Cultural and contemporary history, archive of time

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Cultural and contemporary history, Archiv der Zeit e. V. is a right-wing is arranged club .

The association was co-founded on October 2, 1985 as an "institute" on the initiative of the influential right-wing extremist publisher, former SS-Hauptsturmführer and NPD functionary Waldemar Schütz in Rosenheim - he then also became its first chairman. The board members also included Karl Hans Ertl (historical revisionist journalist), Wolfgang Huber (former Bavarian constitutional judge and head of the NPD legal department) and Klaus Christoph Marloh (former SS officer and partner of Nation Europa Verlag ).

The declared aim was to “secure a true German image of history and the transmission of the real German conditions in the last 75 years for future generations”. The association worked to establish an archive and a politically oriented specialist library. The publications were sent to libraries, historians and students with a value of around 250,000 DM, according to their own admission. The activities were financed by a support group of around 1000 people. In 1995 the association celebrated its tenth anniversary in Goslar in the presence of the right-wing extremist Austrian publicist and politician Otto Scrinzi (FPÖ), who gave the keynote address.

In 1999 the publicist Hans-Ulrich Kopp , who is also assigned to the right-wing extremist spectrum, became chairman of the association. In December 2014 the AfD politician Andreas Kalbitz took over the chairmanship of the organization. After Kalbitz's activity in the association became known, he left the association. On April 16, 2016, the members elected a new board at a general meeting in Fulda: 1. Chairman is Martin Pfeiffer (Graz), who is also responsible for the Society for Free Publishing e. V. cites. The second chairman is Elke Sander (Fürstenwalde) and the treasurer is Rainer Höke (Preußisch Oldendorf), the managing director of the Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft (DVG).

The association published a reference work on German history in the 20th century. Relevant authors included a. Nikolaus von Preradovich , Emil Schlee , Adolf von Thadden and Georg Franz-Willing . The extremism researchers Uwe Backes and Patrick Moreau (1993) as well as the specialist journalists Rainer Fromm (1994) and Anton Maegerle (2007) attested the history revisionism association . The editors of the yearbook Extremism and Democracy , Uwe Backes and Eckhard Jesse , found a glorification of the Wehrmacht in archives of the time . According to an RBB report in 2015 , the Bavarian State Office for the Protection of the Constitution was "not aware of any distancing of the association from a right-wing extremist view of history [...]" and right-wing extremism researcher Hajo Funke located the association in right-wing extremism.


Individual evidence

  1. a b Rainer Fromm , Barbara Kernbach: “… and tomorrow the whole world? Extreme right-wing journalism in Western Europe ” . Schüren, Marburg 1994, ISBN 3-89472-105-7 , p. 168.
  2. Jens Mecklenburg (ed.): Handbook of German right-wing extremism . Elefanten-Press, Berlin 1996, ISBN 3-88520-585-8 , p. 526 f.
  3. ^ Franziska Hundseder : Rights make cash. Money and financiers of the brown scene . 2nd edition completely revised, updated and supplemented by the author, Droemer Knaur, Munich 1995, ISBN 3-426-80047-0 , p. 82.
  4. Jens Mecklenburg (ed.): Handbook of German right-wing extremism . Elefanten-Press, Berlin 1996, ISBN 3-88520-585-8 , p. 286.
  5. ^ Curt Vinz, Günter Olzog (ed.): Documentation of German-language publishers . 2nd edition, Olzog, Munich 1965, p. 339.
  6. ^ A b c Rainer Fromm, Barbara Kernbach: “… and tomorrow the whole world? Extreme right-wing journalism in Western Europe ” . Schüren, Marburg 1994, ISBN 3-89472-105-7 , p. 169.
  7. Answer of the federal government to the minor question of the MP Ulla Jelpke and the other MPs of the PDS (printed matter 13/468), the right-wing extremist association “Culture and Contemporary History, Archive of Time e. V. “ , German Bundestag, printed matter 13/652, February 28, 1995.
  8. ^ A b c Uwe Backes , Patrick Moreau : The extreme right in Germany. History - current dangers - causes - countermeasures . Akademie-Verlag, Munich 1993, ISBN 3-929115-30-1 , p. 126.
  9. ^ Franziska Hundseder: Rights make cash. Money and financiers of the brown scene . 2nd edition completely revised, updated and supplemented by the author, Droemer Knaur, Munich 1995, ISBN 3-426-80047-0 , p. 78.
  10. ^ A b Anton Maegerle : Political and journalistic career of authors of the Junge Freiheit . In: Stephan Braun , Ute Vogt (ed.): The weekly newspaper "Junge Freiheit" . Critical analyzes of the program, content, authors and customers . VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2007, ISBN 978-3-531-15421-3 , p. 197.
  11. a b What is the relationship between the AfD Brandenburg and the right-wing scene? Plain text. (No longer available online.) RBB , October 14, 2015, archived from the original on May 6, 2016 ; accessed on July 22, 2019 .
  12. ^ Right publisher on behalf of the city. In: August 25, 2016. Retrieved September 2, 2016 .
  13. ^ Uwe Backes , Eckhard Jesse : Annotated Bibliography . In the S. (Ed.): Yearbook Extremism and Democracy , 11th year (1999), Nomos, Baden-Baden 2000, ISBN 3-7890-6391-6 , p. 466.