Soviet statesmen and those of the people's democracies and China abhor war, that they want to protect their peoples from new bloody conflicts and that they work for peace in all negotiations. "

- Provisional Committee of the Peace Movement in West Germany : Appeal to all who love peace and want to defend it

Such an understanding was not unusual for the KPD member Frielinghaus, but Leggewie writes that after the KPD ban of 1956 at the latest, he came into conflict with his party, which he had accused of submitting to the ban without a fight and also being in To have transformed an official body isolated from the grassroots. His wife Katja, who also belonged to the KPD and worked on the party executive, had already been dismissed in 1954.

“During this time his writings on“ self-determined workforce cooperation against capitalist hierarchy and bureaucracy ”, in short, a model of company democratization and self-administration based on the theoretical basis of Chapter II in Marx's  “ Capital ”. With this model, he was mainly concerned with concrete political steps: his main idea was the renewal of the labor movement "from below". "

- Claus Leggewie : Kofferträger , p. 125

In the obituary for Konrad Frielinghaus in the Heidelberger Blätter , reference is made to the "historically new context of imperialism in the stage of competition and coexistence", in which the liberation struggles of the Third World play an increasingly important role. In this context, Frielinghaus “understood the self-determined workforce cooperation as the political approach that is attached to the decisive new intra-capitalist contradiction of the cooperation of workers and their social combination through capital - in its manifestations of workforce cooperation on the one hand - capitalist hierarchy and bureaucracy on the other hand ". While Leggewie sees the formerly colonized countries that have become independent as places that Frielinghaus presented as locations for the implementation of his ideas, Einemann interprets it as something inherent in the system. He sees Frielinghaus as the founder of the “ human relations movement that relies on the involvement of employees”, who has criticized “that the representatives of capital, but not those of the employees, have recognized the potential of“ productive force cooperation ”. From the employee's point of view, he demanded the use of the opportunities of the workforce cooperation (required by the functional logic), above all to dismantle hierarchy and to shift internal power to the side of the producers. [..] Frielinghaus wanted this increase in power for the workers, more transparency and the compulsion to negotiate conditions; The end result should be a fundamental improvement in the situation of dependent employees. His aim is to "realize a concrete program of economic and social progress". "

If one follows Einemann, then it is consistent that the meanwhile illegal KPD excluded Konrad Frielinghaus in 1959 "because of" deviating from the law "", as his ideas sounded too much like social democratic- reformist co-determination instead of a revolutionary reorganization of the capitalist economic system. Frielinghaus, who was also friends with the luggage carriers Johannes and Gertrud Gorlas , went his own way and went into the Algerian War of Independence in 1959 at the age of 52.

At the side of the FLN in Algeria

Nothing is known about the exact motifs of Frielinghaus. Leggewie suspects a “political and personal impasse” that could have driven him. It is also not known what ideas he had about his contribution to the Algerian struggle for independence. From the reports by Si Mustapha-Müller we know that the Algerians had little interest in foreign fighters, but always needed specialists for different tasks. Frielinghaus was such a specialist, perhaps more like one who slipped into this role by chance.

“The Algerians, who sometimes did not speak French, understood his job description all too literally. Mining engineer means in French: ingénieurs des mines - but Colonel Boussouf's logistics experts only heard one word: mines, and made Frielinghaus a weapons expert. In this role he was employed both in building the arms factories and in other companies for the procurement and distribution of material to the fighting troops. "

- Claus Leggewie : Kofferträger , p. 125

The arms factories built by Frielinghaus in the Moroccan hinterland were those in which the Brigasdists recruited by Georg Jungclas and Michel Raptis also made their contribution to Algerian independence.

Analogous to the luggage carriers, there is also the term pieds-rouges (red feet) in France , which was used to describe people from the left-wing spectrum who went to Algeria after independence to support the reconstruction and development of the country to use. In this sense, Konrad Frielinghaus, Dejoul , as he called himself in Algeria, is a pied-rouge , because he stayed in Algeria after independence to help build the country. As a formerly active ALN fighter, he received support from the Algerian government, but did not retreat to old age, but tried to industrialize the country. He tried to found a German-Algerian development company in order to win West German investors for Algeria and "took care of the skilled workers and apprenticeship training". However, he was only able to achieve success after the military coup of 1965, in which Ahmed Ben Bella was overthrown and Houari Boumedienne came to power. As a result of this coup, Algerian policy was reoriented with a focus on increased industrialization of the country, and "Frielinghaus was now head of a planning department in the state-owned mining company SONAREM". Ideologically, he campaigned for a socialism that “eradicates” all currents that “are shaped by ideological, tactical and strategic traditions of the socialist movement in Europe and the class struggle there”. He also rejected the self-governing structures that were still being promoted under Ben Bella as models with a western European character, which were unsuitable for Algeria.

Konrad Frielinghaus died on December 19, 1968 as a result of a car accident near Algiers.


On the website Contradiction and Resistance: Konrad Frielinghaus says about Frielinghaus: “Konrad Frielinghaus became the influential initiator of a further development of the theory of self-determined workforce cooperation in the work and industrial sociology school around Hans Paul Bahrdt . His traces can still be found in literature to this day. ” These traces cannot be found beyond the Heidelberger Blätter and Brock's new edition from 1984. In the obituary of the Heidelberger Blätter it is said: “Incidentally, it can only be reserved for the publication of FRIELINGHAUS's work to present the other contexts of his work and to work through them for their relevance to be updated in a revolutionary way.” On such a critical edition of the writings of It never came to Frielinghaus.

There is also little information about how he got involved in the political discussion in Germany in 1962, where he was staying in Algeria, because his name appears in connection with the founding of the Duisburg Social Science Association , in which many well-known leftists are Social Democrats came together.

"To give the company-related educational work in the trade unions nevertheless a broader theoretical and organizational base, founded in the spring of 1962 Peter von Oertzen , Reinhard Hoffmann , Siegfried Braun, Konrad Frielinghaus, Burkhard Lutz, Jürgen Seifert , Adolf Brock, Konrad Thomas, Thomas vd Vring , Karsten Kullman, Wolfgang Hindrichs and others the “Sozialwissenschaftliche Vereinigung Duisburg e. V. ”, which regularly published the“ workbooks ”from spring 1962 to February 1967. The focus of these "internal employee letters" was the production operation. Peter von Oertzen was the editor until April 1965. After that, an editorial board was responsible for the "workbooks", including Michael Vester , Hans Peter Riesche, Thomas Leithäuser and Wolfgang Hindrichs. "

- Tilmann Fichter : SDS and SPD. Partiality beyond the party , Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen 1988, ISBN 978-3-531-11882-6 , p. 223 (note 10)

Frielinghaus "Biography motivated the filmmaker Alexander Kluge to start a film project that did not get beyond the research".


Konrad Frielinghaus was the holder of a patent:


  • The Competition of Social Orders and Capitalist Laws (1962)
  • Violence and social progress , in: Periodical for scientific socialism. An international monthly magazine , Universum Verlag, issue 22, January 1962.
  • Industrial development in Algeria , in: atomzeitalter , issue 1, January 1966.
  • Heidelberg leaves. Journal for Problems of Work and Society , Nov. 1969-April 1970. Konrad Frielinghaus died while this issue was being prepared and going to press. The editors therefore dedicated this issue to him and praised him as the “initiator for the current, political-theoretical training of the early approaches to cooperation by JP PROUDHON, KARL MARX and others, and the results of the work and industrial sociology school around HANS PAUL BAHRDT on the theory of self-determined workforce cooperation. “The booklet contains next to one
    • Obituary for Konrad Frielinghaus , pp. 5–7, also contributions by himself:
    • Workforce cooperation, pp. 112–159 (the article is from 1957)
    • together with Günter Hillmann and others: Workforce cooperation and trade union company policy , pp. 160–202 (the article is from 1963)
    • Bureaucratisation or workforce cooperation , pp. 203–210
  • Workforce cooperation as a basis for the democratization of economy and society: three writings by Konrad Frielinghaus. Workforce cooperation. Melt the hierarchy into the workforce. About the sphere , edited by Adolf Brock in the working papers series , Bremen Cooperation University Chamber of Labor, Bremen 1984.


  • Claus Leggewie: porter. The Algeria Project of the Left in Adenauer-Germany , Rotbuch Verlag, Berlin 1984, ISBN 3-88022-286-X , in it the chapter An anti-hero: Konrad Frielinghaus, a social engineer in Algeria , pp. 124-128.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See: List of known people related to the school by the sea ; there also sources on the activities of Otto Frielinghaus.
  2. Unless other sources are named below, the life data on Konrad Frielinghaus come from Claus Leggewie (see: Literature ), the web link Contradiction and Resistance: Konrad Frielinghaus , and the obituary from the Heidelberger Blätter .
  3. a b c d e f contradiction and resistance: Konrad Frielinghaus
  4. a b c Heidelberger Blätter: Obituary for Konrad Frielinghaus
  5. Edgar One man - a professor at the University of Bremerhaven
  6. Edgar A man: Frielinghaus, Konrad (1907-1968)
  7. Claus Leggewie: Kofferträger , p. 127
  8. In the obituary of the Heidelberger Blätter it is said that he was a "mining engineer in various ore and hard coal mines".
  9. Housing management in Bochum
  10. a b c d e Claus Leggewie: Kofferträger , p. 124
  11. ^ Lothar Rolke: Protest movement in the Federal Republic. An analytical social history of political contradiction , Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen 1987, ISBN 978-3-531-11854-3 , p. 502
  12. Full text of the call to all who love peace and want to defend it in the archive of social democracy (AdsD)
  13. Edgar A man: Konrad Frielinghaus concept of Work Force Cooperation
  14. See on this in the French WIKIPEDIA the article fr: Pieds-rouges
  15. a b c Claus Leggewie: Kofferträger , p. 128