Hans-Ulrich Kopp

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Hans-Ulrich Kopp (born March 11, 1962 in Stuttgart ) is a German publicist who, as a multifunctional, is assigned to the right-wing extremist spectrum. He was mainly active as a journalist in the 1990s, for example in Junge Freiheit , where he also appeared under the pseudonym Friedrich von Lodenitz . He is the founder of Lepanto Verlag and now works as a building contractor in Stuttgart.


Kopp, whose parents came from the Sudetenland , was born in Stuttgart and graduated from high school there in 1980 . Then he did military service in the Bundeswehr a . a. on the staff of the II Corps in Ulm and trained as a banker . He studied general linguistics, English philology and German linguistics in Munich and Vienna and graduated in 1991 with a Magister Artium . In the early 1980s he became secretary and deputy chairman of the Association of German Language Associations and Language Friends , a successor organization to the General German Language Association .

Kopp is considered a "multifunctional [...] in the right-wing extremist camp". According to a response from the federal government (1994) to a small question in the German Bundestag, in 1991 he “once belonged to a right-wing extremist group”. In 1983 he became a member of the Volkisch Witikobund . He was active in the youth association Junge Witikonen and from 1992 editor of the Witikobriefes . In 2006 he reappeared as a board member of the Witikobund. In terms of party politics, he was initially a member of the CDU and state board member of the Union of Expellees in Baden-Württemberg. Later he got involved with the Republicans , he ran for local elections in Munich on March 18, 1990 . In 1995 he was a supporter of the right-wing collecting movement “Initiative 3 October” around Manfred Brunner . Kopp was also deputy chairman or chairman (from 1999) of the right-wing extremist association for culture and contemporary history, Archives of Time . He also became a member of the Weikersheim Study Center , where he was involved in the youth organization Young Weikersheim . In 1996 he became an extraordinary member of the board of the “Cannstatter Kreis” around the right-wing Stuttgart FDP functionary Hans Manfred Roth .

Kopp was u. a. Spokesman for the extreme right-wing academic holiday association Rugia Karlsbad . In 1984 he was one of the founding members of the All-German Students' Association of the Federation of Expellees . In 1987 he became the spokesman for the extreme right-wing fraternity Danubia Munich , of which he has been a member since 1985. From 1993 to 1998 he was chairman of the old man's association of Danubia. In 1996/97 he was press spokesman for the German fraternity while chairing the extreme right-wing Vienna academic fraternity . In 1989 he was co-editor of the student magazine Münchner Freiheit . In 1989 he was a founding board member of the Republican University Association (RHV), the student association of Republicans , which he left again in 1990. Scientists compared the RVS with the right-wing extremist student association Ring of Liberal Students . In 1992, Kopp was an unsuccessful candidate for the List of Independent Students (LUST) in Munich, a kind of successor organization to the Republican University Association, whose motto was reminiscent of NSDAP election posters.

From 1990 to 1995 he was editor (from 1991 in the “Politics” section) of Junge Freiheit and was considered one of its most important authors. He wrote u. a. under the pseudonym Friedrich von Lodenitz . In 1990 he was one of the keynote speakers at the “Initiative Deutschland 90” congress organized by us , Europe and JF, where he and Dieter Stein presented a concept on the “non-conforming” press system and the development of the JF. In 1993/94 he was the conference director of the so-called "Summer University" of Junge Freiheit, which was organized in cooperation with the Danubia Munich fraternity and the Innsbruck Freedom Student Initiative. After his voluntary resignation from the JF editorial team, he was the initiator of the “Free German Summer University” in 1995, which competed with the mother project, which was now perceived as too moderate. The Austrian right-wing extremism expert Heribert Schiedel interpreted the departure from the JF to mean that it was a matter of "straightening the front [of the editor-in-chief] against all too open Nazi apology".

Kopp has repeatedly been a speaker at the right-wing extremist society for free journalism (including 1994) and the historical revisionist contemporary history research center in Ingolstadt . He published u. a. in right-wing conservative and right-wing extremist magazines such as Staatsbriefe , Nation und Europa , Identity , Aula , Schweizerzeit , Mut , Burschenschaftliche Blätter , Criticon , Europa and Zeitwende , Mensch und Maß , Russia and We , German History , Peace 2000 and German Military Magazine as well as various expellees newspapers and other fraternity-related organs. The social scientists Dietrich Heither and Gerhard Schäfer describe him as a “right-wing extremist ideologist”. For the extremism researcher Eckhard Jesse (2008), Kopp is a “right-wing extremist publicist”; also the specialist journalist for right-wing extremism Anton Maegerle u. a. (2004) and the political scientist Steffen Kailitz (1996) locate him in right-wing extremism.

Today Kopp is the managing partner of a medium-sized construction company in Stuttgart. He is the founder and partner of Lepanto Verlag , which was registered in Bonn in December 2009 and is a member of the Catholic Media Association .

Fonts (selection)

  • Literature before the "zero hour". German writers 1933 to 1945 . Published by the culture and contemporary history archive Zeit e. V., Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, Rosenheim 1997, ISBN 3-920722-45-0 .
  • with Georg Franz-Willing : From the Teutons to the Staufers. Splendor and drama of early German history . Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, Preussisch Oldendorf 2001, ISBN 3-920722-67-1 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b "Not just leaves, but fruits" by Josef Bordat , Die Tagespost , April 24, 2019, accessed on April 29, 2019
  2. cf. Anton Maegerle : Political and journalistic career of authors of the Junge Freiheit , In: Stephan Braun , Ute Vogt (Ed.): The weekly newspaper "Junge Freiheit". Critical analyzes of the program, content, authors and customers . VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2007, ISBN 978-3-531-15421-3 , p. 196.
  3. a b c d Helmut Kellershohn : The self-appointed elite. Origin and self-image of the staff of the Junge Freiheit . In the S. (Ed.): The plagiarism. The Volkish Nationalism of Young Freedom . DISS , Duisburg 1994, ISBN 3-927388-44-0 , p. 71.
  4. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Anton Maegerle : Political and journalistic career of authors of the Junge Freiheit , In: Stephan Braun , Ute Vogt (ed.): The weekly newspaper "Junge Freiheit". Critical analyzes of the program, content, authors and customers . VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2007, ISBN 978-3-531-15421-3 , p. 196f.
  5. Jens Mecklenburg (ed.): Handbook of German right-wing extremism . Elefanten-Press, Berlin 1996, ISBN 3-88520-585-8 , pp. 481-482, here: p. 482.
  6. Answer of the Federal Government to the minor question of the MP Ulla Jelpke and the group of the PDS / Linke Liste (printed matter 12/7612), German Bundestag, printed matter 12/7976, p. 3.
  7. a b c d e f g h i Helmut Kellershohn : The self-appointed elite. Origin and self-image of the staff of the Junge Freiheit . In the S. (Ed.): The plagiarism. The Volkish Nationalism of Young Freedom . DISS, Duisburg 1994, ISBN 978-3-927388-44-4 , p. 72.
  8. Alice Brauner-Orthen : The New Right in Germany. Anti-democratic and racist tendencies. Leske and Budrich, Leverkusen 2001, ISBN 3-8100-3078-3 , p. 171.
  9. Dietrich Heither , Michael Gehler , Alexandra Kurth , Gerhard Schäfer : Blood and Paukboden. A history of the fraternities . Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 1997, ISBN 3-596-13378-5 , p. 269.
  10. Dietrich Heither , Michael Gehler , Alexandra Kurth , Gerhard Schäfer : Blood and Paukboden. A history of the fraternities . Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 1997, ISBN 3-596-13378-5 , p. 239 f.
  11. a b c d e f g h i j k Helmut Kellershohn : The self-appointed elite. Origin and self-image of the staff of the Junge Freiheit . In the S. (Ed.): The plagiarism. The Volkish Nationalism of Young Freedom . DISS , Duisburg 1994, ISBN 3-927388-44-0 , p. 73.
  12. cf. Alice Brauner-Orthen : The New Right in Germany. Anti-democratic and racist tendencies. Leske and Budrich, Leverkusen 2001, ISBN 3-8100-3078-3 , p. 181.
  13. Heribert Schiedel : “New Right” and right-wing extremist intellectuality - comments on a not so new phenomenon . In: Helmut Reinalter , Franko Petri, Rüdiger Kaufmann (ed.): The worldview of right-wing extremism. The structures of the desolidarization . Studienverlag, Innsbruck a. a. 1998, ISBN 3-7065-1258-0 , p. 229.
  14. ^ A b c Damir Skenderovic : The Radical Right in Switzerland. Continuity and Change, 1945-2000 . Berghahn, New York a. a. 2009, ISBN 978-1-84545-580-4 , p. 189.
  15. ^ Dietrich Heither , Gerhard Schäfer : Student connections between conservatism and right-wing extremism . In: Jens Mecklenburg (Ed.): Handbook of German right-wing extremism . Elefanten-Press, Berlin 1996, ISBN 3-88520-585-8 , pp. 865-884, here: 878.
  16. ^ Eckhard Jesse : Democracy in Germany. Diagnoses and analyzes. Ed. And incorporated. by Uwe Backes and Alexander Gallus , Böhlau, Cologne a. a. 2008, ISBN 978-3-412-20157-9 , p. 384.
  17. Anton Maegerle , Daniel Hörsch: “The fight for heads” has begun. Pioneers, strategists and pioneers of right-wing networks . In: Stephan Braun , Daniel Hörsch (ed.): Right networks - a danger . VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2004, ISBN 3-8100-4153-X , pp. 113–122, here: 120.
  18. Steffen Kailitz : The "89s" and the renaissance of "young conservatism" . In: Uwe Backes , Eckhard Jesse (ed.): Yearbook Extremism & Democracy , 8th year (1996), Nomos, Baden-Baden 1996, ISBN 3-7890-4526-8 , pp. 161-180, here: 170.
  19. L + K: specialist company for mastic asphalt, mastic asphalt screed, sanded mastic asphalt, structural sealing in residential construction, industrial construction and road construction. Own products LAKOLITH, LAKOPLAN, LAKOLUX. Retrieved July 11, 2019 .
  20. Archived copy ( memento of the original from March 10, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.katholischer-medienverband.de