Parliament building (Bozen)

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Parliament building in Bolzano

The state parliament building in the South Tyrolean capital Bozen is the seat of the South Tyrolean state parliament . The Regional Council of Trentino-South Tyrol also meets here for half a legislative period . The state parliament building is located on Silvius-Magnago- Platz next to the Palais Widmann . It was completed in 1953 and is the work of the Bolzano architects Luis Plattner and Guido Pelizzari .

Artistic equipment

In 1954, then governor Karl Erckert initiated a competition for the artistic design of the conference room. 14 artists took part, all of whom had to come from South Tyrol according to the tender criteria. Her works should illustrate "the economic and cultural progress as well as the individual landscapes of South Tyrol".

The jury's first prize went to the fresco by Karl Plattner , who was then living in Brazil . The artist traveled back to Bolzano specifically to realize his work. In the center of the picture, the fresco shows the city of Bolzano with its cathedral and arbors in a geometrically structured manner . To the left of it two farmers plow a field with a team of oxen, behind which a small village appears. On the right an apple tree is being harvested against the backdrop of a mountain landscape. Together, the individual parts of the picture represent the commercial and agricultural traditions of South Tyrol. After 16 months of work, Plattner was able to complete the fresco in time for the autumn session of the state parliament in 1955.

Heiner Gschwendt , Hans Prünster and Siegfried Pörnbacher won the jury's second prize ex aequo . Pörnbacher's submission was carried out in the large commission room. It shows a brightly colored bucolic scene with farmers working in the fields. Even Peter Fellin could attach his competition entry in the atrium of the Diet. His work, realized in shades of gray, uses the model of the old Kastelruther bridge to illustrate the cultural bridging function of South Tyrol. On the left and on the right, the building is symbolically flanked by secular and ecclesiastical power. The names Arbeos von Freising , Meinhards II. , Walthers von der Vogelweide , Michael Pachers , Beda Webers and Andreas Hofers have been added to the bridge .

In the corridor on the first floor there are two ceramic works by Maria Delago . They show farmers harvesting their grapes and a rural dance scene. A stone sculpture by the sculptor Eraldo Fozzer is placed above the entrance on the facade of the building . A woman symbolizing the province of Bolzano (or South Tyrol) is flanked in the middle by two workers who, equipped with shovels and hammers, represent agriculture and industry.


  • Martina Adami: Il grande affresco nella sala consigliare - The large country house fresco . In: Fulvio Vincentini (ed.), Karl Plattner 100 , Gardolo 2018, ISBN 979-12-200-3468-5 , pp. 45–59.
  • Arnold Tribus : Art in the Landtag: the fresco by Karl Plattner and the works of Peter Fellin, Siegfried Pörnbacher, Maria Delago, Eraldo Fozzer . South Tyrolean Parliament, Bolzano 2002 ( PDF file ; 803 kB).

Coordinates: 46 ° 29 ′ 52 "  N , 11 ° 21 ′ 31.2"  E