Kurt Schmengler

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Kurt Schmengler (born May 1, 1919 in Neuwied ; † May 4, 1998 in Mainz ) was a German actor .


Kurt Schmengler began to study at the drama school in Bremen, until in 1942 he was commanded as a naval clerk in the 27th submarine flotilla on a minesweeper in Gotenhafen . His request to be posted to Danzig to continue his acting studies was granted and he was able to take the exam there in 1944. He was then transferred to the North Sea island of Norderney to help build a theater stage here. At the Kurtheater Norderney , Corporal Kurt Schmengler acted as artistic director and had his first major roles to play here. He provided his audience, now mostly soldiers, with boulevard theater, which not only contributed to entertainment but was also intended to raise morale in war. After the war it belonged temporarily to the Mainz City Theater , from which he was fired in 1952 because of a speech at the First German Culture Congress in Leipzig . Like several of his colleagues there, he came to the Berliner Ensemble from the Meininger Theater . The star role in Bertolt Brecht's Life of Galileo brought him back to the Norderneyer Kurtheater in the mid-1970s.


Radio plays

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Kurt Schmengler drama student in Danzig
  2. Neues Deutschland from June 15, 1951, p. 3