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Kukuxumusu ( Basque for kiss of a flea ) is a Spanish company that mainly prints funny pictures on T-shirts , postcards , pens and other souvenirs . These images often refer to the festivities of the Sanfermines in Pamplona .

Foundation and business idea

The idea to start a business was created during the Sanfermines in 1989. Gonzalo Domínguez de Bidaurreta, Koldo Aiestaran and Mikel Urmeneta, three befriended each other Pamplonesen, came up with the idea of T-shirts for sale with motives that are related to the Running of the Bulls had at the festival . The T-shirts were very well received, not only in Pamplona but also in the surrounding cities. Therefore the three founded the now nationally known company Kukuxumusu . The motifs on clothing and other objects today represent scenes typical of Spain, although the original reference to the Pamplona festivities has been preserved.

business development

Mikel Urmeneta

For a long time, Mikel Urmeneta was the only draftsman and designer of the motifs. With the increasing number of orders, the company, which originally consisted of three people, had to be expanded. In order to sell the original motifs, orders were placed for advertising posters , university T-shirts, cultural and social activities and the like.

In 1995 the company's first in-house store was opened, the first Tienda Oficial Kukuxumusu . Since 1997 the products have also been sold online on the Internet in order to reach customers worldwide. Today, in addition to 21 Tiendas oficiales in Spain, there are more than 1,000 shops selling the company's products across Europe.

Success strategy

Through the motifs, buyers identify with Spanish customs and traditions at festivals such as B. the Sanfermines. Added to this is the simplicity of the drawings, which are funny and easy to recognize. The joke lies in the presented, also unusual situations, where z. B. Bulls on surfboards drive the bull runners into the sea or where the role of the bull in the bull runs is represented by other animals such as sheep . In addition, devils and Basque symbols such as the Lauburu are used and presented in a humorous way. Many Kukuxumusu items are sought-after souvenirs . Today you can also get screensavers and virtual postcards with motifs from this company.

During the Sanfermines, a life-size doll of the blue bull is out and about in the streets of Pamplona.

New projects

A new project is the Cromosomos charity project , which is being carried out in collaboration with the television production company El Terrat . The proceeds from the sale of T-shirts in the Kukuxumusu design will benefit non-governmental organizations . A different organization is considered every year. In 2006 it was the Arrels Fundació that supported the homeless . Participating in this project include a. the draftsman Mikel Urmeneta von Kukuxumusu, the comedian Andreu Buenafuente and the actor Paco Mir.

Web links

Commons : Kukuxumusu  - collection of images, videos and audio files