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A glass of lassi

Lassi ( Hindi लस्सी Lassi , Urdu لسی) is the name of an Indian yogurt drink . It occurs in variants in Asia and Eastern Europe, e.g. B. as Ayran in Turkey and the Middle East . Lassi is popular with spicy dishes because - unlike other beverages - its fat content reduces the spiciness of the food and makes it easier to digest. Lassi (if served cold) is a refreshing milk mix drink.

In Germany , the product name Lassi is used by various manufacturers for fruit-flavored yogurt drinks.

Manufacture and origin

Based on the basic recipe, Lassi is made from water or milk with yogurt in a mixing ratio of 1: 1 (or 1: 2); the sweet variant contains sugar and saffron , fruit juice or pureed fruits (e.g. as mango / yacon lassi), the salty variant is known as Namkin lassi . The basis is yoghurt with strongly acidic cultures ( Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus ).

Almost every Asian country has its own lassi recipe. Palm blossom seeds ( Kefra Water ), rose water , cardamom , cumin or even vinegar and sugar are usually added to the (mango) / yoghurt / water mixture . Lassi made in Germany differs in taste from Asian lassi, as the milk used comes from other cattle breeds.

The so-called Bhang -Lassi is an Indian specialty , it contains dried cannabis leaves or flowers and is often consumed at the lively Indian festivals, for example during Shivaratri , a festival in honor of Shiva .

In industrial production, thickeners such as locust bean gum and / or pectin are usually found in them.


The first milk and yoghurt drinks were mentioned in India in the texts of the Vedic period. In the Vedic sacrifice, food and drink, along with praise, are the primary gifts that people give to the gods, with only valuable food being offered to the gods, including dairy products. Important guests were also offered a (salty) lassi if water or tea was considered too common. The fruity and sweet lassi were made at the noble houses . There they wanted to combine pleasure with the beneficial cooling effect and the supposed increase in health.

Similar drinks

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