Lamprologus mocquardi

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Lamprologus mocquardi
Lamprologus mocquardi.jpg

Lamprologus mocquardi

Order : Cichliformes
Family : Cichlids (Cichlidae)
Subfamily : Pseudocrenilabrinae
Tribe : Lamprologini
Genre : Lamprologus
Type : Lamprologus mocquardi
Scientific name
Lamprologus mocquardi
Pellegrin , 1903

Lamprologus mocquardi is a species of African cichlid found in the northern and eastern Congo Basin . The species lives in the middle and upper Congo from Mbandaka to the Upembaseen , in the catchment area of Ubangi and Uelle , in the lower Ruki , in the lower Mongala, in Itimbiri , Aruwimi , Tshopo , Lomami , near the Wagenia Falls and in Luvua and Lualaba south up to the Upembaseen. The species has the widest distribution of all Lamprologus species.


Lamprologus mocquardi has an elongated body and is a maximum of 12 cm long, females stay smaller. The body height is 20.5 to 26% of the standard length , the head length is 29 to 34% of the standard length. The fish are gray to lavender or bluish in color. There are four to six dark, vertical stripes on the sides of the body. Lamprologus mocquardi has 30 to 32 vertebrae. On the abdomen, the scales are small and deeply embedded in the skin. They gradually merge into the larger comb scales on the sides of the body. The cheeks, neck and the area immediately in front of the dorsal fin are scaly. The top and bottom sidelines can overlap. There are 5 to 8 gill rakes on the first gill arch . The teeth in both jaws are single-pointed, curved and sharp. At the very front there are 6 to 8 greatly enlarged, curved teeth. The small teeth of the inner rows of teeth are arranged in five irregular rows. The intestine is short and its length is about 60% of the standard length. In gastric and intestinal examinations, the remains of insects and their larvae living in the water were found there.


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