Kurt von Tannstein

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Kurt Theodor Wilhelm Otto von Tannstein called Fleischmann (born August 3, 1907 in Bayreuth ; † April 28, 1980 in Munich ) was a German diplomat who was ambassador to Tunisia between 1963 and 1969 and, most recently, ambassador to Mexico from 1969 to 1971 .


Kurt von Tannstein was the youngest of four sons of the officer Joseph Maria Anselm von Tannstein called Fleischmann (1870-1928), who between 1901 and 1904 graduated from the 34th course of the Bavarian War Academy and later, among other things, commander of the Royal Bavarian 1st Heavy Rider -Regiment "Prince Karl von Bayern" , from 1917 to 1918 commander of the 1st Royal Bavarian Cavalry Brigade and most recently in 1918 as a lieutenant colonel in command of the 4th Royal Bavarian Cavalry Brigade , as well as his wife Lina Rose (* 1876).

Kurt von Tannstein even completed in 1926 a high school - including Günther Reinecke - at Munich Maximiliansgymnasium , He then studied law and political science at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich and graduated in 1930 with the promotion of Dr. jur. at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg with the dissertation The right of the representative to apply, with special consideration of the deadline for the representation: The husband's right to apply . After completing his legal preparatory service, he took up a position as a lawyer in 1933 and joined the NSDAP in 1933 with membership number 2948420. In 1939 he entered the foreign service and became legation secretary at the embassy to the Holy See before he was drafted into military service in 1942.

After the end of the Second World War , von Tannstein resumed work as a lawyer in 1945. In 1950 he switched to the civil service and was initially senior councilor in the Federal Government's Press and Information Office from 1951 before returning to the foreign service in 1952. Between 1952 and 1956 he was first class counselor at the embassy in Mexico and was then counselor at the embassy in Italy in 1956 , where he last worked as first class counselor. In this role he dealt with the massacre in the Ardeatine Caves on March 24, 1944.

In 1963 von Tannstein was appointed ambassador to Tunisia as successor to Herbert Richter and held this position until 1969. In 1969, he succeeded the retired Carl August Zapp as ambassador to Mexico . He held this post until he retired in 1971.

The daughter Christine Ursula Herta Charlotte von Tannstein called Fleischmann (* 1934; married to [1] Laurent Rombaldi, [2] Ugo Figarolo di Gropello) and the son Stephan Josef Otto Alfred Hermann von Tannstein went from his marriage to Charlotte Freiin von Ellrichshausen called Fleischmann (* 1938; married to Marion John).


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. geneall.net/de/name/1675183/joseph-maria-anselm-von-tannstein-gen-fleischmann
  2. ^ Annual report on the K. Maximilians-Gymnasium in Munich for the school year 1925/26
  3. Personal details . 159th Cabinet meeting on November 14, 1956 (Federal Archives)
  4. CONTEMPORARY HISTORY: “Desired sleep”. The massacre in the Ardeatine Caves in 1944 is one of the worst German war crimes in Italy. But Adenauer's diplomats sabotaged the punishment of the perpetrators. . In: Der Spiegel from January 16, 2012
  5. Unpunished Massacre in Italy. How Postwar Germany Let War Criminals Go Free. In the spring of 1944, Nazi troops massacred hundreds of Italian civilians in the Ardeatine Caves near Rome. After World War II came to an end, however, the German government did little to track down the perpetrators. At the time, both Rome and Bonn were more interested in politics than justice. . In: Der Spiegel from January 19, 2012
  6. ^ Occupation of German missions abroad. 62nd cabinet meeting on January 30, 1963 (Federal Archives)
  7. ^ Occupation of a German diplomatic mission abroad. 161st Cabinet meeting on March 26, 1969 (Federal Archives)
  8. Personal details . 164th Cabinet meeting on April 30, 1969 (Federal Archives)