Educational theater

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The teaching theater is a stage with didactic intentions. It not only wants to entertain, but also to convey knowledge and change behavior.


With the concept of catharsis , the idea of ​​“instruction” and “purification” of harmful affects through the theater already appeared in ancient Greek drama , especially the poetics of Aristotle . According to the Aristotelian dramaturgy, the tragedy should allow the viewer to experience horror and shudder, “fear and pity” (Lessing) in order to achieve a purification of his soul from irritating states of excitement.

The playwright Friedrich Schillers saw the theater stage as an opportunity to have an educational effect on a wider audience. On June 26, 1784, he gave a speech entitled The Schaubühne regarded as a moral institution , in which he took the view that the Schaubühne was “ a moral institution and a school of practical wisdom ”, that it was socio-politically an “ instrument of enlightenment “And that it also“ unites the formation of the mind and the heart with the noblest entertainment ” in an aesthetic sense . He even had the exuberant vision that the stage, accessible to all people, aristocrats and citizens alike, would gradually bring together the estates and classes of the country and unite the countries of the empire into one cultural nation. He saw this as achievable because the people in front of the stage on the stage were impressively presented with the value of a moral education with the disgust for follies, meanness and vices, but also with the sympathetic virtues of noble soul forces such as unbreakable love, loyalty, selflessness and the striving for justice Eyes is guided.


Political teaching theater

In contrast to Aristotle's theater theory, the poet Bertolt Brecht developed the form of the so-called epic theater , in which social problems and social conflicts were brought to the stage in such a way that they should be perceived less emotionally than with a reflective distance from the events depicted and so prompted an intellectual debate. People should learn from the wrongdoings of the stage characters. Learning processes should not only take place with the actors creating the scenes , but also in discussions with the audience. As radio plays , the didactic pieces should also reach a wide audience via radio . The theater pedagogue Reiner Steinweg has critically examined the possibilities of theater pedagogy and, despite some bizarre failures, provocations and atrocities such as the "school opera" Der Jasager , the performance of which sparked a theatrical scandal in 1930, admits Brecht's didactic plays the opportunity for critical reflection and therapeutic ”possibilities too.

Pedagogical teaching theater

Teaching theater has a long tradition in bringing up children . For example, since the 1950s , based in Hamburg and operated by police officers like Heinz Krause , so-called police puppet stages have been built , who undertook to appear in kindergartens and primary schools with the traffic jasper and the traffic devil and to make children aware of the dangers of road traffic and to make them appropriate To teach self-assurance behaviors:

“The puppet theater [...] offers the possibility of a child-friendly presentation of problems. Any traffic situation and any traffic behavior can be demonstrated on the stage in the form of a teaching theater. The fact that children understand theater even more realistically and are emotionally moved by theater helps them learn. [...] In educational theater, the child learns how a traffic light works, how to safely cross a street, which traffic signs, facilities or people help, where seducers and Dangers lurk and how you can defend yourself against them. The theater can demonstrate behavior, show consequences, derive rules, suggest attitudes. "

- Siegbert A. Warwitz : On the educational value of the puppet game , In: Ders .: Traffic education from the child. Perceiving - playing - thinking - acting . 6th edition. Schneider Verlag, Baltmannsweiler 2009, p. 252.

Encouraged by the enormous impact of the traffic jam on children, the form of teaching and learning soon found its way into other educational areas such as crime prevention , health education , addiction prevention or nature conservation .


  • Manfred Fuhrmann : Theories of poetry in antiquity. Aristotle - Horace - 'Longin'. An introduction. 2nd Edition. Darmstadt 1992, pp. 89-110.
  • Rüdiger Safranski : Schiller or The Invention of German Idealism . Hanser, Munich 2004. ISBN 3-446-20548-9 .
  • Reiner Steinweg : didactic play and epic theater: Brecht's theory and theater pedagogical practice . 2nd Edition. Brandes & Apsel, Frankfurt / Main 2005.
  • Siegbert A. Warwitz : From the educational value of the puppet game , In: Ders .: Traffic education from the child. Perceiving - playing - thinking - acting . 6th edition. Schneider Verlag, Baltmannsweiler 2009, pp. 252-257. ISBN 978-3-8340-0563-2 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Aristotle: Poetics , chap. 6, 1449b26.
  2. Manfred Fuhrmann: Poetry theories of antiquity. Aristotle - Horace - 'Longin'. An introduction. 2nd Edition. Darmstadt 1992, pp. 89-110.
  3. ^ Rüdiger Safranski: Schiller or The Invention of German Idealism . Hanser, Munich 2004
  4. ^ Reiner Steinweg: Lehrstück and epic theater: Brecht's theory and theater pedagogical practice . 2nd Edition. Brandes & Apsel, Frankfurt / Main 2005.
  5. ^ K. Wagner: Traffic education then and now. 50 years of Verkehrskasper . Scientific state examination thesis. Karlsruhe University of Education. Karlsruhe 2002.