Ernst Richert

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Ernst Richert (born December 15, 1912 in Wittenberge , † February 2, 1976 in Hamburg ) was a German publicist , sociologist and GDR researcher .


After graduating from high school , Richert studied philosophy , sociology and art history in Berlin . In 1939 he received his doctorate under Nicolai Hartmann . During the Second World War he worked as a Brockhaus editor and as an editor at the Berlin shortwave station . From 1946 to 1949 he worked in the editorial office of the Leipziger Volkszeitung , where he met Otto Stammer . At the same time, he was politically active with the Leipziger Kulturbund, a cultural alliance that was still liberal at the time. He was a member of the SED . In 1949 Richert left the GDR for political reasons and worked as a radio editor in West Germany. At the end of 1950, Stammer brought him to the research department for the Soviet Zone / GDR of the Berlin Institute for Political Science , an institutional predecessor of the Otto Suhr Institute together with the German University of Politics . In 1956 he left the Berlin Institute and worked as a publicist and editor, first in Berlin and later in Hamburg. Since 1958, Richert worked as an expert for the Federal Ministry for all German issues . From 1960 to 1966 he also worked as an appraiser for the Berlin Senate . Richert conducted intensive research on the GDR and was one of the journalistic advocates of the social-liberal détente .

The Minister of Intra-German Relations named in the late 1970s to 1989, a prize awarded for DDR and comparative research by Germany Ernst Richert.


  • Hubertus Buchstein : Theory of totalitarianism and empirical political research - the change in the concept of totalitarianism in early Berlin political science . In: Alfons Söllner , Ralf Walkenhaus, Karin Wieland (eds.): Totalitarismus. A history of ideas from the 20th century . Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1997, ISBN 3-05-003122-0 , p. 247, note 33.
  • Jens Hüttmann: GDR history and its researchers. Actors and economic trends in West German GDR research . Metropol Verlag, Berlin 2008, ISBN 3-938690-83-6 , especially p. 129 f and p. 140-142.
  • Peter Christian Ludz : In Memorian Ernst Richert . In: Germany Archive , 9/1975, p. 234 f.

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